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ACCT1110 Contemporary Financial & Integrated Reporting
Assessment item 1 (B) – Group Case Study Assignment
Assignment Overview
You are required to write a business report analyzing the latest annual report of a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) addressing the specific issues/areas listed below under the specific assignment requirements. Within your analysis you are required to compare the findings of your company with another competing company from the same industry selected by your assignment group (preferably from ASX 200 companies available at http://www.asx200list.com/). This assignment will involve the use of corporate annual reports, analysis of the relevant information provided within the reports, comparing and contrasting the information with the requirements of relevant accounting standards and finally reporting your observations and conclusions. Your report should demonstrate your ability to access online corporate information and analyze accounting information.
The objective of this task is to develop your capabilities to:
1. read, interpret and analyse financial statements;
2. apply international accounting standards;
3. prepare a report on corporate financial performance; and
4. make judgments on applying appropriate accounting standards to different business situations.
This assignment is part of the continuous assessment and feedback. It is a group assignment – groups to have a maximum of four students. Please note again that as this is a group assignment and all students in the group are expected to work together and to contribute equitably. Accordingly each student in the group will be awarded the same mark.
Due date: by 11.59pm Monday 7 May 2018.
Marks: 20% towards final assessment.
Word limit: 3,000 words (The word limit of 3,000 words does not include cited references, table of contents and the executive summary.)
Specific Assignment Requirements:
Prepare a business report analyzing the latest annual report of the ASX listed company allocated to your group by your lecturer from the list below. Your report should address each of the following:
1. Company- Introduction, Business & operating activities, Finances and Financial performance
• Describe the core business of the company. Provide full details of its different activities and or business segments.
• Discuss the industry that the chosen company operates in. For example, is it a growing or declining industry; which are the main competitors of the company and what are they doing, etc. Ensure you discuss the implications of these factors.
• Critically analyse the financial structure of the company. How the company is funded vis-à-vis internal or external sources?
• Describe key elements of Financial Performance reported by the company in the annual report.
• Has this company reported any event that occurred after the reporting date? If so, describe the event.
• Were there any changes in accounting policies disclosed in the annual report? If yes, describe those changes.
2. Assets – PPE and Intangibles
• Analyse the carrying amount of each class of Property, Plant, and Equipment, at reporting date, of your company.
• Describe the accounting policies relating to Property, Plant, and Equipment adopted by your company.
• Analyse the intangible assets reported by the company. Discuss their composition and relevance to the company’s business.
• Describe the accounting policies relating to Intangible Assets adopted by your company.
• Are any items of Property, Plant, and Equipment, and/or Intangible Assets of your company impaired? If so, identify which assets are impaired and analyse how the impairment was determined.
3. Leases
• What are the values of the leased assets and liabilities? What information is disclosed in the notes to the accounts in relation to leased assets and lease liabilities?
4. Voluntary Disclosures
• Identify any two voluntary disclosures made by the company in its annual report or other information. Explain their relevance to company’s business.
5. Accounting for Tax
• What are the values of Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities disclosed by the company? Explain their rationale using the information provided by the company in the notes to financial statements.
For each of the above requirements/issues you need to compare and contrast your company’s information with an identified competitor. Note: It is important to refer to relevant accounting standards in your report to score high marks in this group assignment.
List of companies:
1. BHP Limited
2. Brambles Limited
3. Caltex Australia
4. CSL Limited
5. Coca-Cola Amatil
6. Cochlear Limited
7. Computershare Limited
8. Harvey Norman Limited
9. Newcrest Mining Limited
10. RIO Tinto Limited
11. Ramsay Health Care
12. Santos Limited
13. Sonic Healthcare
14. Tabcorp Holdings Limited
Late assignments
Extensions for assignments need to be made through RMIT’s special consideration procedures. Please see the RMIT website for information on special consideration.
Assignments submitted after the due date without special consideration granted, will be automatically penalized at a rate of 10% per day late. Assignments will not be accepted if more than five days late, unless prior approval has been given.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. RMIT’s policy on Plagiarism is available at RMIT website.
Examples of plagiarism include:
• Copying sentences or paragraphs word-for-word from one or more sources, whether published or unpublished, which could include but is not limited to books, journals, reports, theses, websites, conference papers, course notes, etc. without proper citation;
• Closely paraphrasing sentences, paragraphs, ideas or themes without proper citation;
• Piecing together text from one or more sources and adding only linking sentences;
• Copying or submitting whole or parts of computer files without acknowledging their source;
• Copying designs or works of art and submitting them as your original work;
• Copying a whole or any part of another student’s work; and
• Submitting work as your own that someone else has done for you.
individual task like:
That is a group assignment. The part that I have to
do/finish you can find in the word document that I marked with yellow
colour. In all of dots (parts of assignment that I have to do) it is
necessary to include a competitor (depending on the issue).
We chose company Harvey Norman for our research, and as its competitor, JB
Hi Fi.
For both companies I am forwarding the Annual report 2017.
To compare with a competitor, you need to create a table (compare NP, ROA,
You need to compare Harvey Norman with JB Hi Fi, and with Industry (3
Harvey Norman JB Hi FI Industry
The table is only given as an example.
The comparison has to be based on:
– Data from annual reports
– Analysis
– Research.