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BUS650 International Human Resource Management Assignment Essay Answer

BUS650- Assignment Solutions on Different Culture in HRM

Assignment Details:-

  • Course Code: BUS650
  • Course Title: international human resource management
  • Referencing Style: Harvard
  • Words: 4000
  • University: Wrexham Glyndwr University
  • Country: GB

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Notes for students:

  1. An electronic copy of the assignment must be submitted through Turnitin.
  2. 10% of marks are awarded for acceptable use of language and good presentation.
  3. 5% of marks are awarded for satisfactory referencing and presentation of a bibliography where either is required. Note that all referenced work should be obtained from credible sources.
  4. Students should ensure that they comply with Glyndwr University’s plagiarism policy.
  5. Students should make correct use of the Harvard referencing method.

Learning Outcomes Tested in this Assignment:

  • Demonstrate strong recognition and appreciation of different cultures in HRM.
  • Critically compare different international management and HR practices.
  • Demonstrate strong recognition and appreciation of other cultures in HRM.
  • Critically compare different global management and HRM practices.
  • This assessment will take the form of online or face to face group discussions.
  • The students will work on five opening statements and will be expected to demonstrate-
  1. Independent study
  2. Critical understanding of intercultural management
  3. Ability to compare contrasting settings

The Opening Statements Are-

  1.  It could also consider that recruitment and selection are the most crucial factor in International Human Resource Management.
  2. The cultural differences and peculiarities of a diverse workforce can create challenges for organizations, but there are also advantages to the diversity.
  3. There are variances in people’s values, beliefs, and behaviour patterns (for example, what they consider to be right and wrong, usual and unusual) even in two countries within the same continent.
  4. Hofstede’s six dimension model of national culture is an accurate way of describing the cultural aspects and tendencies.
  5. An organisation should implement similar policies and practices across the world.

In sites where there is no moodle access, these discussions can take place in the classroom in designated groups.

What is required?

Responses to the opening statements and replies to the discussion on Moodle should demonstrate thorough independent study and learning, a critical understanding of intercultural management and the ability to compare and contrast settings.

Word guide

The word guide for the assignment is 2000. If a student responds to five opening statements, an equal distribution of words would be 400 words per statement. This is guidance, and it may be that responses to some ideas have more than 400 words slightly, and others less.

Use of Turnitin

Students may want to use Turnitin to check their drafts for plagiarism; however, the tutors will not use Turnitin with the Moodle forum.

Language of the forum

As the forum is a discussion forum, it can be written in the first person.

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