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SBS Master Level in Healthcare Thesis Guide with Answers

Thesis for Master of Healthcare Management Assessment Answers

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Assessment details:

  • Topic: Healthcare master thesis
  • Document Type: Thesis/Dissertation
  • Subject: Assignment Help (Any)
  • Deadline:*: As Per Required
  • Number of Words: 25000
  • Citation/Referencing Style: Harvard

Master Of Health Care Management

Master- Level Thesis Guidance


  • A thesis refers to a substantial research project. It is a written work in which a scholarly idea is developed in a systematic way or in which a certain point of view is defended.
  • A thesis should draw an original conclusion based on information derived from research. The thesis must be personal, have clarity, be well balanced and be well developed.


  • The choice of a topic involves identifying a general subject area, limiting and defining the topic, and stating the topic as a question or hypothesis. You should evaluate the topic according to the following criteria: importance and interest, manageability and availability of resources.
  • Importance and Interest – To a large extend this is a matter of subjective judgment. However, the choice should be interesting to you and also to the readers.
  • Relevancy – The topic you select must be relevant to the study of Business Administration.
  • Manageability – This involves carefully limiting your topic. If it is too vague or broad, too narrow, or too specialized, finding suitable resources will be difficult. You should also consider your knowledge of the topic. A topic too specialized or too technical may be beyond your abilities.
  • Availability of Resources – No matter how interesting or manageable a topic may be, if you cannot find the necessary research materials, the topic should be avoided.


  • Your next step is to determine precisely what it is you wish to find out. The hypothesis statement is an explanation of what you wish to prove in your research.  The hypothesis is written both as a negative statement (Ho hypothesis, read as the null hypothesis) and a positive statement (Ha hypothesis, read as the alternative hypothesis).  The Ho is listed/written first.  If the Ho and Ha hypotheses are not explicitly formulated and answered in your thesis, the defense committee may reject your work before allowing you to present.
  • Ensure your hypothesis statements are written with only one variable to investigate. Additional questions which apply to your subject or which are necessary to define measuring success are expressed as research questions.
  • In evaluating the conclusions from your primary research, you are attempting to reject the null hypothesis and, therefore, accept the alternative hypothesis.


A mentor guides you through the thesis process.  Most mentors are selected by students from the faculty they have met during their course of studies.  Mentors from industry may be selected with the approval of the Academic Dean.

The mentor’s tasks are to:

  • Assist you with the topic selection.
  • Assist you in developing your hypothesis statement.
  • Review your proposed outline and research plan.
  • Review your initial writing for style and format.
  • Conduct a final review of the document.
  • Sign off the final document verifying the document meets academic standards prior to the student’s turn in of the document.
  • The mentor is not:
  • Your private editor or spell checker.
  • Your assistant writer to sees if you meet all formal requirements and documentation standards.


  • Once you have selected a topic and have found a mentor, complete the attached thesis approval form, have it signed by your mentor and forward it through your Program Manager to the Academic Dean.


The material should be presented in a concise and organized fashion.  Your thesis must be organized in one of the two formats specified in Appendix 2.  Both formats contain the following sections.

  • Cover – Contains the name of the school, title of your thesis, year, name of student and promoter, and degree using the standard format at the beginning of this document. (The SBS standard format must be used)
  • Title page – Is identical with the cover. (SBS standard format)
  • Authentication of work – the student signs that the document is their own work and does not contain plagiarism or copyrighted material. The mentor signs that the document meets academic standards. (SBS standard format)
  • Table of Contents – Gives each section, chapter and subchapter with a page reference. As a minimum, subchapters must be listed. For complex discussions, including sub-subchapter headings may also be required.
  • List of Tables, Figures, Graphs and Plates – Each type of illustrative matter should be listed on a separate page. Each group should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals throughout the paper. If they are especially numerous, they should be numbered by chapter, e.g. Graph 1.1 is the first graph in chapter one. Large or extensive tables should be placed in an appendix at the end of the thesis.
  • Preface/foreword – Includes a justification for the thesis and acknowledgements.
  • This is your place to thank, for example, family, friends, the Academic Dean, the
  • Program Manager and faculty. (NOTE: Foreword is spelled with an “e”.)
  • Executive summary – Provides a one page summary of your thesis.
  • Introduction – The background of your subject and your study.
  • Objectives of the study – What you intend to do in the study, including your hypothesis statement, expressed as b ot h  an Hₒ and an Hₐ statement.  Secondary questions to be answered may be listed after the hypothesis statement.
  • Literature review – This is a comprehensive review of existing documentation and research on your subject area.
  • Collection of primary research – All thesis work at SBS requires primary research in the form of a survey (minimum 30 r et urned  questionnaires).  Include a discussion of the organization of, conduct of and results from your primary research. The survey itself must be included as an appendix to your document.

Since 30 returned questionnaires must be statistically analyzed, ensure your sample is large enough to account for non-returns.  Based on the various survey websites used last year, SBS can recommend the use of for preparation and distribution of your questionnaire, and for an initial analysis of your results.

The statistical relevance of your results can normally be summarized using graphs and statistics produced in EXCEL.  For complex analysis SBS is available through the Program Manager.

  • Intermediate analysis and conclusion – Based on your primary research, have you been able to prove or disprove your Hₒ hypothesis? Again, you normally seek to reject the Hₒ hypothesis and accept the Hₐ hypothesis.
  • Overall conclusion and recommendation – Summarize the entire written document. Based on your secondary and primary research, what conclusions can you draw? Include:

– Lessons learned/learning aspects – What  personal  lessons learned did o u  obtain from writing this thesis?

– Moral and ethical issues.  What ethical or legal issues does your thesis raise for society in general and any of the stakeholders in your thesis? (NOTE: Minimum of two pages.)

  • Glossary (Optional) – This is a list of definitions of terms and concepts. It is needed when the typical reader may not be familiar with the terminology used in the text.
  • Bibliography – Provides a listing of the sources quoted in the paper, arranged alphabetically by the last name of the author by the type of source. (NOTE: The term references/sources is used with a term paper. For your thesis, label this section as the bibliography.)
  • Appendix- This is used for material that supplements the text but is not appropriate for inclusion. Placing lengthy tables, questionnaires, photos, original documents and other matter in the appendix prevents the text from becoming too bulky. List each appendix by letter and title, if any, in the table of contents.

– As a minimum, two appendices must be attached to the thesis: Appendix A. Your signed thesis approval form.

Appendix B. A blank copy of your survey questionnaire.


In a scholarly work, such as the thesis, all words, opinions, statistics, facts, pictures, graphs or any other information from an author or source must be properly cited. SBS cites using the Harvard System of Referencing (parenthetical / embedded footnotes) (See Appendix 4). DO NOT cite your sources using either footnotes at the bottom of the page or endnotes at the end of the document.  An alphabetical listing of all your sources by type is placed in a bibliography following the main body of your thesis.

  • Examples – A listing of in-text and bibliography styles is provided in Appendix 4.

For additional examples, refer to the Anglia Ruskin University site at:

  • Inserting citations. Microsoft Word assists you in both citing and a draft build of your bibliography.  Follow the instructions in the “Citations and Bibliography” portion of the “References” tab.  Set your style to either “Harvard Anglia 2008” or “APA Sixth Edition”.  However, Microsoft Word will not build a bibliography sorted by sourCe type. You will have to build your bibliography manually
  • Information footnotes – Since references are embedded in the document, footnotes at the bottom of the page may be used for supplementary information or comments.
  • Common knowledge. Common knowledge does not have to be cited. That Bern is the capitol of Switzerland is common knowledge.  However, any descriptive statistic for Bern (current population, per capita income, length of public transportation network, etc.) would require proper referencing.
  • Wikipedia, Investopedia and similar sites – Wikipedia articles are not to be used as a primary reference / referenced source in your thesis. The same applies to Investopedia and similar sites.


Your thesis is carefully evaluated for academic honesty. An on-line review of your document using PLAGSCAN will be conducted after turn-in.  Documents with more than eight percent plagiarism will not be accepted.

Plagiarism is the act of taking someone’s ideas or words and presenting them as your own, including:

  • Purchasing finished papers or theses from the Internet.
  • Downloading and using information word-for-word from the Internet.
  • Copying and using information word-for-word from any printed sources.
  • Improperly paraphrasing any source.

You are expected to clearly articulate your own ideas, give credit to the sources of information used (citation), properly insert quotes where needed, and to properly reference and document your sources. Tips on the proper techniques of summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting are included in Appendix 4.


The thesis is a formal document and is a reflection of the quality of academic work you are capable of producing.

  • Diction – Is the word choice. In a thesis it should be formal. Contractions and abbreviations should be avoided.
  • Voice – The body of the paper should be written in the third person, not in the first person. You will need to use first person when discussion your lessons learned.
  • Tone – Your attitude toward your subject should be serious, not ironic or flippant. Humorous, casual or conversational approaches should not be used.
  • Sentence structure – Sentences in a thesis should be active, forceful and varied.
  • Gender neutral – Do not refer to actions of an individual as “he” or “his”. In addition, do not refer to actions of an individual as “he/she” or “he and/or she”. Keep your writing gender neutral by using “they” or “their”.


Two important sections must be included following the conclusions in your thesis.

In the lessons learned section, you must include the personal lessons learned in preparing and writing your thesis.  This can include, but is not limited to, lessons learned in the physical preparation of your thesis, such as subject selection, research, survey or writing.  It may also include comments on the subject itself.

As a final section, you must include a detailed (at least two page) discussion of the ethical implications of your findings in the business world. The ethical implications may apply to society in general and to any and all of the stakeholders in the topic you discussed in your thesis.  This section is NOT used to discuss the ethics of the conduct of your research or your survey.


The following guidance applies to your finished document.

  • Binding – The thesis must be bound using either a pasted spine or a ring system.
  • Cover page – Use the standardized SBS cover page.
  • Title – Select a title that succinct l y describes your work.  Do not automatically include the example in the standard cover page in your title.  For example, initial research into a topic may be an “exploratory” study.
  • Length – The thesis main  b od y (starting with Chapter 1 and ending with your ethical considerations) must be  at  l ea st  80  p ag es  i n  l en g th  .  Introductory pages before Chapter 1 and appendices, glossaries and other attachments are not included in this total.
  • Page breaks – Begin each chapter on a new page. Subchapters do NOT begin on a new page.
  • Page numbering – The title page, though counted, remains unnumbered. All other pages of front/introductory matter are given lowercase Roman numerals centered at the bottom of the page. The text or body of the thesis begins with the first page of Chapter 1. For numberings in the text, use Arabic numerals starting with number 1 and continuing through the end of the document.
  • Type style – Use Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial, 12 pt. font, 1.5 line spacing.
  • Layout – Use “align left”, not “centered”, to ease in reading your document.
  • Copyrighting – Normally, no copyright is needed. The document becomes the property of SBS and will be on file in the library. The thesis is not the copyright property of the author.
  • Sensitive/real-world business information – Should the document contain real- world business plans that are not to be made public, coordinate with the Academic Dean and mark the document as “NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE” in red on the next line after the title. In addition, add a separate page marked in at least 64pt red type NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE after the title page.


The thesis turn-in date is published on the SBS website and in separate announcements.

  • Number of copies – Three bound copies are to be turned in. All copies are for SBS use. No copies will be returned to the student.
  • Electronic copies – In addition to the printed copies, a copy in .doc an d  .pdf format burned on a CD-ROM or on a USB stick is required to be turned in.
  • Final review – Your promoter is required to have reviewed and signed off on your finished product before it will be accepted by SBS administration. This review includes proper format, a review of content, and a check for plagiarism.


The thesis defense is held twice each year, normally in late August/early September and in January.

  • Defense committee – The defense committee usually consists of a three-person jury who have read and reviewed your thesis is advance.
  • Dress code – Business attire; for men, a coat and tie.
  • Presentation length – You will be given 20 minutes to present the results of your work.
  • AV equipment – The presentation is to be in MS PowerPoint on a USB-stick for use on an SBS computer.
  • Handys/mobiles/PDAs/tablet computers – Mobile telephones and all other electronic devices may not be brought into the presentation room. You may not use any electronic device for timing or recording.
  • Presentation format – Since all members of the defense committee have reviewed your work, your presentation should include:

What did you study/what is your topic? Why did you pick the topic?

What was your hypothesis? What did you find out?

What are your conclusions?

What are your personal lessons learned?

What were the ethical implications of your conclusions?

  • Q&A – Following the presentation, the thesis defense committee will ask questions during a 10-minute Q&A session.
  • Official guests – Permission to allow official guests (business partners, sponsors, etc.) to sit in on the presentation is granted on a case-by-case basis. Submit a request for approval through your Program Manager to the Academic Dean when you turn in your document. The guest is allowed to be present during your presentation, but not during the deliberation by the defense committee.
  • Final Grade – Grading is conducted using the rubric attached at Appendix 7. You will be notified of the final grade by the president of the defense committee on the day following the last presentation.


  • When you have a thoroughly revised draft ready for final typing, you should read it through at least once more, paying attention to every detail.
    • Look for errors in spelling and punctuation as well as for typographical errors.
    • Proofreading can make the difference between a mediocre paper and an excellent one.
    • Careful proofreading helps ensure the paper you submit does justice to the time, energy and thought you invested in its creation.
    • Should you require additional information concerning aspects of your thesis, you should discuss it with your promoter.
    • And remember, academic writing is hard work. As a rule-of-thumb, plan for being able to write only three or four pages per day of properly cited, well thought-out and well-written work.


  1. Standard cover page
  2. Standard certification page
  3. Format options
  4. Referencing – Example
  5. Summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting – Examples
  6. Survey preparation and analysis
  7. Presentation grading rubric
  8. Topic approval form



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