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Leadership and Change Assignment Answers Help

Leadership and Change Assignment Analysis


Assignment Detail:-

  • Number of Words: 3500


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The Leadership and Change module is assessed by an individual assignment of 3,500 words. The assignment provides you with the opportunity to critically analyse and reflect on the application of the concepts and techniques studied in this module, to a practical leadership-based situation within your current organisation. You should bring together both theory and practice to produce an assignment that could be applied where you work, either at departmental/functional or organisational level. It is recognised that actually implementing the change will not always be possible and this is a desirable, rather than an essential, feature of the assignment. The leadership- based situation can be associated with the department or function where you are currently working but it could also be cross-functional, entire organisation wide or even across a supply chain.

In some situations, it may not be possible to find a suitable topic within your own organisation. If your personal circumstances mean it is not possible to use a current situation in your own organisation, you should contact the module convenor via the Assignment Q&A area so you can work together to find a suitable alternative.

The individual assignment forms 100% of the mark for the Leadership and Change module. The assessment criteria for this module can be found at the end of this document in Appendix 1.


Purpose of the assignment

The assignment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your ability to:

  • Critically evaluate and demonstrate the applicability of module concepts to a specific organisational context.
  • Demonstrate your critical understanding of the module through the appropriate selection and application of relevant theories, models and frameworks to your chosen leadership-based situation.
  • Critically reflect on how the theories and concepts presented in the module have developed your perspective of leadership and change thinking and practice.


Assignment brief

The module content gives you an insight into leadership and change and their influence on organisations. For the purposes of this assignment, you are required to identify a current leadership-based situation within your own organisation where a change is required. You are free to select any situation that you believe is suitable but you will be required to provide a rationale as to why the situation was chosen.

Undertake Parts A, B and C, detailed below, using the integration of your learning from within and across relevant parts of the Leadership and Change module.

Your assignment should be set out as follows:


Part A

Critically evaluate your selected current leadership-based situation, drawing on relevant module content. You need to provide a clear rationale as to why the current situation must change, drawing on relevant module content. Consider all relevant aspects of the change leadership situation, which may include things such as leadership styles, followership issues, organisational structure, industry/sector (public, private, third sector), organisational culture, internal and external environmental stimuli, organisational and individual values, and the drivers and resistors for change.


Part B

Describe a suitable change that directly addresses the current situation including how you will know the required outcome has been achieved. This should include consideration of both what needs to change but also how the change will be brought about. Include how the effectiveness of the change will be measured, i.e. what is the outcome of the change and how would you know it has happened? Draw on relevant module content as required.


Part C

This is a reflection on how learning from the module content has impacted on your view of effectively engaging in leadership and change management. Consider making appropriate links to your learning from the Personal Development module and utilise evidence relevant to the learning outcomes for leadership and change.


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