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SOAD1008: Reasons for Social Work Case Study Questions and Answers

SOAD1008: Reasons for Social Work Topic Guide

Introduction and welcome message

This topic will introduce you to the key concepts of the social work profession. This is a core topic in the curriculum that introduces social work as a profession, its history in Australia and internationally, and how social work’s history has shaped current social work practice. The purpose of this topic is to guide your learning and introduce you to social work concepts including values, ethics, models and methods of practice, knowledge and theory as a start to developing your professional self. The reasons for social work will be explored including understanding oppression, marginalisation and exclusion. This topic will explore social work practice standards, including areas of practice and social work roles. It will also help you to develop both your professional and personal identity and your critical thinking and analytical skills necessary for social work practice.

In this topic we will explore the multiple fields of practice, social work roles and practice priorities for social workers. Many questions and issues will be explored to provide students with a sense of what social work is, and might be. We will build upon this foundation by exploring key issues in social work such as diversity, marginalisation, social exclusion and understanding privilege. This will provide a foundation for future social work topics in the program.

Topic coordinator details

Dr Michelle Jones

Room number: Social Sciences South SSS336 Telephone number: 8201 2756


Correspondence with the Topic Coordinator should primarily be through the Please only email me direct with personal questions.

Tutor details

  • Milijana Stojadinovic (
  • Sandra Simpson (
  • Roberta Baruzzi (

Details of other relevant staff

Liaison Librarian: College of Education, Psychology and Social Work Room number: Central Library (111)

Telephone number: 8201 3514

Library guide for social work:

Flinders Learning Online (FLO)

The Flinders Learning on Line (FLO) site for the topic will be a valuable source of information. Links to journal articles will be posted, as needed. PowerPoint presentations will be posted soon after the lecture. Questions about assignments and other questions with broad relevance will be answered on FLO. Students are encouraged to check the site regularly to stay in touch with changes as the topic evolves over the study period.

Topic Aims

Expected Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this topic you will:

  • Be familiar with the history of the development of social work and the relevance of this for contemporary professional practice
  • Demonstrate an understanding of what is the core or common value base of social work
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the notion of fields, models and methods of practice in social work
  • Have established a Social Work Framework that they will take forward in subsequent studies in the
  • Be able to articulate social work values including those endorsed by AASW Code of Ethics
  • Be able to articulate a range of reasons for social work (including your own reasons).

Flinders Graduate Qualities

The topic supports the development of the following qualities in students:

  • who are knowledgeable
  • who can apply their knowledge
  • who communicate effectively
  • who can work independently
  • who are collaborative
  • who value ethical behaviour
  • who connect across

Inherent requirements of entering the social work profession

Please ensure that you have read this statement on the website:

  1. external accreditation
  2. students with disabilities
  3. core skills you will need eg observational, communication, behavioural and social skills
  4. the demanding nature of the profession
  5. the field placement requirements – 2 * 500 hour field placements
  6. students with criminal records
  7. drivers licence requirements
  8. reasonable adjustments
  9. alternative options to studying social work
  10. support available

Please note that if you have a criminal record, especially a recent record involving serious crimes, (e.g. fraud and other acts of dishonesty, drug dealing, sexual offences, violence and/or abuse etc.) you may not be able to undertake field placements. Without successful completion of the 2 x 500 hour field placement you will not be able to graduate. If this applies to you please contact your Field Education Manager, Ms. Mary Duncan,

Workload requirements

Studying this topic involves preparatory reading and thinking time as well as attendance and participation in lectures and tutorials, and the completion of assignments. As a bare minimum you need to read the prescribed readings. Additional readings are recommended but not compulsory. If you cannot commit to completing these requirements please withdraw from the topic by the census date: 5th April 2019 to avoid incurring a fail and/or having to pay fees.

Weekly lecture

Location: HUMANITIES BUILDING, NTH1 North Theatre 1

Time: 9am-10am on Tuesdays

Weekly tutorials

You need to enrol in a tutorial and stay in this tutorial for the duration of the semester unless a significant issue arises that will prevent you from doing so.

The 2019 semester 1 dates:

  • Weeks 1-6: Monday 5 Mar –9 April 2019
  • Mid-semester break: Monday 18 April – 28 April 2019
  • Weeks 7-12: Monday 30 April – 4 Jun 2019

Tutorials will be held at the following times during the 2019 semester 1 dates, starting week 2:

  • Tutorial 1: 10am-11am Tuesdays, Building: Law Commerce (LWCM). Room: 43
  • Tutorial 2: 1pm-2pm Tuesdays, Building: LWCM. Room: 43
  • Tutorial 3: 3pm-4pm Tuesdays, Building: LWCM. Room: 44
  • Tutorial 4: 12pm-1pm Tuesdays, Building: LWCM. Room: 06
  • Tutorial 5: 4pm-5pm Tuesdays, Building: LWCM. Room: 43
  • Tutorial 6: 12pm-1pm Fridays, Building: Social Sciences North (SSN). Room: 13
  • Tutorial 7: 2pm-3pm Fridays, Building: Social Sciences South (SSS). Room: 15
  • Tutorial 8: 3pm-4pm Fridays, Building: SSS. Room: 15

Attendance at lectures and tutorials

This topic is taught on-campus and requires students’ attendance and participation. Student attendance is required at 80% of the tutorials. Students who do not attend 80% of tutorials will need to show cause to have their work assessed (see assessment guidelines). Participation is required in both lectures and tutorials. The lectures will be recorded for your convenience.

I understand that there will be times when students are unwell or have other responsibilities that take them away from attending class. I will not set make-up work for this topic and hope that you can do all that you can to make the scheduled tutorials for the semester. Please note this is an on-campus topic and is not offered by distance.

Consultation statement

Please contact me via FLO discussion forum in the first instance, it is highly likely that if you have a question, other students will have the same question. If the matter is personal or sensitive for example Disability Access Plans, please email to communicate with your tutor and your topic coordinator.

Disability Access Plans can also be given to your tutor before or after class. If your email has not been responded to within 2 working days, please email again.

Assignment extensions are only to be sought online using FLO, evidence must be provided in support of your request.

Text book

Chenoweth, L. McAuliffe, D. (2017) The Road to Social Work and Human Service Practice. 5e Cengage; Melbourne.

SOAD1008 Reasons for Social Work Timetable 2019

All assessments must be attempted to pass the topic. Please read the Statement of Assessment Method (SAM) in conjunction with this Topic Guide.
It is a requirement that you attend at least 80% of the tutorials and lectures, as per the professional accreditation standards provided by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). If you do not do so, you will need to show special or extenuating circumstances for why your work should be marked, and how you have covered the material in the Topic.
Assessment Guidelines

There are three assessments for this topic:

Different types of power are identified by Chenoweth and McAulifffe (2017) in the fifth edition of their book The road to social work and human service practice. In a short essay answer the following question:Assessment 1: Essay 1 Understandings of Power in Social Work

What relevance do understandings of power have for the social work profession and social work practice?

In a referenced essay format (see requirements for essays for more information), critically reflect on different understandings of power and their relevance to social work practice.

This paper must be referenced using academic sources and an identified referencing system. WORD COUNT: no more than 1500 words (excluding references)

WEIGHT: contributes to 30% of final grade DUE: 9am Friday 5th April 2019

Please ALWAYS ensure that you keep your own copy of your assignment.

Assessment 2: Essay 2 Case study analysis

Read and select one of the case studies supplied in the lecture (and on FLO) in week 6.Assessment 2: Essay 2 Case study analysis

In response to this case study undertake a critical analysis and engage your problem solving skills in a social work context. Think about the individual/s and the wider social context within which they are living, the ethical issues around your intervention and your role as a Social Worker as well as the social conditions that may have contributed to their situation. Are there professional challenges that may result given the historical context of the social work profession? What are the most important

practice issues? What social work knowledge, skills, models, roles and methods of practice might be required?

This paper must be referenced using academic references and an APA identified referencing system eg in-text author-date. This referencing system must be used consistently.

WORD COUNT: Not more than 2000 words (excluding references) WEIGHT: Contributes to 50% of overall grade

DUE: 9am Friday 24th May 2019

Assessment 3: Creative –Developing Social Work Practice Framework

Your developing social work framework

Using your chosen creative outlet (eg paint, writing eg essay, song, poetry, mixed media) represent your developing social work practice framework. THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE AN ESSAY BUT CAN BE IF YOU WANT. This is specific to you and should include and reflect:

  1. your culture, beliefs and values
  2. social work values, ethics, knowledge and theories
  3. how you might enact empowerment, social justice and human rights
  4. the fields of practice that resonate with you
  5. modes and methods of social work practice
  6. how you will enact professionalism
  7. the type of social worker that you would like to become.

You will be assessed on:

  • the continuity and alignment of the knowledge, theories, modes, methods, fields of practice identified within your practice framework (for example feminist social work practice aligns with working in domestic and family violence)
  • the depth of exploration of your practice framework
  • your coverage of the 7 areas identified above and coverage of other issues across the topic
  • your creativity
  • the extent of integration of your readings (and other evidence) within your developing practice framework.

WORD COUNT: equivalent to no more than 1000 words WEIGHT: contributes to 20% of final grade

DUE: 9am Friday 7th June 2019

Assessment Summary

Assessment Topic Weighting Word count Due Date
Assessment 1: Essay 1: Understandings of Power in Social Work 30% 1500 words (excluding references) 9am Friday 5th April 2019
Assessment 2: Essay     2:     Case     study analysis 50% 2000 words (excluding references) 9am Friday 24th May 2019
Assessment 3: Creative: Your developing social work framework 20% Equivalent to 1000 words 9am Friday 7th June 2019



All essays must be submitted via Turnitin. Please note: any essays returning a similarity report of 20% or over will be checked for a plagiarism assessment. It is now a requirement of the university to use turnitin before assignments are marked. Turnitin will pick up on any possible plagiarised material. All assessments must be submitted through FLO (Flinders Learning Online) via Turnitin. A link will be made available in the assessment area to allow you to submit your assignment electronically. If you have any problems with FLO, please visit the FLO help desk at the library. DO NOT wait until the last day of your submission to do this, as this will not be accepted as a viable excuse.

Requirements for Essays

  • An essay requires an introduction, body and
  • Essays must be referenced using an APA (American Psychological Association) Referencing style eg in-text author-date.
  • Essays need to be written using a size 11 font, Arial, 1.5 line
  • If you are not sure about referencing, visit the Student Learning Centre or their website at Please note that correct spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation and formatting are
  • Be cautious about exceeding the word limit
  • All essays must be submitted via Turnitin (See submission).

For your information and further assessment details

  • Students are required to attempt all pieces of assessment throughout the course to be eligible to pass this
  • Support for assignment writing is provided by the Flinders Student
  • Students can raise any concerns about assessments on FLO, unless the matter is
  • Please note that your tutor and topic coordinator will NOT read your drafts. For support with your essay writing and referencing, please contact the Student Learning Centre or 8201 2518 or Studiosity.

Marking criteria

Please see the marking rubric provided on FLO for more detailed information for each assessment.


Assignment extensions are to be sought online using FLO prior to the due date, evidence in support of your request is required. Applications for an extension should be via an extension tool on FLO

where you will be able to submit your request prior to the submission date. If you do get an extension and submit your written work late, you cannot expect a quick turn-around in marking.


  • You will lose two (2) marks for every day that your assignment is late (including weekends and public holidays).
  • Work that is submitted more than seven (7) days late without an approved extension will not be
  • Essays with a word count ± 10% of the limit may be penalised 10% of total mark for that assignment. As an example, if the assignment is worth 50 marks, a 5 mark penalty will be imposed.

Academic Integrity

It is the obligation of all students to understand and respect the principles that underpin academic integrity and to avoid practices that involve academic dishonesty.

Before you begin any written work, ensure that you are familiar with the University’s policy on academic integrity which can be found at


Assessment 2

Please note: When using case studies it often becomes apparent that there is not enough information and you may find yourself making assumptions about the case. Please make sure that you note any assumptions you make about the case as you prepare your assignment. Please refer to the topic guide for details regarding the content of the essay.

Select one case study from the following two cases:

Case 1

Mrs Greta Balodis is a 75 year-old widow who until recently lived alone in her single-storey house with a garden in the northern suburbs of Adelaide. Over the past three years, her health had been declining which made it difficult for her to carry out her activities of daily living as independently as she would like. She has returned home from rehabilitation post a right-sided cerebrovascular accident (CVA).

Her daughter Anne has relocated to the city with her family to become Greta’s full-time live-in carer. Greta’s daughter Anne has a strong sense of duty about caring for her mother. Socially, Greta enjoys attending her local Latvian club, however lately she has not attended as Anne has been busy with her children and unable to take her.

Anne’s family however have psychosocial and psychological complexities that impact on the wider family dynamics. Anne and John’s relationship is strained and John often resorts to using threats and intimidation to control Anne, Greta hears and sees this and no longer feels safe in her own home.

For nearly a year now, Anne manages to care for her mother in the home; however after Greta trips over the cat, she deteriorates post-fall and eventually needs to be placed in high level care.


Case 2

Kevin is 23 years-old and is Aboriginal. Kevin has not got family living close by (his family lives in Perth, WA). He has a history of substance abuse, including current high levels of alcohol consumption. All of his friends that live close-by support his drinking habits. He quit his job at the local pub as it was making it too difficult to avoid alcohol. Kevin is now unemployed and receives Centrelink benefits and lives in a SA Housing property. He is having trouble budgeting and finds it difficult to afford even the basic necessities including food. At the visit Kevin appears angry, depressed and desperate. Kevin has asked what he can do to regain some control over his life.

Kevin would like to visit his family in Perth as his mother has been unwell with diabetes. He has three sisters who all live in Perth and now have children, his nieces and nephews. He loves to spend time with them and while alone, often thinks that without them in his life there is not much to live for.

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