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This is a group assignment. Students are to work in teams of maximum 3 members to create an object-oriented program for the given scenario.
Learning Outcomes Being Assessed
Develop an object-oriented program using appropriate design fundamentals. (C3, P3, CTPS)
Implement the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism to solve a given programming problem. (C4, P3, CTPS)
Submission Deadline
Monday, 27 July 2015 (Week 12) by 8.00a.m.
Late submission will be capped to 50% (unless a concrete reason is provided).
Challenge Sdn Bhd, an IT training provider company requires an application program for tracking courses / seminars, instructors and participants. In addition, this program should also generate selected listings and reports.
Challenge Sdn Bhd runs IT-related paid courses for companies and individuals. In order to promote its business, it also provides free seminars.
Courses are normally pre-scheduled but can be arranged upon requests by companies as part of their employees’ skill and knowledge development plan.
Each course has a code and title, and any course can be given a number of times. Each time when a course is offered, the information to be stored includes the start date, end date, start time, end time, instructor, course fee, and the maximum number of participants. As for free seminars, the information to be recorded consists of the title, date, start time, end time, instructor, and the maximum number of participants.
Early registration (ie at least 2 months before the start date of a course), a company or individual will enjoy a 5% deduction in the course fee.
Group enrolment for a course by a company enjoys additional discounts as shown in the table below:
No. of candidates
Discount Rate
More than or equals 10
More than or equals 5 but less than 10
For each instructor, the details to be included are name, date of birth, contact number, email address and the courses the instructor is qualified to teach. The instructors can be permanently employed by Challenge Sdn Bhd or can be freelance. For the latter, his/her mailing address and bank account number (for payment of course conducted) must also be stored.
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You are required to design and create an object oriented program for Challenge Sdn Bhd to maintain all the necessary information and the following requirements:
Registration of courses and seminars
Calculate and display the total amount payable by the company or the individual participant
Display the details of an offered course and its participants
Display a summary of all offered courses and the total number of participants. For each offered course, display only the title, start date and the end date.
Display a report of the offered courses conducted by a freelance instructor
The following items are to be handed in:
(a) A cover page (use the template provided). Indicate the percentage contribution of each member.
(b) UML class diagram that depicts the entity classes and their relationships.
(c) Hardcopy of source code listings with separate sections for
entity class(es)
client program class(es).
Sample screen shots and reports/listings.
Note: Source code listing must include line number and indicate the author of each class
(d) Softcopy of source code –
Include ALL your source code files and all pre-compiled classes.
Form of submission –
o Each group creates a folder named using the format TutorialGroup-StudentFullNamesWithAlphabeticalOrder (e.g., DCM2(BB1)-LimGary-NgKokSeong-NgYinXin), and to be attached together with the report.
o Class representative collects all group folders and burns into a CD/DVD.
IMPORTANT: Work on the entity classes should be equally distributed between the team members. Likewise for the client program and report/listing.
NOTE: Submitting the assignment means you have agreed that your work is original and comply with the rules and regulations (refer to Academic Impropriety)
Paper Size / Format
Paper size
A4 (Use only one side of the paper)
Estimated Time Required
At least 10 hours per team member.
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Academic Impropriety
You may only work with the students in your team to produce your deliverables for this assignment.
This covers cheating, attempts to cheat, plagiarism, collusion and any other attempts to gain an unfair advantage in assessment.
The work that you submit must conform to those regulations.
This assignment contributes 20 marks to your coursework. The allocation of marks is shown below. Refer to the Assignment Feedback Form for the detail assessment criteria.
Marks Allotted
Entity Classes – class design, encapsulation and cohesion.
Client program – completion, correctness, efficiency & maintainability.
Programming style – adherence to standard Java naming convention and readability
Total marks
Marks for a team member = Total marks x % contribution
Note: if it is an individual assignment, the total marks will not be multiplied by the % contribution.
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