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Writing Help On Research Methods For EOHS

Research Methods For EOHS

GROUP ASSIGNMENT: Development of a research question and proposal (Group Assignment) 

This is a group assignment, to be done in small groups of 4-5 (minimum 4; maximum 5). Groups will be organized through discussion with the lecturers. All members of the group are expected to make an equal contribution to both the written and the oral components of the assignment. The assignment groups will be allocated to one of 6 groupings in the class for the purpose of arranging attendance at workshops on an OHS or Environmental study design (see timetable in course outline for dates). Your group is required to develop either an OHS research project or an Environmental research project from initial conceptualisation to the production of a rationale
for your research question and proposed methods to answer your research questions. There are
four parts to this assignment.

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Each group is required to prepare a written submission, developing a research question on an OHS or environmental topic. Your group number will determine if you are to work on an OHS or environmental topic. A list of topics will be provided as a guide.

Groups A, C and E will work on an OHS topic and groups B, D and F will work on an

Choose a topic which is of interest to your group, where research is needed to better understand each problem or its impacts. Once you have developed your ideas you should express it as either a research question or research aim and objectives. Please note: each group must come up with different questions.

PART 2: RESEARCH METHOD DEVELOPMENT (25%) Submit to your group’s Turnitin
Marks apportioned according to assignment mark and workload contribution.

For the approved research question your group is required to:

1.  Carry out a literature search; using scholarly sources, such as journal articles in the university databases, to determine what has been done previously in the area. For the purposes of this exercise locating five to ten of the most relevant supporting references will be considered adequate. (Please note: Google only searches are very unlikely to locate sufficient authoritative sources for your key references.)

2.  Use your selected references to refine your research question, to generate an aim and objectives based on the question and to develop a rationale for your proposal. You should demonstrate how each of your supporting references provides justification for your research interest.

3.  Develop a research protocol which describes the methods using an appropriate study design, identifying appropriate study population or study material, sampling methods, and sample size. Select or outline appropriate data collection measures for all study factors

4.  Consider the ethical and other logistical issues in the research design.

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Assignment Length

Each written assignment should not exceed 8 pages of A4 in length (Arial font point 11). Total number of words: 3000 words (The title page is excluded from the page length.) If a submission exceeds the specified length, or if the document deviates significantly from the stated formatting requirements, the group will be penalised by 5% of the total mark.

Marking Criteria

1.    Introduction and background: 3 marks
2.    Statement of the research question and development of aim and objectives: 3 marks
3.    Literature review: review of existing knowledge: selection of appropriate references and discussion using selected references to justify the research question: 6 marks
4.    Materials and methods: design of a feasible, rigorous and ethical study to answer the research question: 10 marks
5.    Style, completeness and compliance with Vancouver style of referencing: 3 marks
6.    TOTAL Marks: 25

Assignment Guideline

1. Introduction including background.
2. Literature Review: based on appropriate references, explain how each of them  provides justification and support for your research question. (Note: this should  contain appropriate
‘in text’ citation of your journal articles.)
3. Research Question: (To be stated in a single sentence)
4. Objectives: clearly defined.
5. Materials and Methods: clearly describe your study methodology and provide  justification and support from the literature.
6. Supporting References: (List at least 10 references you found to support your research. Use
Vancouver citation style.)


Length: 15 minute power point presentation which includes 5 minutes for questions. Groups will not be allowed to go over the time limit.

Dates: Groups A & B (12 Jul), Groups C & D (13 Jul), Groups E & F (14 Jul) Proportion of final assessment mark: 2.5% peer-marked, 2.5% lecturer marked. Marks apportioned according to presentation mark and workload contribution.
Attendance: Compulsory at all presentation sessions as presentations is peer-marked.


The Task

Your group is to prepare and present a professional presentation on the date allocated. The presentation should be delivered by at least 2 members of the group, however during question time the lecturer and other students may direct questions to specific members of the group. This means that all members of the group must be fully familiar with the presentation.

The following marking scheme will be used for the presentation. The lecturer and the students allocated the group for peer assessment will each mark the presentation. The students’ marks will be averaged and if necessary moderated, to give a peer assessment mark. The lecturer mark and the peer assessment mark will then be averaged to determine the final mark for the presentation component of the assignment.

Presentation Marking and Peer Review

The attached marking sheet will be used. All students are required to contribute to peer-review of the presentations at the time of presentation. Using the assessment sheet attached, the lecturer and each student will assess each presentation. The completed assessment sheets should remain confidential and will be collected by the lecturer at the end of the presentation session.


Since it is a group assignment each student is required to individually complete a confidential peer contribution form. All members of the group will receive the marks awarded for the assignment. For students whose peers score their contribution less than 3 out of 5 will incur a penalty of 20% of the assignment mark.


Name: (As per your official enrolment)     Student Number


Name of Peer Assessor: Date and time:
Group being assessed: Topic:

Introduction (  / 2 mark) Objectives of the presentation are clearly explained and the research question and hypotheses identified

Use of literature to develop a rationale for the research question. (  / 5 marks)

There is evidence that research of the topic has been rigorous and appropriate authoritative references identified. Clear argument put forward using the selected references to justify the development of the research question.

Description of study materials and methods. (  / 5 marks)

There is evidence that the materials and methods are ethical, well organised, and easily understood and will provide an answer to the research question.

General organisation, conclusions and referencing (  / 3 marks)

Content is presented in an organised and rational way, and is completed within the 15 minute timeframe. Conclusions are appropriate and responses to questions demonstrate an understanding of the topic.

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