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Work Design, Organizational Change and Development Assignment Answers

Work Design, Organizational Change and Development Assignment Solution

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Learning outcomes applied in this assessment:


  • Demonstrate knowledge of the way organisations work and change based on their internal and external interactions and circumstances (EID, SID, PID, CID);
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the main interventions that aim at optimising an organisational system and the underlying psychological principles for such practices (EID,SID, PID, CID);

Thinking skills

  • Show the ability to critically and creatively reflect on a range of management techniques applied to solve organisational issues (EID, SID, PID, CID);

Subject-based practical skills

  • Evidence the ability to design and evaluate interventions addressing previously identified organisational needs and managing employees’ resistance to change (IC, EID, SID, PID, CID, CC);

Skills for life and work (general skills)

  • Engage confidently in academic and professional communication, including professional report writing as well as presenting and disseminating technical information to a wide audience (DP, IC, EID, SID, PID, CID, CC).

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK has undergone significant changes in recent years to improve patient care, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. As an expert in organizational change, you have been hired to implement a major program of change within the NHS. Your task is to discuss and elaborate on the implementation of this change program by critically assessing the role of the following aspects:

  • Challenges facing the field of Organisational Change within the internal and the external environment
  • The Process of Change: Readiness to Change and Designing Change Frameworks
  • Managing Resistance to Change
  • Negotiation and relevant theories facilitating change process.

Choose a specific area or department within the NHS to focus your implementation of this change program. In your analysis, you should address the challenges faced by the NHS in implementing change, such as cultural resistance, financial constraints, and stakeholder concerns. Additionally, you should discuss the strategies and frameworks that were used to manage resistance to change and facilitate negotiation among stakeholders.

Below you will find some potential sources of data and information for the NHS:

  1. NHS Digital: This website provides access to a range of data and statistics related to the NHS, including information on patient care, health outcomes, and healthcare.
  2. NHS England: The NHS England website contains a wealth of information about the organization’s strategic priorities and plans, as well as reports on performance and outcomes.
  3. Department of Health and Social Care: The UK government’s Department of Health and Social Care is responsible for setting policy and providing funding for the NHS. Their website includes reports on health spending, workforce planning, and other relevant topics.
  4. King’s Fund: This independent charity produces research and analysis on health and social care issues, including organizational change within the Their website includes reports, blogs, and other resources related to the NHS and healthcare more broadly.
  5. British Medical Association: The British Medical Association represents doctors and other healthcare professionals within the NHS. Their website includes information on healthcare policy, workforce issues, and other topics relevant to the implementation of change within the NHS.


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