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- There is mention in Volume 2 of the CO2227 subject guide of the Levenshtein algorithm for determining the edit distance between two strings. For this part of the assignment, you are to present a description and discussion of the Levenshtein algorithm that includes variations (one example is the Levenshtein-Damerau algorithm) and applications. You’re encouraged to look at abroad range of applications,but you should make sure you include in particular the application to music. Your discussion should be up to 1,000 words long, and you need to pay attention to academic writing, making sure you cite and reference correctly. Note that a shorter essay will not obtain lower marks, if it includes all that is required; content is more important than length. Submission is to be a .pdf file, called YourNameYourSRNPartA.pdf (for example, the file could be called JoBloggs10923467PartA.pdf). [20%]
- Develop a Processing sketch that implements the Levenshtein distance algorithm, or an appropriate variation, that is able to determine thedistance between pairs of strings. Make sure that you are able to (reasonably) flexibly enter different strings for comparison; this may be via keyboard, mouse, or file input, but you should justify your choice. Theultimateapplicationofthisimplementationistobeabletodecidewhetherastringthat is input is close enough to a name of a city or town in the country that you live in. So, for example, the user of your sketch should be able to enter “Londen” and this should be seen as a valid city, whereas “Loonon” probably won’t be (and “Undern” certainly shouldn’t be). You should include with your submission a discussion of the approach you’ve used in implementing the algorithm, and your view on the accuracy and reliability of your approach. If the algorithm is weak in certain aspects, discuss this also.2CO2227 Creative Computing II: 2016–17 Coursework assignment 1Submission should be in a zip or rar file containing appropriately named files, to be called YourNameYourSRNPartB.ext. The ext would depend on what kind of compression you used. You should have a folder for the Processing artifact, and a separate .pdf file for the written discussion. [25%]
- Develop an interactive sketch that is inspired by the work you did in Part B. You should focus on the creative
aspects, and make use of the material in Chapter 7 ’Introduction to Creative Thinking’ and Appendix A ’Creative Brief’ of Volume 2 of the CO1112 Creative computing1subjectguide,which discusses creative thinking. Be very clear in your written report for this section exactly what it is you are trying to demonstrate or achieve. As your submission to this part, include your Processing sketch code, and any source materialsalongwithoriginandattribution. Itshouldbeeasy for examiners to runy our sketch, so you need to make sure you include everything required for them to do so. Instructions on how to use the sketch should be included here if appropriate, as part of the written submission for this section (see following paragraph). Accompanying your code submission, in .pdf, you should submit a description of the aspects of distance metrics that you’ve focused on. Under a separate heading, include a descriptionof yourdesigndecisions,any aestheticconsiderationsyou made,andacritique of your work, which looks at the effectiveness of what you have achieved, as well as the technical hurdles you may have encountered while doing so. This should be up to 1,000 words, although you may be able to do it in a much more concise document. You won’t be penalised for a shorter document, nor will you get higher marks for one that is close to 1,000 words. What is important is the quality and incisiveness of your description and critique. Submission should be in a zip or rar file containing appropriately named files, to be called YourNameYourSRNPartC.ext. You should have a folder for the Processing artefact, and a separate file for the .pdf discussion. It is important that the Processing sketch works directly, so make sure any relevant data files are also included in the appropriate folder. [40%]
- TakealookatthepaperbyKeithOrpenandDavidHuron,givenbelow. It’sanearlypaper looking at the use of the Levenshtein distance in measuring similarity in music. You don’t need to examine every bit of this paper in great detail, but you should obtain an overview of what the main threads are. Using this, and any other research since then, comment on the relevance of this work to music recommender systems. We are looking for your own views and insights, justified and supported by the reading you’ve done. This should take the form of a short essay, using appropriate academic writing, of at most 500 words, submitted as a PDF.Orpen, K. & D. Huron (1992). ’The measurement of similarity in music: a quantitative approach for non-parametric representations’, Computers in Music Research, Vol. 4, pp. 1–44.Your response is to be submitted in a file called YourNameYourSRNPartD.pdf. [13%]
3CO2227 Creative Computing II: 2016–17 Coursework assignment 1
- Identify a fellow student who is also completing a submission for CO2227 Coursework assignment 1. Please arrange to swap with the student their whole submission, after the deadline for submission has passed. You will need their submission in order to complete your next coursework assignment. Submit, in a file called YourNameYourSRNPartE.pdf, the name and student number of the student with whom you will be swapping work, and a brief sentence about how you know this student. Students at teaching institutions may choose a classmate, but this is not compulsory and any student taking the course this year is permissible. For students studying independently, the VLE is your best bet for finding a student to partner with on this part of the coursework assignment
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