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Case Study Analysis on ARENA Simulation Software System

  • Words: 2000
  • Citation/Referencing Style: APA

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ARENA Simulation Software System Scenario – Assignment Answers

In scenario 1, a harbour consists of 4 docks for unloading and loading ships. Ships arrive at the harbour with an interarrival time of 5 hours with an exponential distribution. Ships unload at the first available dock with a normal distribution with a mean duration of 6 hours and a standard deviation of 24 hours. Ships then load immediately with a normal distribution with a mean of 8 hours and a standard deviation of 3 hours and immediately leave the harbour. The harbour operates 24 hours each day.

Scenario 2 is as described for scenario 1, but now no more than 4 ships are allowed to queue for a dock at any one time. Any ships that arrive when 4 ships are already queuing are turned away to an alternative harbour.

You are required to compare the results of scenario 1 with scenario 2 using confidence interval analysis. To do this, run the model for 28 days and for 20 replications and collect statistics on the average utilisation of the 4 harbour docks and the average of the maximum time a ship is required to wait for an available dock. You should also present a count of the average number of ships turned away in scenario 2.


  1. To build a model using the ARENA simulation software system
  2. To be able to undertake appropriate statistical analysis of model results


Using the Arena model and the written report, the requirements are as follows:

  • A brief introduction includes a description of the problem area you focus on.
  • A clear description of the conceptual model, including a clear statement of objective(s), suitable diagram(s), inputs, outputs, model content: scope and detail, assumptions and simplifications. It should also include all necessary justifications and explanations for the modelling decisions made.
  • Clear details of the verification and validation processes carried out (including any results of these V & V processes, appropriate interpretation and details of any action taken).
  • Brief Documentation of your model (this can include a description in an appendix, so it is clear how your model works).
  • Using your Arena model, an investigation of the harbour’s operations as set out in the task details/description. You should clearly explain the steps you have taken to ensure accurate results. You should also perform statistical tests that you think are appropriate.
  • A clear and appropriate display, discussion and interpretation of your results. An explanation of their implications in terms of the problem and the objectives and, thus, a clear and appropriate presentation of your recommendations for the client.

The main body of the report should not be more than 2000 words in Times New Roman font, single-spaced. In an addition, an Appendix of no more than 10 pages may be included. The appendix may include supporting material such as model documentation and relevant data analysis. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit. Marks will be given for good report structure and the appropriate use of appendices.

The following is an explanation of how marking criteria are applied.

70%+   Provides all the required criteria material as specified and demonstrates excellent to complete understanding and comprehension of the chosen system issues in relation to conducting the different aspects of the DES project. Any modelling decisions are correct, appropriate and clearly explained and justified.  The presented work is of excellent to exceptional quality.

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