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Assessment Task 3: Implement Diversity Actions Project

Task Summary

Assume the Workforce Plan has been approved and includes a number of strategies that you need to action

At the workforce, the plan consists of the objective to increase workforce diversity you are – a standard statement that can be included in all job advertisements in order to promote equal opportunity in employment and to encourage diverse groups to apply

What do students required to complete this assessment?

  • Computer and Microsoft Office
  • Access to the Internet for research

When and where do students require/need doing this?

This assessment task will be finished in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment Write in the date as counsel by your assessor

What do students have to submit?

  • Email with equal opportunity statement.

What if students get something wrong?

If your assessor views that you did not finish the task satisfactorily, they will give you feedback about the tasks you have not finished/completed satisfactorily and a timeline for resubmission.

Instructions to student

  1. Research equal opportunity statements included in job advertisement of other companies.
  2. Develop a standard statement (in your own words) that can be included in all job advertisements order to promote equal opportunity in employment and to encourage diverse groups to apply.
  3. Email the statement in an email to all managers (your assessor) explaining that the statement m, now be included in all job advertisements and explaining why.

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