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Are you looking for FNM40 Managing Finance in Different Contexts Assignment and the Reflective Statement Answers? Get Reliable FNM40 managing Finance in Context Assignment Help in UK. Management and Business is a difficult subject for many students. We Provide MBA Finance Assignment Service and Management Case Study Assignment Help from MBA/PhD Writers. The assignment and the Reflective Statement have to be submitted by the deadline via Student central. The aim of the assignment is for you to undertake a piece of work to be assessed by the Brighton Business School. FNM40_2020 in student central.
4000 Words Assignment Brief (Answers) on FNM40-Managing Finance in Different Contexts 2020
Assignment Brief
The assignment and the Reflective Statement have to be submitted by the deadline via Studentcentral. We will provide you with instructions on how to access Studentcentral. The Purple Pages are available on Studentcentral or can be collected from the postgraduate office and should be read in conjunction with this module reader as they contain important information on how to submit your work, use the submission point on Studentcentral and apply for an extension.
Assignment Aim
The aim of the assignment is for you to undertake a piece of work to be assessed by the Brighton Business School. It should be shaped by the critical and reflective knowledge gained through your study of the module and demonstrate that you have achieved an understanding of the concepts within the context of your role in your own organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar.
This will be achieved by drawing on the relevant range of topics studied during the module, and by applying knowledge, understanding, application, relevance and intellectual ability to your chosen module topic.
FNM40 Managing your Project
Identifying your Topic
Reflect on your current or previous work situation and identify a management issue, which you and/or your organisation might benefit from you exploring further. It can be a project you have been asked to carry out at work, or it can be a situation, which was difficult to handle or it can be a change in the services which you are providing. If you are in doubt about which topic to choose, discuss the various possibilities with your respective module tutors.
Finding a Focus
Once you have identified an area of work you need to ask yourself: “What do I as a manager need to learn from this situation?” Your approach will be as individual as you are, however generally students tend to undertake one of three approaches;
Perhaps you can identify a specific problem which you need to address in your management practice, e.g., you have just been given a new budget to manage and have some concerns about the impact of it.
Or perhaps you find it more difficult to identify a clear problem, but you are aware of a number of issues concerning management of resources that you would like to explore.
At this stage in producing the work-based assignment it is possible to become very frustrated. It is important to remember that this is the most difficult part of the learning process and one in which you need to allow yourself time to discuss with your tutors, fellow students, colleagues, line manager etc., and to reflect and focus on your learning needs.
Researching your Focus
This involves two activities: reading and active research.
Your chosen focus should direct your reading. The modules and tutorials provide a forum for you to explore areas of knowledge/practice in a practical way. Theories, models, academic ideas which you think are useful to you should be recorded, in particular keeping notes on how they are useful to you (perhaps they helped you to think about a management issue in a new way?) and how you might use them.
From the theories, models and academic ideas you have gathered it is now time to apply them to your work setting. You may choose any of the accounting theories that you think are appropriate for you e.g.activity based costing or investment appraisal.
At this stage in the learning process you are trying to use academic knowledge to make sense of a situation which you are required to manage.
Recording and analysing your findings
Now you are interested in exploring what you have found as the result of your reading and research activity.
The facts need to be established e.g. resource availability or resource requirements.
Your data must then be analysed using the concepts that you have selected as appropriate.
Writing your Work Based Assignment
It is important to think about the structure as well as the content of your assignment. You need to remember that the readers (academics, line managers) need to read what you want to tell them and not everything ‘you know’ about a particular area of study. Therefore you should approach your writing in a focused way. The following example provides a useful template for anyone who is unsure about what an assignment might look like.
The structure should include:
A short summary of the assignment, which includes your chosen focus, what you have attempted to do and your findings/analysis and recommendations. As this is a distilled synthesis of your work it is often useful to complete this part of the writing until the end.
This should include details of what you set out to do, how, why, and what you needed to learn. In addition some brief explanation regarding the format of the assignment is also required.
Here you set the scene by providing an overview of the topic area including you learning needs and your reading.
Here you detail your research approach and what you did.
These must be presented clearly. Where there are lengthy findings these may be attached to the assignment as an appendix and a summary placed in the main body of the assignment.
Analysis and conclusions
Here you need to reflect on your findings in light of your management practice. In addition there may be lessons which the organisation needs to learn from your work.
These need to emerge naturally from the body of your assignment. They should be attainable and realistic. They should provide a framework for future work for you or the organisation.
Other things you might need to know
Writing an assignment requires an understanding of the expectations readers have of you. Here are some additional points that you may need to consider;
Work should be well presented – no spelling mistakes, use of poor grammar etc. If you build in editing time into the writing process you will ensure that your assignment is presented appropriately.
Referencing of sources should be clear (please see appendix B on referencing if you are unsure as to how to reference your work).
Anecdotal stories or practice bias should not be presented in your assignment as ‘evidence’ as they are not acceptable. Whilst your experience and views are important you must remember that your management practice should be based on objective, impartial evidence.
The object of the exercise, writing a work-based management assignment, should not be a futile exercise. The experience and learning you gain whilst undertaking completion of the assignment should provide valuable, enabling and transferable learning. If you get stuck or have a mental block contact your tutor, line manager in supervision or your peers and get support by talking about what you are trying to achieve. Above all remember that the Programme has been designed to be the beginning of an ongoing critical, reflective, learning approach to practice and therefore the learning does not stop when the Programme is over.
Notes on Referencing Your Work
Within the body of the report
Referencing is important in its own right. A management assignment or academic essay needs to demonstrate its validity by giving the sources of the ideas, concepts and data used in the work. A precise reference that enables the reader to locate the material referred to is exactly the hallmark of good quality work. References within your assignment should be made using the author’s surname, followed by the date of the publication, e.g., Douglas (1994) or (Mercer et al, 1997) or Mickey and Mouse, 1998a). The positioning of the brackets depends upon the wording in the text. The suffixes a, b, c, etc.) are added to differentiate between publications by the same author(s) in the same year. You should include books (and pamphlets and journals etc.) that you have consulted, as well as those directly referenced in a bibliography at the end of the assignment.
The following constitutes good practice: the bibliography should be a single list in alphabetical order by author, where the format for each entry is as follows,
Books Author, (date of publication), Title, Edition (if not first), Publisher e.g., Mazur, L & Hogg, A, (1993). The Marketing Challenge. Adison-Wesley.
JournalsAuthor (date of publication) Title. Journal. Volume: Pages (beginning and ending) e.g., Rothwell, R and Gardiner, P (1989), The Strategic Management of reinnovation. R & D Management, 19, 2:19 – 29
Internet Publications Material published on the World Wide Web will often be available in print, in which case the normal reference format can be applied. Ensure that the full source of the document is provided in each case e.g., Software Engineering Institute (1993), The capability maturity model for software CMU/SEI/http://ricis.cl.uh.edu/CMM/TR24/tr24.html
The best way to avoid any risk of plagiarism is to reference all the important ideas and facts you have read in your work (please see the student handbook for information on plagiarism).
Reference ID: #getanswers2001068