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BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Assignment Help

Assessment Task1 –  Written Questions

Task Summary

Answer all of the written questions below.

What you will need

Paper and pens

When and where do I need to do this?

This assessment task will be completed in the classroom. Write in the date as advised by your assessor:

What do I have to submit?

You will need to provide correct answers to all questions. Write down your answers with the question number clearly indicated.

What if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you did provide a satisfactory answer, they will ask you to redo the question.


Provide answers to all of the questions below:

  1. Why are workplace policies and procedures important? List five key benefits.
  1. Briefly explain why it is important that workplace policies and procedures are provided and explained to staff?
  1. When should staff be provided with policies and procedures?
  1. List three methods of informing staff about changes to policies and procedures.
  1. What is the purpose of a workplace Code of Conduct?
  1. List three behaviours that a workplace Code of Conduct can cover.
  1. List three benefits of networking.
  1. List two benefits to employers of a diverse workplace?
  1. Describe the main function of the Fair Work Act 2009?
  1. What is Equal Employment Opportunity?
  1. Describe the main function of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
  1. List the objectives of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.
  1. List the objectives of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984

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Assessment Task2 – Policies and procedures development project

Task summary

For this assessment task you are to assume the role of General Manager of Accountancy Victoria and develop a number of policies and procedures to do with workplace communication and consultation.

What you will need

  • Computer and Microsoft Office
  • Access to the internet for research

What you will need

  • Case study information for Accountancy Victoria
  • Style Guide

When and where do I need to do this?

This assessment task will be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment. Write in the date as advised by your assessor:

What do I have to submit?

· Coveri ng email with all of the following documents attached:
o o o Code of ConductWorkplace Communication and Consultation Policy and ProcedureDispute Resolution Policy and Procedure

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  • Covering email with all of the following revised documents attached


Review the following case study:

Accountancy Victoria is based in Footscray, Victoria and provides accountancy and book keeping services for a range of clients.

Accountancy Victoria was established by the two Directors who are the Senior Accountants for the company. Other staff employed are three accountants, a bookkeeper and an Officer Manager. The company is expanding due to the demand for accountancy services and will employ a further three senior accountants in the next 2 months, as well as an Officer Manager and Client Services Coordinator.

You have recently been appointed as the General Manager of Accountancy Victoria. Your role is to manage the day to day operations of the company. The first task you have been allocated is to establish formal systems and processes for a range of areas, as currently most of the company’s systems and processes are informal.

To start the process of creating formal systems and processes, you have been asked to develop systems and processes for workplace communication, consultation, as well as a Code of Conduct and dispute resolution processes.

You are required to complete the following activities either in relation to the case study information or for your own workplace.

Each document must be written in clear and concise English, be approximately 2 pages and follow the style guidance provided in the Style Guide.

  1. Research and develop a Code of Conduct

You are required to research and develop a Code of Conduct so that staff are aware of and follow the standard of behaviour expected of them in relation to their fellow employees, as well as clients. Your research could include review of other staff Codes of Conduct. The document you develop must be in your own words.

The Code of Conduct needs to include as a minimum the following guidance:

  • Introduction – purpose of the Code
  • Scope – who it applies to
  • Details of expected personal and professional behaviour (as a minimum, this should address a range of ethical behaviours, as well as behaviours appropriate to working within diverse workplace)
  • Conflict of interest requirements
  • Gifts, benefits and hospitality
  • Outside employment/consulting
  • Use of social media

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  1. Workplace Communication and Consultation Policy and Procedure

Research and develop a workplace communication and consultation policy and procedure is needed to describe the mechanisms that will be used for internal communications, as well as how staff can provide input into a range of workplace related matters. Your research could include review of other workplace communication/consultation policies and/or procedures. The document you develop must be in your own words.

The policy and procedure should include the following minimum information:

  • Purpose
  • Scope
  • Communication strategies for communicating with staff – type, purpose and frequency. You should include at least four strategies in your policy and procedure.
  • Communication protocols for meetings in relation to sending out of agendas and writing up of minutes.
  • Consultation process – ways in which staff can contribute to workplace issues (e.g. surveys, suggestion forms, etc) – you must include at least three. Provide specific detail about the consultation mechanism e.g. for a suggestion box – indicate the location of the box and how suggestions will be recorded and actioned.
  1. Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure

Research and develop a dispute resolution procedure needs to be established so that all staff are aware of dispute resolution procedures in place. The dispute resolution policy and procedures needs to address the following:

  • Purpose of the policy
  • Scope – who it applies to
  • What constitutes a dispute
  • Responsibilities of managers in disputes
  • Responsibilities of employees in disputes
  • The process by which a dispute will be handled.
  1. When you have completed all of the above documents, you must submit them via email to your assessor (as though he or she is a staff member of Accountancy Victoria).

The email should provide a clear and simple summary of the documents attached and refer to the opportunity for staff to provide feedback. As the staff have varying levels of education and the bookkeeper’s first language is not English, ensure your email is written in plain English so as to be easily be understood by all recipients.

Your assessor in the role of a staff member will provide you with feedback which you should incorporate into your documents.

When you have incorporated the feedback, you will need to send the final versions to the staff (your assessor) via email again and indicating in a covering email that the feedback has been incorporated and outlining changes made based on staff feedback.

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Assessment Task3 – Networking project

Task summary

For this assessment task you are required to in the role of General Manager of Accountancy Victoria to plan networking opportunities for the next 12 months.

What you will need

  • Computer and Microsoft Office
  • Access to the internet for research
  • Professional development plan template

When and where do I do this?

This assessment should be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment.

Write in the date as advised by your assessor:

What do I have to submit?

  • Professional development/networking plan

What if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you did not complete the task satisfactorily, they will give you feedback and ask you to redo it.


Complete the following activities:

  1. In the role of General Manager of Accountancy Victoria, research at least three networks that may be relevant to the General Manager. This could be an association for managers or a local business network. It could also be a Facebook Group set up specifically for managers.
  1. For each of the networks that you have identified, identify events provided by the network over the next 12 months.  Identify  at  least  4  events  that  are  of  interest  to  you  in  the  role  of  General  Manager  of Accountancy Victoria and that would be of benefit to the team and/or company.
  1. Complete the professional development/networking plan provided by your assessor for the next 12 months.  You will need to complete the plan in full to show the details of the networking events you have identified as relevant to the role of General Manager of Accountancy Victoria.

The plan should show full details of the event including the name of the event, where it will be held, date and time and the cost of the event. You should also provide a brief description of the expected benefit to yourself (in the role of General Manager), as well as for the team of staff that you are responsible for in the role of General Manager of Accountancy Victoria.

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Assessment Task4 – Managing workplace difficulties project

Task summary

This role-play requires you to assume the role of the Office Manager at Accountancy Victoria and conduct a meeting with the Administration Assistant (role-played by your assessor). The purpose of the meeting is to a difficult workplace issue.

What you will need

  • Computer and Microsoft Office
  • Access to the internet for research
  • Fair work Managing underperformance guide
  • Space for a meeting

When and where do I do this?

This assessment should be completed in the classroom as part of the simulated work environment. Your assessor will play the role of the Beth, the Administration Assistant and will advise you of the meeting time.

Write in the date as advised by your assessor:

What do I have to submit?

  • Email inviting Beth to a meeting.
  • Follow up email summarising the outcomes of the meeting

What if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you did not complete the task satisfactorily, they will give you feedback and ask you to redo it.


Review the following case study information:

Imagine that it is six months later at Accountancy Victoria. The new Administration Assistant, Beth, has been employed and has been in the position for 2 months. Beth is from Somalia but she has been in the country for 1 year and speaks good English.

The Officer Manager, Sarah, asks to see you to discuss the Administration Assistant’s performance.

She mentions that the Beth has not been completing her tasks on time and/or to standard. She refers to a few examples, including stationary not been ordered on time, agendas for meetings not sent out in the correct format or to the required timelines and providing clients with incorrect information.

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Now complete the following activities:

  1. Before you commence this assessment, read the following guide about managing underperformance.

You will be assessed on your demonstration of the skill referred to under key points for employers to remember.

  1. Send an email to your assessor (as though they are Beth) requesting her to attend a meeting with you to discuss her work. Include a date and time for the meeting.
  1. Conduct the meeting with Beth (with your assessor playing the role of Beth) explaining to her what the problem is, why it is a problem, how it impacts on the workplace and why there is a concern.

At the meeting you must:

o  Explain the purpose of the meeting

o  Explain to Beth what the problem is

o  Explain how this behaviour impacts on the workplace/why it is a concern? Ensure you focus on the issue not the person.

o  Demonstrate your interpersonal and communication skills by:

  • Keeping your communication clear and simple
  • Listening to Beth and confirming and clarifying information shared
  • Asking questions to confirm information
  • Emphasizing Beth’s strengths as per the scenario information

o  Discuss and agree on a solution

  1. Send a follow up email to Beth within 1 day of the meeting summarizing the meeting and the solution agreed to.

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