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FNS40821 – Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking Case Study

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Assignment Detail:

  • Words: 1000 + calculations each case study

Case Study (No 1)  John and Mary Smith

John and Mary are looking to refinance their existing loans with Westpac and ANZ. In addition they would like to clear their existing Mastercard with Westpac and Qantas American Express Card.

They have come to you and have expressed these points over the telephone prior to your meeting:

  1. They would like a facility where they can make extra repayments and have a redraw facility available to them
  2. They don’t really care which credit provided is used – they don’t wish to go with either ANZ or Westpac
  3. It appears there is some concern over interest rate increases in the future
  4. They have grown up children that no longer live with them and both work full time
  5. They would like a finance solution that is simple and easy to use
  6. They have no dependents

Current Position:

Westpac Home Loan                           $365,000                               Property Value (Estimate)                  $780,000

ANZ Car Loan – Personal Use            $25,000                                 Repayment                                            $550.00 P/Month

Credit Card – Westpac                        $10,000 (Limit)                     Balance                                                  $4,200.00

Credit Card – Amex                             $5,000 (Limit)                       Balance                                                  $2,640.00

Income: Both PAYG

John Smith                                          $96,000                 Office Manager/Woolworths

Mary Smith                                         $48,000                 Admin Assistant/High School – Local

Requirement of Case Study

  1. What type of loan structure would suggest; and
  2. Your rationale behind your option/strategy

Case Study – John and Mary Smith (Worksheet)

Case Study (No 2)  Jack and Jill Rogers

Jack and Jill want to use their existing owner occupied homed to assist in the security for the purchase of an investment property.

They have found a house they are eager to make an offer on and the sale price is $640,000. Real estate agents in the area believe they could receive a weekly rental return of between $650 and $700 on the property which is situated in a high demand area.

They have made an appointment with you to consider their options.

Notes to the Case Study

  1. Jack and Jill want to borrow for this venture
  2. They do not want to use any of their own funds for this purchase
  3. Their current home is valued at $720,000 (valuation provided by two local agents)
  4. Current debt on the home is $285,000 (ING Bank)
  5. They have one dependent child (Age 8 years)

Current Position:

Other Debts

Mastercard Limit                  $10,000                 Balance  $8,400

Store Card Limit                   $5,000                  Balance $4,000

Personal Loan Car                $12,600                                 Monthly Repayment $485.50


Income:  Both PAYG

Jack Rogers                                           $64,000                 Warehouse Supervisor/Bunnings

Jill Rogers                                              $72,000                 Nurse/Royal Hospital

Requirement of Case Study

  1. What type of loan structure would suggest, and
  2. Your rationale behind this option/strategy

Case Study – Jack and Jill Rogers (Worksheet)

Also Checkout: FNS40815 Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking Assessment Answers


Case Study (No 3)      Peter and Sally White

Peter and Sally are first home buyers and they are looking to determine exactly how much they can borrow. (You may research the market to determine – search lender websites or you aggregation software if you have access).

Notes to the Case Study

  1. They are eligible for the First Home Buyers/Construction Grant
  2. They have a little over $40,000 in savings
  3. They want a loan that is fairly simple and can allow extra payments
  4. They would like to know if they make payments fortnightly how would that affect their loan
  5. They are hoping to start a family in a couple of years
  6. At present they have no dependents
  7. Sally parents have offered a gift (non-repayable) of $15,000 to assist in a property purchase
  8. They don’t want to go with the “bigger” banks

Current Position:


ANZ Card Limit                      $20,000                 Balance  $500

CBA Card Limit                      $5,000                  Balance $Nil

CBA Personal Loan Car       $10,500                                 Monthly Repayment $390.00


Income:  Both PAYG

Peter White                                          $78,000                 Salesperson/Retail

Sally White                                            $48,000                 Part Time/Receptionist

Requirement of Case Study

  1. What type of loan structure would suggest, and
  2. Your rationale behind this option/strategy

Case Study – Peter and Sally White (Worksheet)

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