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Arby’s Marketing Analytics Business Case Assignment Answers

Arby’s Marketing Analytics Business Case Assignment Solutions


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Arby’s CMO would like to understand the performance of a recent limited-time-offer (LTO) promotion, Deep-Fried Turkey sandwiches. Ultimately, he would like to know if we recommend running this promotion again; and if so, how we would modify/improve the program.

Using the data sets provided, and any additional relevant data sets you may find, please put together a response to the following questions that can be presented to the CMO.


1. We began running out of deep-fried turkey protein in the second week of TV support. How many more sandwiches per store per day, during the tv period, might we have sold had we not run out?

  • Is there any evidence of running out of specific product components faster than the deep-fried turkey protein? If so, which one(s), and how did that impact sales?

2. We had tested this product in two markets prior to the national launch. Do you have any guidance on how we might have better used the test results (or test funds) to prevent running out during the national promotion?

3. Is there any evidence of cannibalization of the Grand Turkey Club, which is on the menu every day? If so, how might you adjust your projections? If no cannibalization, any thoughts as to why not?

4. How does the same store sales growth data help support the success, or lack thereof, of the Deep-Fried Turkey promotion?

  • Using only the same store sales growth and LTO sandwich sales, how would you rank the performance of each promotion listed?

5. Using the advertising data provided, how would you assess the media content/plan? Any recommendations for improvement?

6. What is your recommendation for the Deep-Fried Turkey promotion moving forward?

7. What additional information could have been provided to better support your decision?


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