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Get Answers for the Human-Automation Literature Review and Thesis Methodology

Looking for the Human-Automation Literature Review and Thesis Methodology Question to Answers Solution? Gets Thesis Paper Writing ServiceProfessional Literature Review Writing ServicesDissertation Writing Guide for MBA/PhD from PhD/MBA Experts at cost-effective rates? Acquire HD Quality research work with 100% Plagiarism free content.


Advantages and Limitation of Automation and Human Labor in Organizational Practices

I am still waiting for the MBA thesis topic.

I have come up with some ideas but I don’t know if you guys will have materials to do the job.

That is the reason I wanted you guys to send me a topic that you are comfortable with.

Below are the topics that are on my mind right now. Kindly let me know if you do have experts to write this thesis for me.


  1. THE HUMAN-AUTOMATION Interaction in today’s HR Process
  2. Advantage and Limitations of Automation and Human labor in Organizational practices

I did like the number 2. Please do check if you guys re comfortable with the topic.

I look forward to hearing from you soon as this is urgent the literature review and methodology is due on the 25th of this month.

Kindly find the attached document for the assignment and the instructions. And also the word limit.

It’s not up to 1000. It is just a page. Kindly take a look at it and get back to me. I guess that will determine the cost.

I am just reading through the assignment again.

After this approval we will start work on thesis 13K words.

This is the literature review and methodology if it is approved for my thesis then the word limit will be 13,000. And I am hoping you guys will have material for the main thesis.


Your assignment submission

Your first assignment is to be a document structured using the following headings and which is CONCISE.

Working Title: (Advantages and Limitation of Automation and Human Labor in Organizational practices)


Briefly describe the background to your proposed research. What contexts will you be looking at, and which specific organisations?

Research problem and questions

State your research problem and think of some possible research questions. You should express your research topic in the form of a problem which needs solving, a question that needs answering or something which you find exciting and has aroused your curiosity.

Then think about breaking down the overall research problem or question into specific research questions that you think will be actionable in your research.

Typically most students start off “too wide and shallow” here.  Have a go and we can discuss it during the drop-in connect session. The word length submission for the drop-in session should be no longer than the length of the content of this page up to this point.

Reference ID: #getanswers19120010

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