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1. Corporate Governance KE (a) (10 marks)

Examine the ‘Corporate Governance in New Zealand Principles and Guidelines’ PDF document at  or download a copy from this course’s website on EITonline.

Consider obtaining a real organisation’s latest Annual Report and/or conduct an interview with an Executive(s) employed by a real organisation and examine its:

  • Governance policies (reconcile these with the ‘Corporate Governance in New Zealand Principles and Guidelines’ PDF document).
  • ‘Code of Conduct’.
  • Governance policies.
  • Board composition.
  • Managerial defence tactics.

Using principles from your research findings and Hanson et al (2014) Chapter 10, develop for your fictitious organisation: 

  • Governance policies. Justify your response (5 marks)

1.2  A ‘Code of Conduct’. Justify your response. (5 marks) 

  1. Organisational Structure and Controls KE (b) (15 marks) 

Consider examining in a real organisation: 

  • Its organisational structure.
  • Its organisational controls (i.e. strategic controls and financial controls.) 
  • Its cost leadership, differentiation and/or integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategies.
  • How effectively its structure supports the implementation of its cost leadership, differentiation and/or integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategies.
  • Its worldwide and/or domestic regional structure(s) and their effectiveness in implementing strategy(s) with its global/regional alliances.

Strategic Marketing Assignment Help

Using principles from your research findings and Hanson et al (2014) Chapter 11, develop for your fictitious organisation:

  • An organisational structure to support implementation of its cost leadership, differentiation and/or integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategies. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Organisational controls (i.e. strategic controls and financial controls). Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Develop cost leadership, differentiation and/or integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategies). Justify your response. (5 marks) 
  1. Strategic Leadership KE (c) (25 marks)

Consider examining in a real organisation: 

  • Factors that affect its manager’s strategic decision-making discretion (i.e. freedom of choice) to achieve strategic success.
  • Its managerial succession plan.
  • How effectively its managers develop external ‘social capital’ and impact on its strategic intent.
  • Five dimensions of its ‘entrepreneurial mindset’ (i.e. autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactivity, competitive aggressiveness) and the extent they influence its innovation and launch new ventures.
  • How and the extent to which its leaders develops the organisation’s internal ethical culture.

Based on principles identified in your research activities above and Hanson et al (2014) Chapter 12, develop for your fictitious organisation: 

  • Strategies to maximise its manager’s decision – making discretion to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • A managerial succession plan. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Leadership strategies to develop its external ‘social capital’ for competitive advantage. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Leadership strategies to maximize innovativeness and launch new ventures with an explanation of your response. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Leadership strategies to develop its internal ethical culture with an explanation of your response. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  1. Strategic Entrepreneurship KE (d) (25 marks) 

Consider identifying in a real organisation: 

  • How its managers overcome resource constraints to successfully exploit entrepreneurial opportunities for sustainable competitive advantage.
  • The essence of its ‘entrepreneurial mind-set’ to develop sustainable competitive advantage.
  • How it uses ‘international entrepreneurship’ for developing sustainable competitive advantage.
  • How it produces ‘incremental’ and ‘radical’ innovations from its Research and Development activities for sustainable competitive advantage.
  • How it creates ‘value’ through innovative cooperative strategies, acquisitions and strategic entrepreneurship.

Based on principles identified in your research activities above and Hanson et al (2014) Chapter 13, develop for your fictitious organisation:

  • Strategies for overcoming resource constraints and successful entrepreneurial exploitation of opportunities. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • An ‘entrepreneurial mind-set’ credo to develop sustainable competitive advantage. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • ‘International entrepreneurship’ strategies for sustainable competitive advantage. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Strategies to produce ‘incremental’ and ‘radical’ innovations in its Research and Development activities for sustainable competitive advantage, with an explanation of your response. (5 marks)
  • Strategies to generate sustainable ‘value’ through innovative cooperative strategies, acquisitions and strategic entrepreneurship. Justify your response. (5 marks) 
  1. Monitoring Strategic Performance KE (e) (10 marks) 

Consider identifying in a real organisation: 

  • How it evaluates whether it controls the performance of its financial, customer, internal business processes and organisational learning and growth strategies to attain sustainable competitive advantage.
  • If it uses a Balanced Scorecard framework to control the performance of its financial, customer, internal business processes and organisational learning and growth (and/or other) strategies, analyse the extent of its effectiveness to achieve sustainable competitive advantage –or-If the organisation does not use a Balanced Scorecard framework, determine and justify if using one would significantly improve how it attempts to attain sustainable competitive advantage. 

Based on principles identified in your research activities above and Hanson et al (2014) Chapter 11 (pp. 276 – 379) develop for your fictitious organisation: 

  • An effective Balanced Scorecard framework to control the performance of its financial, customer, internal business processes and organisational learning and growth (and/or other) strategies, analyse the extent of its effectiveness to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. (5 marks)
  • Justify the design of your Balanced Scorecard framework. (5 marks) 

Learning Outcome 5: (26 Marks) 

  1. Conclusion (15 marks) LO 5: (KE a) 
  • From your research in the previous sections, summarise and justify how your organisation could achieve sustainable strategic competitiveness and sustainably earn above average financial returns. Justify your response. (5 marks)

Note: ‘6.2’ in the Appendix A Marking Rubric (p. 12) is a reference point for the marker to award marks for the choice and use of strategic management principles/tools/processes in this assignment.  It is not to be included as a sub-section in the assignment.


You should present your research findings in the structure shown below which is underpinned by the Marking Rubric (Appendix A).

Title Page

Table of Contents

  1. Corporate Governance

1.1  Governance Policies

1.2  Code of Conduct

  1. Organisational Structure and Controls

2.1  Organisational Structure

2.2  Organisational Controls

2.3  Cost Leadership, Differentiation & Integrated Strategies

  1. Strategic Leadership

3.1  Discretionary Decision-Making Strategies

3.2  Managerial Succession Plan

3.3  ‘Social Capital’ development strategies

3.4  Innovation strategies

3.5  Ethical Cultural development strategies

  1. Strategic Entrepreneurship

4.1  Resource Constraint strategies

4.2  ‘Entrepreneurial Mind-set’ credo

4.3  International Entrepreneurship strategies

4.4  Research & Development strategies

4.5  Strategic Entrepreneurship strategies

  1. Monitoring Strategic Performance Evaluation

5.1  Balanced Scorecard Framework

5.2  Balanced Scorecard Framework justification

  1. Conclusion

6.1  Achievement of sustainable competitiveness & financial returns 

References & Bibliography 



Table 1 (next page) outlines a range of assignment ‘action words’ used in this document and how they should be interpreted.  Note that the definitions provided are not intended to be precise and that some terms can be used interchangeably (e.g. analyse and discuss).  If you are uncertain how to approach this assignment using these action words, please discuss this with your lecturer. 

Table 1. Assignment Action Words 

Action Word Suggested Interpretation
AnalyseDiscuss Treat the topic in some depth, examining all relevant issues.  Identify key components, theories, principles, or concepts.  After considering all perspectives, develop a viewpoint in response to the assignment question, and support your reasoning with evidence as appropriate.
Assess Examine all aspects and make a judgment as to quality or attributes.  May involve identifying cause and effect, implications and impacts, or strengths and weaknesses.
Describe Provide accurate and precise information:  illustrate wit example(s) where appropriate.
Justify2 Show the correctness of a statement or opinion, using validated and objective supporting evidence.
Outline Briefly describe, summarise main features of principles.  Clearly define stages in a process.  Omit lesser detail.
Summarise Provide a shortened version in your own words, highlighting major points and omitting less important detail.

Adapted from:

  1. Planning & Writing University Assignments (2009) Otago University Retrieved from
  2. To your Marks! Advice to teachers and tutors on setting and marking assignments. NZ Qualifications Authority, November 1997, 130125 – Action Language 1


A template has been created for this assignment and uploaded to this course’s website at EITonline for your use.  If you prefer not to use the template, your assignment should be formatted according to the following guidelines.

  • Title page shows the following elements:
    • Appropriate title
    • Course number and name
    • Assignment number
    • Fictitious organisation name
    • Student Name and Student Number
    • Date of submission
    • Number of words in assignment body (excluding Appendices, References, Bibliography)
  • Each section should have a bold, numbered title and start on a new page
  • The word length for this assessment is 9,000 words +/- 10%, excluding the References, Bibliograpy and Appendices
  • Line spacing set to 1½
  • Centered page numbers in the Footer
  • Set page margins to 4 cm left and 2.5 cm right, 2.5 cm top and 2.5 cm bottom
  • 12 point Arial font
  • Reference list of full citations included for information sources used in APA v6 format
  • Bibliography list of full citations for information sources read but not used in APA v6 format
  • A Table of Contents is to present each numbered assignment section and sub-section, Table of Figures, Table of Tables showing page numbers
  1. Corporate Governance KE (a) (10 marks)

Examine the ‘Corporate Governance in New Zealand Principles and Guidelines’ PDF document at  or download a copy from this course’s website on EITonline.

Consider obtaining a real organisation’s latest Annual Report and/or conduct an interview with an Executive(s) employed by a real organisation and examine its:

  • Governance policies (reconcile these with the ‘Corporate Governance in New Zealand Principles and Guidelines’ PDF document).
  • ‘Code of Conduct’.
  • Governance policies.
  • Board composition.
  • Managerial defence tactics.

Using principles from your research findings and Hanson et al (2014) Chapter 10, develop for your fictitious organisation: 

  • Governance policies. Justify your response (5 marks)

1.2  A ‘Code of Conduct’. Justify your response. (5 marks) 

  1. Organisational Structure and Controls KE (b) (15 marks) 

Consider examining in a real organisation: 

  • Its organisational structure.
  • Its organisational controls (i.e. strategic controls and financial controls.) 
  • Its cost leadership, differentiation and/or integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategies.
  • How effectively its structure supports the implementation of its cost leadership, differentiation and/or integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategies.
  • Its worldwide and/or domestic regional structure(s) and their effectiveness in implementing strategy(s) with its global/regional alliances.

Using principles from your research findings and Hanson et al (2014) Chapter 11, develop for your fictitious organisation:

  • An organisational structure to support implementation of its cost leadership, differentiation and/or integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategies. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Organisational controls (i.e. strategic controls and financial controls). Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Develop cost leadership, differentiation and/or integrated cost leadership/differentiation strategies). Justify your response. (5 marks) 
  1. Strategic Leadership KE (c) (25 marks)

Consider examining in a real organisation: 

  • Factors that affect its manager’s strategic decision-making discretion (i.e. freedom of choice) to achieve strategic success.
  • Its managerial succession plan.
  • How effectively its managers develop external ‘social capital’ and impact on its strategic intent.
  • Five dimensions of its ‘entrepreneurial mindset’ (i.e. autonomy, innovativeness, risk taking, proactivity, competitive aggressiveness) and the extent they influence its innovation and launch new ventures.
  • How and the extent to which its leaders develops the organisation’s internal ethical culture.

Based on principles identified in your research activities above and Hanson et al (2014) Chapter 12, develop for your fictitious organisation: 

  • Strategies to maximise its manager’s decision – making discretion to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • A managerial succession plan. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Leadership strategies to develop its external ‘social capital’ for competitive advantage. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Leadership strategies to maximize innovativeness and launch new ventures with an explanation of your response. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Leadership strategies to develop its internal ethical culture with an explanation of your response. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  1. Strategic Entrepreneurship KE (d) (25 marks) 

Consider identifying in a real organisation: 

  • How its managers overcome resource constraints to successfully exploit entrepreneurial opportunities for sustainable competitive advantage.
  • The essence of its ‘entrepreneurial mind-set’ to develop sustainable competitive advantage.
  • How it uses ‘international entrepreneurship’ for developing sustainable competitive advantage.
  • How it produces ‘incremental’ and ‘radical’ innovations from its Research and Development activities for sustainable competitive advantage.
  • How it creates ‘value’ through innovative cooperative strategies, acquisitions and strategic entrepreneurship.

Based on principles identified in your research activities above and Hanson et al (2014) Chapter 13, develop for your fictitious organisation:

  • Strategies for overcoming resource constraints and successful entrepreneurial exploitation of opportunities. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • An ‘entrepreneurial mind-set’ credo to develop sustainable competitive advantage. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • ‘International entrepreneurship’ strategies for sustainable competitive advantage. Justify your response. (5 marks)
  • Strategies to produce ‘incremental’ and ‘radical’ innovations in its Research and Development activities for sustainable competitive advantage, with an explanation of your response. (5 marks)
  • Strategies to generate sustainable ‘value’ through innovative cooperative strategies, acquisitions and strategic entrepreneurship. Justify your response. (5 marks) 
  1. Monitoring Strategic Performance KE (e) (10 marks) 

Consider identifying in a real organisation: 

  • How it evaluates whether it controls the performance of its financial, customer, internal business processes and organisational learning and growth strategies to attain sustainable competitive advantage.
  • If it uses a Balanced Scorecard framework to control the performance of its financial, customer, internal business processes and organisational learning and growth (and/or other) strategies, analyse the extent of its effectiveness to achieve sustainable competitive advantage –or-

If the organisation does not use a Balanced Scorecard framework, determine and justify if using one would significantly improve how it attempts to attain sustainable competitive advantage.

 Based on principles identified in your research activities above and Hanson et al (2014) Chapter 11 (pp. 276 – 379) develop for your fictitious organisation: 

  • An effective Balanced Scorecard framework to control the performance of its financial, customer, internal business processes and organisational learning and growth (and/or other) strategies, analyse the extent of its effectiveness to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. (5 marks)
  • Justify the design of your Balanced Scorecard framework. (5 marks) 

Learning Outcome 5: (26 Marks) 

  1. Conclusion (15 marks) LO 5: (KE a) 
  • From your research in the previous sections, summarise and justify how your organisation could achieve sustainable strategic competitiveness and sustainably earn above average financial returns. Justify your response. (5 marks)

Note: ‘6.2’ in the Appendix A Marking Rubric (p. 12) is a reference point for the marker to award marks for the choice and use of strategic management principles/tools/processes in this assignment.  It is not to be included as a sub-section in the assignment.

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You should present your research findings in the structure shown below which is underpinned by the Marking Rubric (Appendix A).

Title Page

Table of Contents

  1. Corporate Governance

1.1  Governance Policies

1.2  Code of Conduct

  1. Organisational Structure and Controls

2.1  Organisational Structure

2.2  Organisational Controls

2.3  Cost Leadership, Differentiation & Integrated Strategies

  1. Strategic Leadership

3.1  Discretionary Decision-Making Strategies

3.2  Managerial Succession Plan

3.3  ‘Social Capital’ development strategies

3.4  Innovation strategies

3.5  Ethical Cultural development strategies

  1. Strategic Entrepreneurship

4.1  Resource Constraint strategies

4.2  ‘Entrepreneurial Mind-set’ credo

4.3  International Entrepreneurship strategies

4.4  Research & Development strategies

4.5  Strategic Entrepreneurship strategies

  1. Monitoring Strategic Performance Evaluation

5.1  Balanced Scorecard Framework

5.2  Balanced Scorecard Framework justification

  1. Conclusion

6.1  Achievement of sustainable competitiveness & financial returns 

References & Bibliography 



Table 1 (next page) outlines a range of assignment ‘action words’ used in this document and how they should be interpreted.  Note that the definitions provided are not intended to be precise and that some terms can be used interchangeably (e.g. analyse and discuss).  If you are uncertain how to approach this assignment using these action words, please discuss this with your lecturer. 

Table 1. Assignment Action Words 

Action Word Suggested Interpretation
AnalyseDiscuss Treat the topic in some depth, examining all relevant issues.  Identify key components, theories, principles, or concepts.  After considering all perspectives, develop a viewpoint in response to the assignment question, and support your reasoning with evidence as appropriate.
Assess Examine all aspects and make a judgment as to quality or attributes.  May involve identifying cause and effect, implications and impacts, or strengths and weaknesses.
Describe Provide accurate and precise information:  illustrate wit example(s) where appropriate.
Justify2 Show the correctness of a statement or opinion, using validated and objective supporting evidence.
Outline Briefly describe, summarise main features of principles.  Clearly define stages in a process.  Omit lesser detail.
Summarise Provide a shortened version in your own words, highlighting major points and omitting less important detail.

Adapted from:

  1. Planning & Writing University Assignments (2009) Otago University Retrieved from
  2. To your Marks! Advice to teachers and tutors on setting and marking assignments. NZ Qualifications Authority, November 1997, 130125 – Action Language 1


A template has been created for this assignment and uploaded to this course’s website at EITonline for your use.  If you prefer not to use the template, your assignment should be formatted according to the following guidelines.

  • Title page shows the following elements:
    • Appropriate title
    • Course number and name
    • Assignment number
    • Fictitious organisation name
    • Student Name and Student Number
    • Date of submission
    • Number of words in assignment body (excluding Appendices, References, Bibliography)
  • Each section should have a bold, numbered title and start on a new page
  • The word length for this assessment is 9,000 words +/- 10%, excluding the References, Bibliograpy and Appendices
  • Line spacing set to 1½
  • Centered page numbers in the Footer
  • Set page margins to 4 cm left and 2.5 cm right, 2.5 cm top and 2.5 cm bottom
  • 12 point Arial font
  • Reference list of full citations included for information sources used in APA v6 format
  • Bibliography list of full citations for information sources read but not used in APA v6 format
  • A Table of Contents is to present each numbered assignment section and sub-section, Table of Figures, Table of Tables showing page numbers


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