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The aim of the current in-service is to facilitate the learning of the adult clinical practitioners using the principles of adult learning. The topic of relevance chosen for the current study is clinical history taking.
What is learning?
The process through which new knowledge and understanding are acquired is considered learning. The definition of learning provided by psychologists indicates a permanent behavioral change as a result of experience (Jarvis, 2012).
Definition of Learning Style
- Auditory
- Visual
- Kin esthetic
- Others
- Reflector
- Theorist
- Pragmatist
- Activist
The common learning styles for adult learners include visual, auditory and kin esthetic, and others might include reflection, theoretical, pragmatism and activism, among which the identified self-learning style is visual and reflection (Honey & Mumford, 2000). It can be stated that learners that learn visually are required to be provided with visual inputs such as presentation, which accelerates the rate of their learning. On the other hand, reflectors are needed to think and review the learning materials for internalizing them.
Kolb’s Model of Learning
According to this model, when an individual gathers experience in a particular field, that experience is reviewed by the learners for finding inconsistencies between understanding and experience. Here, the learners might incorporate the learning experience of taking history gathered from a university course. Concluding after reviewing the experience such as workshop in history taking an adult tends to indulge in active experimentation of the experience. For instance, clinical learners might require assistance in developing an understanding of how to elicit responses to particular questions related to a patient’s history, and they will naturally tend to apply the knowledge for being successful in learning history taking.
Clinical Skills Development
There are several general and specific approaches that are used for extracting maximum relevant information from the patients. It helps in understanding the issues from the point of view of the patients, which leads to a better and trustworthy relationship between the health professional and the patient.
Dreyfus and Dreyfus 1986 Model
This model associate awareness with the learning of adult practitioners
- Unconscious incompetence
- Conscious incompetence
- Conscious competence
- Unconscious competence
Prior to the learning experience gathered, the learners remain unaware of their competence. However, after learning and gathering experience, learners reach the stage of unconscious competence. A seminar can be arranged for developing insight into personal competence.
Six Adult Learning Principles
Adult learners are required to be given the opportunity to apply their experiences to their current learning. Along with this, they require an environment where they can work and learn autonomously where there will be no threat to self-concept. For instance, too much interference from supervisors might lead to difficulty in learning the tactics of taking history, which is also the self-learning style. Additionally, the clinical learners are also are needed to be introduced to real-life task problems such as the incorporation of role-playing and constant feedback to be provided upon their progress for learning (Health Education and Training Institute, 2012).
History taking is a multidimensional work with various skills to be implemented to get the best out of the patient regarding information gathering. The pace and quality of learning are dependent upon the characteristics of the learner and their learning style. Here, the adult learning principles will be incorporated into the discussion.
Dolan, B., &Hinchliff, S. (2017). The Practitioner as Teacher (4th ed.). Elsevier.
Health Education and Training Institute, (2012). The Learning Guide is a handbook for allied health professionals facilitating learning in the workplace. Sydney: HETI, 2012
Honey, P. & Mumford, A. (2000). The learning styles helper’s guide. Maidenhead: Peter Honey Publications Ltd
Jarvis, P. (2012). Adult education and lifelong learning: Theory and practice.
McKimm, J. (2009). Giving effective feedback. British Journal Of Hospital Medicine (London, England: 2005), 70(3), 158–161