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Marketing Strategic Case Study Help

You have been appointed as a marketing consultant to the organization where you conducted the marketing audit to formulate, implement and evaluate strategy. The implementation phase will be in the context of making changes to company activities to accommodate a chosen strategy.

Marketing Assignment Help

A You need to critically examine Assignment Two in order to select one key strategic issue (Check SFAS). You will then formulate appropriate corporate and business level strategies to resolve this issue.

B You will critically examine these strategies for implementation issues, which you propose for action.

C By the end of the project you will have a detailed, specific plan for how your strategy will be implemented, controlled and evaluated.

To complete the assignment you will need to support and justify your answers. This assignment is about the application of theory and it is not necessary to quote theory. Your understanding of theory will be demonstrated in your ability to evaluate, integrate, synthesise and make deductions concerning the case study. The report that you write will be to the Chief Executive Officer of the company you investigated.


The report format for completing this assignment and the grading allocation schedule for each section is provided in this document. The major focus of this assignment is to formulate strategy and develop an implementation plan.

Part A. Written Assignment Report (90% total contribution to assignment grade)

  1. Select and justify the choice of a key strategic issue from Assignment Two, which will be utilised for the rest of this assignment. Note the strategic issue must have implications for corporate and business level strategic development.
  2. Create and justify a set of objectives for resolving this strategic issue.
  3. What changes will be necessary to the current organisational direction (mission, goals and objectives) in order to accommodate or support these objectives?
  1. Generate a series of alternative strategies at the organisational (corporate) level. How do these strategies fit with the strategies you identified in the TOWS matrix in Assignment Two? Select a strategy that best resolves the strategic issue that you selected (you may use more than one). Justify your selection.
  2. For your chosen corporate strategy, develop appropriate business level strategies. How do they compare with current business level strategies being pursued? Find evidence from your SWOT analysis in Assignment Two to support your choice of business level strategies.
  3. Discuss the strategic focus of the functional strategies to reflect your chosen corporate and business level strategies. Discuss the marketing strategy and any one of the following functional strategies: Finance, operations and research & development.
  4. Outline and discuss the major issues related to the implementation of the strategies (corporate and business level) that you have chosen. These may include: leadership, tasks, technology, people, structure, products/services, resources (physical, financial and functional), formal practices and culture.
  5. Discuss issues relating to the monitoring, controlling and evaluation of your chosen strategies and their implementation. Provide key specific process and outcomes measures to be employed

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Part B: Write a Personal Experience Report to the Course Coordinator. Approximately 350 words and will contribute 10% of the weighting of this assignment. This is a personal report from your group to the Course Co-ordinator.

The report will include:
Investigation Process – What you did; who has done what; when you did it; why you did it.

Reflective Learning – What you learned from the experience of working on the assignment (in terms of the technical content about strategy, and the process aspects of developing strategy). Any other insights?

Recommendations on how you would work on such an assignment in the future.

You are strongly urged to keep a learning log (diary) as you complete the assignment as events and issues can easily be forgotten. Below are some questions to guide your preparation for this part of your work and should be included in your Personal Experience Report.

Only a maximum of 12 pages will be read and marked.


The front page of the report must contain a declaration “This assignment is solely the work of [Group member names]” and signed. Use the standard front page – attached.

Report Format: (Section 1)

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive summary (1 page maximum)
  • Introduction (how you will conduct this project)
  • Discussion (Part A – Sections 1 – 8)
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations
  • References (APA style)
  • Appendices
  • Personal Experience Report (Section 2)

Appendices: Attach any analytical worksheets or diagrams.
Report Presentation: Grades will be adversely affected by poor format, incorrect citation, general layout, grammar, syntax, spelling and professional impact. (Note: APA referencing system to be used).

The report must be typed (12 pt font, 1.5 spaced, Arial or Times New Roman) and properly referenced. Refer to the Faculty of Business guidelines on how to write assessment items – see 2 books below. This is a Report to the CEO of the company; your presentation needs to be succinct, well argued, and supported by evidence or authority. Clearly state any assumptions you have made.

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De Luca, R, and Annals, A. (2000) Writing That Works: A guide for students, Auckland: Pearson Education.

Emerson, L. (2005) Writing Guidelines for Business Students. 3rd Edition, Palmerston North: Dunmore Press.

You can also visit for the latest APA style. Make sure that you use it.

GRADING SCHEDULE: 7100 Assignment 3 – Semester Two 2016 Name: ID:

Title page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Introduction, Conclusion, Recommendations

1.Strategic issue choice and development: (Q 1-3)

  1. Corporate level strategies and alternate strategies: (Q 4 & 5)
  2. Business and functional strategies: (Q 5 & 6)
  3. Implementation issues and change targets: (Q 7)
  4. Monitoring and evaluating (Q 8)
    Overall comments (including presentation & references):

Section B:

Overall Grade


Weight Grade









Plagiarism is a serious offence and zero marks will be awarded to anyone copying material from another student or having others complete any sections of their assignment. Disciplinary action may also be taken. All sources of material must be cited as per APA style. Marks will be deducted if APA is incorrectly used, but no credit will be given for the correct use. Marks will be deducted for poor grammar, poor spelling etc but no credit will be given for correct use etc. ATTACH THIS SHEET AS THE VERY LAST PAGE OF YOUR ASSIGNMENT (after your reference list).

Please CHAT WITH LIVE Assignment Advisor to know more about Referencing styles and Citations.


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