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Systems Project Management Assignment Help

INF70005 Systems Project Management Assignment

You are working as a senior consultant for Getronics Consultancy, a leading Information Systems solution provider in Australia.
The Account Manager, Nicole Hall, calls you into her office Monday morning for a meeting with her and the head of delivery, Bill Bulter, and says “Have I got the job for you!”
“We have decided to respond to a request for proposal (RFP) from The NSW Department of Attorney General & Justice (DAGJ), on behalf of NSW Trustee and Guardian (NSWTG), who are seeking tenders for a Client Management System for managing its client service operations”.
1. Describe how you are going to prepare for the task of preparing the RFP response.
2. Prepare the Project Management Plan outlining strategy for delivering and managing the project. Sections to be included are Executive Summary, Background, Objectives, Scope, Constraints, Assumptions, Risks, Deliverables, Issues, Team Structure, Roles and Responsibilities, project schedule (Gantt chart) and pricing schedule.
3. As part of your response to the RFP also submit a section on why DHS should choose Getronics Consultancy – demonstrating the project management processes you will operate and how you will operate them to ensure the project is a success.
Note as part of this assignment you will be doing the questions above instead of filling out the entire Tender Response Schedule in the RFP.
You also do not need to provide a Statement of Compliance – Contract – which of course means you do not need to spend time reading the “2020-ICT-SERVICES–Contract-Guidedoc” embedded in the RFP. In a real life scenario you or your legal office would read the contract though to check if there were any specific conditions (eg warranty length, or project processes) hidden in there that may affect your costs and/or risk.
With respect to addressing scope just reference the functional scope at the heading level in “TAG Functional Req spec may 12” eg: Specification 1. Client Intake. Do not bother with addressing the detail within the requirement the covers Description/Data Process Requirements/Functionality etc. Assignment – INF70005 Systems Project Management 1
Key points/dates are as follows:
• Assume that Getronics Consultancy have an off the shelf, CRM System.
• Assume that Getronics Consultancy is an Australian Government Endorsed Supplier.
• You may choose to subcontract aspects of the project to third parties but these will have to be named in the Project plan and the management and provision of the third parties services will be part of Getronics Consultancy costs. Assignment – INF70005 Systems Project Management 2
As a guide, assessment criteria are as follows:
Assessment item/category
Number of pages
Deliverable/Skill demonstrated
Allocation of marks
Question 1
1 – 2 pages
Preparation strategy – bullet point form
Question 2
10-12 pages:
1 page for executive summary
6-8 pages for main part 1-2 pages for appendix containing Gantt chart 1-2 pages for appendix containing pricing schedule
Project Plan completeness, structure, integrity. Does it provide a baseline to illustrate Getronics Consultancy is capable and an expert provider?
How suitable is the plan as a baseline to commence management of the project against if Getronics
Question 3
3- 4 Pages
PM Process Credentials. Demonstration of knowledge of project management processes and the issues that THIS project will face and how you will manage them.
The NSW Department of Attorney General & Justice (DAGJ), on behalf of NSW Trustee and Guardian (NSWTG)
The NSW Department of Attorney General & Justice (DAGJ), on behalf of NSW Trustee and Guardian (NSWTG), is seeking tenders for a Client Management System for managing its client service operations.
NSWTG has a staff of about 600, majority of whom are client service officers who carry out financial management, trustee services and other client related activities in connection with NSWTG’s legislative responsibilities.
The needs of NSWTG are not dissimilar to those of any organisation requiring client management and support functions. The requirement is therefore for:-
• a commercially mature software package capable of managing all client relationship functions, including support for mobile users
• consultancy services for the tailoring of the package to suit NSWTG’s specific needs. The full set of Tender documents is available on blackboard:-
Timeframe for Delivery (note these dates take precedence over any timeframes referenced within the Tender documentation):
Tenders advertised
Public information/briefing session
All requests for clarification or for additional information must be lodged by. I will post responses
27/04/2015 Assignment – INF70005 Systems Project Management 3
on BB.
Closing date for submission of Tenders
Short listing completed by
All Tenderers advised of Tender outcome by
Service/project commencement by
September 2015
Project completion by
September 2016
Service completion by
October 2016
Submission format:
A zip file (not .rar) (titled INF70005-XXXXX-Major Assignment-Tutorial Group) containing:
• an MS Word document (Questions 1,2,3)
• an Excel file containing Pricing Schedule see hint above
• an MS Project file for Gantt chart
Please name each file according to the following naming conventions:
INF70005-XXXXX-GetronicsProposal for Project plan WORD document INF70005-XXXXX-Pricing Schedule for Pricing Schedule in EXCEL INF70005-XXXXX-Gantt chart for MPP file containing Gantt chart


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