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Operational Leadership Assessment Brief for Business Management

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By submitting work for this assignment, I acknowledge that the content is entirely my own work and that it has not been presented whole or in part for the award of a degree or other qualification by me or any other person. I confirm that all sources have been properly cited and referenced. I understand that this work may be checked for plagiarism through an online detection service and that I am aware of the College’s Student Misconduct Procedures relating to plagiarism.

Learning Outcomes Assessed


Analyze managerial practices in the sector making recommendations for improved operational efficiency.


Explain individual and group behaviors and organizational structures and their impact of effective management practices.


Assessment Brief

Report ‐ Word count – 2500 (You must keep within the 10% +/‐ tolerance).

Using industry examples and/or case studies as context:

  • Analyze a range of managerial practices and explain how they could lead to operational efficiencies with that the organization.
  • Explain individual and group behaviors within the workplace and how this could impact on the implementation of effective management practices
  • Explain various organizational structures and how they too could impact on the implementation of effective management practices

Your work must be fully referenced and include a reference list using Harvard referencing.





Analyze managerial practices in the sector making recommendations for improved operational efficiency.


Explain individual and group behaviors and organizational structures and their impact of effective management practices.

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