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Sample on -NUTN402 2018. Assessment 3 - Public Health Nutrition Programme

Delete all instructions in blue (template without tips also provided)
• MAXIMUM 3.5 pages^ for the program plan (excludes Appendices A-C and References)
^ Page setup: A4 (100%), all margins 2.5cm, left-justified, single-spaced, Times, size 12 font
Exception: Headings and theory tables can be Arial, size 10 font.
• The first 5 headings (including Goal) should fit on 1 page. This requires concise explanations and
justifications using credible academic references.
Public health nutrition problem:
• Aim for 2 sentences or ~20 words
• State the nutrition-related health problem being addressed (example in Assessment 2 scenario)
• Specify key dietary and non-dietary determinants of this health problem (cite at least two credible
scientific references- academic textbook or review articles)

Target Audience (TA):
• Aim for 2 sentences or ~30 words
• Precisely define your segmented TA (refer Assessment 2 scenario). After defining the ‘Target
Audience’ here, you can use this term throughout your plan.
• Approximately, how many people are in this TA? (must be 200+ adults)
• Approximately, what % of the TA is composed of priority groups?
• Reference original sources of socio-demographic information (eg. StatsNZ website)

Programme Team:
This ideal management team would plan, implement and evaluate the programme.
• List (paragraph format with commas to save space) who should be represented on the Team -
Does your Programme Team have:
o a couple TA reps for a blended top-down/bottom-up approach?
o a representative from KEY stakeholder groups (those with a major role in delivering a
o local Iwi Māori representation (name local Iwi-affiliated marae) to fulfil Treaty of Waitangi
‘partnership’ obligations?
• Prioritise membership. Aim for no more than 10 so this management team is a functional size.
• Refer to Appendix A ‘TA influencers’ - put * by KEY stakeholders on the Team

Justification of programme goal and objectives:
This overview gives context and meaning to your specific public health nutrition programme Goal and
Objectives. Convince readers that your evidence-based programme is likely to be effective. (~1/2 page/
200 words)
• Will this programme be part of a broader campaign to prevent the health problem? (~1 sentence)
o Hypothetically, what complementary programmes (to address other dietary and non-dietary
behaviours) should be implemented alongside this one to prevent the health problem?
• Justify the Goal behaviour, citing credible original references. (~3 sentences)
o Why is the outcome for the Goal an eating behaviour? (review Mod. 2 essential reading)

NUTN402 2018. Assessment 3 - Public Health Nutrition Programme
o Is the Goal behaviour a significant problem in the TA (justify it using the closest matching
reference population)?
o Will achieving the Goal significantly reduce the TA’s risk of developing the health problem (for
obesity prevention, think critically about total energy intake)?
• Briefly introduce and justify the Objectives (~5 sentences)
o Is a TA-centred, theory-driven approach to programme design reflected?
o Do the Objectives complement each other? Do they show an understanding of the needs of
the TA (and practicability for key stakeholder)? If achieved, will a large proportion of the TA be
supported in achieving the behavioural Goal?
o Which three Ottawa Charter Actions are addressed?
o Cite NUTN402 readings/dataset (eg. SPARC dataset) and other references to justify this
evidence-based practice is likely to be effective.

“By …T (when), M (measurable change) of the target audience (S- who) will eat ...S (specific, measurable
eating behaviour).”
Specific Who will achieve what specific outcome (define the eating behaviour - what and
how much counts – include citation for definition/policy statement)?
Measurable What measurable change will occur- eg. ‘a higher proportion’?
Attainable Can this Goal be realistically achieved with available time and resources?
Will Objective 1 and 2 achieve this outcome?
Relevant On p.1 was evidence cited to justify the TA needs to change this behaviour?
Time bound By when will this Goal be achieved?
Is the study design (specified in the wording) appropriate?
• After defining the “Goal”, you can use this term throughout your plan.
1) Objective (psychosocial change):
• This psychosocial change objective must be SMART.
“By …T (when), the target audience (S- who) will …M (measurable verb) ...S (specific, measurable
psychological change).”
Specific Who will achieve what specific psychological outcomes (eg. state 3 prioritised
Social Cognitive Theory constructs from the table on p.3 to motivate and
empower the TA to achieve the Goal)?
Measurable What measurable change will occur (eg. ‘will increase their confidence to…’ (a
validated questionnaire can be used to measure self-efficacy on a continuous
scale), or ‘a greater % of TA will be able to name three…’)?
Attainable Can you realistically achieve this Objective with the proposed Strategy?
Can this Objective be realistically achieved with available time and resources?
Relevant On p.1 is evidence (eg. SPARC dataset) cited to justify the TA needs to
have/change these psychological factors to achieve the Goal?
On p. 1 did you justify which Ottawa Charter Action is addressed?
Time bound By when will this Goal be achieved?
Is the study design (specified in the wording) appropriate?

NUTN402 2018. Assessment 3 - Public Health Nutrition Programme
• In one concise paragraph (~150 words), provide an overview of the general behavioural
communication strategy/intervention:
o Is the Strategy/intervention clear, realistic and practicable?
o Is it an appropriate intervention (product) in an appropriate setting (place) that requires minimal
effort and resources from the TA to participate (price) and is well publicised (promoted), so a
large % of the TA can be reached and the desired outcome (Objective 1) can be achieved?
• Specify the social marketing mix (4P) to enable widespread TA access:
o Product (communications)- Who’s responsible for this strategy? Which communication
channel(s) will be used? How will communications be delivered? By whom? How many? How
often? How long?
• try to use innovative communication channels (targeted media to proactively reach TA rather
than relying on ‘come to me’ small group, labour-intensive approaches)
• specify message content in the SCT table (not here)
o Place- Where will the TA receive these communications? When- at any special time?
o Price (money, time, effort, opportunity cost)- Is the price ‘affordable’ for the TA, and the
stakeholder responsible for delivering them (if relevant)?
o Promotion- How will the product be promoted so a large % of the TA is aware of it and
accesses it? (ideally use an attention-grabbing, creative approach with an incentive)
• Include explicit statements (and cite reference) to show Treaty of Waitangi application:
• Will Māori participate in the development and/or delivery of this strategy?
• Will Māori culture be protected (language, traditional values, customs, traditional foods, etc.)?
For each psychological SCT construct below, state the communication channel
(if more than 1 in the Strategy above) and what messages will be
communicated (wherever possible, use SPARC/Appendix C findings to give an
example of how each construct could be applied - marker expectations in
Module 2 pre-lecture text).
Social Cognitive Theory (Baranowski et al 1997)
Outcome expectations
Outcome expectancies
Observational learning
Behavioural capability
Emotional coping responses
Self-control of performance

NUTN402 2018. Assessment 3 - Public Health Nutrition Programme
2) Objective (environmental change):
• This food environment/ policy/ community action objective must be SMART.
“By …T (when), the S (stakeholder) will …M (measurable verb) ...S (specific environmental change).”
Specific Who will achieve what specific environmental outcome (eg. change in food
environment, policy or community action to achieve the Goal)?
Note: The Strategy ‘product’ describes the proposed outcome in enough detail
to make it measureable.
If food environment, which foods (inclusion criteria, example may be helpful),
how many, how often?
If policy, what specific new policy will be advocated for or implemented to
influence a specific setting that the TA frequents (or a proximal leverage point
that influences one of these settings)? In Strategy, what is the intended policy
(needs clear link to the Goal behaviour)?
If community action, what specific outcome(s) could be achieved to create a
healthy social norm for the TA? Additional tips in Module 4 pre-lecture text.
‘The community’ is a broad term needing definition.
Measurable What measurable change will occur (eg. ‘will increase access to…’, or ‘will
develop and implement…’)?
Attainable Can you realistically achieve this Objective with the proposed Strategy?
Can this Objective be realistically achieved with available time and resources?
Relevant On p.1 is evidence cited to justify this environmental change will help the TA
achieve the Goal? (It will influence the TA’s daily food consumption.)
On p.1 did you justify which Ottawa Charter Action(s) is addressed?
Time bound By when will this Goal be achieved?
Is the study design (specified in the wording) appropriate?
• In one concise paragraph (~120 words), describe the proposed environmental change:
o Is the Strategy/intervention clear, realistic and practicable for this stakeholder?
o Is it an appropriate intervention (product) in an appropriate setting (place) that requires minimal
effort and resources from the TA to participate (price) and is well publicised (promoted), so a
large % of the TA can be reached and the desired outcome (Objective 2 and Goal) can be
• Specify the social marketing mix (4P) to enable widespread TA access and acceptability:
o Product- Describe the specific environmental change (read notes in ‘Specific’ section above)

Who’s responsible?

o Place- Where is this environmental change? When- at any special time?
o Price (money, time, effort, opportunity cost)- Is the price ‘affordable’ for the TA, and the
stakeholder responsible for delivering it?
o Promotion- How will the product be promoted so a large % of the TA is aware of it and
accesses it? (ideally use an attention-grabbing, creative approach with an incentive)
• Include explicit statements (and cite reference) to show Treaty of Waitangi application:
• Will Māori participate in the development and/or delivery of this strategy?
• Will Māori culture be protected (language, traditional values, customs, traditional foods, etc.)?

NUTN402 2018. Assessment 3 - Public Health Nutrition Programme
Social Cognitive Theory (Baranowski et al 1997)
Environment Simply state: Described in Strategy (above)
Situation How will the TA’s perception of their food environment change? (use
SPARC/Appendix C findings)
Reciprocal determinism
(across Obj. 1 & 2)
This one overlaps with Obj. 1. Specify all six interactions, using these symbols:
• How can the environment affect the individual’s thoughts? (E→I)
• How can the individual’s thoughts affect his/her behaviour? (I→B)
• How can the behaviour affect the environment? (B→E)
• How can the environment affect the behaviour? (E→B)
• How can the behaviour affect the individual’s thoughts? (B→I)
• How can the individual’s thoughts affect the environment? (I→E)
How will you manage this environmental change process? If you’re changing a business/organisation’s
food environment, creating an organisational policy, or forming a community group to take action,
which Module 4 environmental change theory is appropriate?
• Diffusion of Innovations Theory (Glanz & Rimer 1997, Table 7)
• Organisational Change: Stage Theory (Glanz & Rimer 1997, Table 8)
• Community Action Model (Lavery 2005, Figure 1)
Name each concept
from one theory- 1 per
Describe the environmental change process - how the stakeholder(s) will be
engaged to deliver the overall Strategy and achieve Objective 2.
Give an accurate example of how each construct could be applied. Be concise.
Environmental change theory title (reference)

NUTN402 2018. Assessment 3 - Public Health Nutrition Programme
Appendix A- Map of Target Audience Influencers
1-page maximum (hand-drawn is fine):
Purpose: This schematic map of the Target Audience’s likely ecological influences can help identify
opportunities for food environment/community activation/policy change AND settings for behavioural
communications and strategy ‘promotions’. Use logic and common sense for this mapping exercise.
How to:
• Put the Target Audience (TA) and their household at the centre of the figure.
• Outer ring 1: specify ~8 key settings* that are likely to influence the TA’s thoughts, behaviours,
home environment, etc. (include settings where financial resources and food are accessed; social
settings/organisations or community groups the TA is likely to access at least fortnightly)
• Outer ring 2: specify at least one organisation or group that has influence over each ‘setting’
(proximal leverage point*)
• Outer ring 3: specify at least one organisation or group that has influence over the organisation/
group in outer ring 2 (distal leverage point*)
* Module 1 Booth et al reading
Include relationship lines showing:
• Direction of relationship (single or double arrow)
• Frequency of relationship (less than fortnightly (- - - -); fortnightly (……); daily (_____)
• Strength of relationship (line thickness increases with increasing strength of influence over target
audience or setting/organisation)

NUTN402 2018. Assessment 3 - Public Health Nutrition Programme
Appendix B- Programme strengths & limitations (word count: XX ) 500 word limit
Programme strengths
• Justify the strengths of your programme, using logic and references (~150 words; bullet point
format is fine)
• Critically discuss specific limitations of your programme AND how you could overcome these
limitations (~350 words)
Limitation Proposed solution
NUTN402 2018. Assessment 3 - Public Health Nutrition Programme
Appendix C- Target Audience’s assumed ecological needs for the eating behaviour
– 1 page limit <delete this page if using Assessment 2 needs assessment>
Psychosocial factors influencing <eating behaviour>
Environmental factors influencing <eating behaviour>
NUTN402 2018. Assessment 3 - Public Health Nutrition Programme
Apply Vancouver citation style, which uses numbered (not author-year) in-text citations
• Style guide posted on NUTN402 Blackboard -> Course Information -> Writing at University /
References / citation styles -> “VANCOUVER Reference guide (USE ME!)”
Use in-text citations to:
• Document the information source for factual statements, ideas, concepts and/or frameworks
• Document and justify concept/framework application (evidence-based practice)
• Document and justify where you’ve incorporated Target Audience needs assessment findings
(eg. SPARC) into your programme
• Justify where you've addressed Ottawa Charter Actions and Treaty of Waitangi principles
Use credible references
• Incorporate 5-10 NUTN402 readings to show your integrated understanding of concepts
covered in this paper
• For scientific facts, use academic peer-reviewed journal articles (preferably “systematic
review” articles) or textbooks
• For statements reflecting government policy, use Ministry of Health (or Ministry of Primary
Industries, etc.) documents

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