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PGRM8.100 Applied Research Methods Assessment 2 Solutions

PGRM8.100 Applied Research Methods Assessment Task

Are you searching for PGRM8.100 Applied Research Methods Assessment Solutions? delivers top-quality assignment writing services at reasonable price. Our assignment writers assist you with 100% plagiarism free work. You can avail any of our assignment services all around the world. We are happy to assist you with our 24/7 live chat facility.

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Learning Outcomes

LO1: Explain the relevance of a range of research paradigms and designs to their specific field of study.

LO2: Select a research framework appropriate to address a specific research question in their field of study.

LO3: Critically evaluate published research in their field of study in terms of the research methods used.


This research report writing assessment is intended to identify your critical thinking, analysis, evaluation and writing skills on the basis of substantial evidence that you research, using recent, relevant and authentic research literature.

In this report, you are required to identify a topic of your interest within your area of study. This interest might stem from an initial problem that you have identified or simply something that you would like to learn more about. This assessment is based on an ongoing task to build your familiarity of various approaches to research framework and methods to help you build your familiarity of the research literature on a specific field.

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Assessment Task

1. Identify and describe one research topic. With appropriate justification, explain the purpose and significance of this research, in particular what are you trying to achieve and the problem the research will solve in relation to prior literature on the field. For instance, based on examining the literature within your proposed topic in the assignment “Critique”, you should have identified potential gaps or possible extensions for research. Remember to support your arguments by using academic references. Formulate a broad research question that lends itself to different methods.

2. Explain one research framework that you could use to address your research question. Choose either a quantitative or a qualitative research method. The research you suggest must be feasible to conduct as a one semester long student project to examine your topic of research.

3. Outline and justify the methods and approaches you will adopt to answer the research question. Explain the research paradigm that the research you are proposing belongs to.

4. Explain how you would collect (including sampling) and analyse the data. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed research framework.

5. Support all of your arguments and decisions by using academic references in APA 7th format.

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