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For week 13, in your final report, you will use the information presented in your first report and develop a written report of approximately 3500 words.
You are required to produce a report, looking at an organisation that you are familiar with and reporting on the organisation – its background and how it manages the innovation process, its strategic approach, and how it enables staff to do this. The organisation can be in the private/public or third sector.
Suggested Methodology
Identify Organisation
Select an organisation you can access readily for your investigation. Your task is to comment on how innovative and creative you consider this organisation to be by applying what you have learnt in the course materials.
The organisation should preferably be small to medium-sized. Avoid organisations with less than 5 employees. Your organisation choice should be one that will allow you to demonstrate and apply what you learned from the module.
You can choose the organisation you work for; just remember you need to be able to take a step back, be objective, and carry out research on your colleagues. It is often preferable to consider an organisation you are a customer of / have links to but don’t work there to enable you to be more objective.
To ensure forthcoming cooperation, you should first contact the organisation and seek their permission for a fact-finding trip – you will need to undertake Primary research – this usually consists of an interview and follow-up contact with management and staff, e.g. a questionnaire/observation, etc.
Secondary Research
Research the organisation and the individual via secondary / desk research BEFORE the visit. Try to find out:
The core area of business; location and history of the organisation.
Primary Research
Prepare a series of questions to ask the interviewee, preferably a manager in the organisation, covering the module materials) – these should build on the information you have discovered in your desk research. Leave enough time for this, and record the findings where possible so that you can refer back to the information later and include it in the report’s appendices.
Please ensure your own personal safety/security throughout the primary research, especially if you are meeting the interviewee for the first time. If possible, it is good to try to get a management and a staff perspective, maybe via a questionnaire or the use of Survey Monkey – these will be discussed in the workshop.
Conduct Research
Leave enough time for this, and record the findings where possible so that you can refer back to the questions.
Write up your findings in a report – include as much information about the organisation as possible eg leaflets, logos, etc.
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