Unlock the full potential of your dissertation with our literature review services. Our team of experienced PhD writers helps you synthesize relevant research, identify gaps, and create a solid foundation for your thesis.

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How to Choose the Best Dissertation Literature Review Topics for Masters & PhD

All references Should be: -

  • From Year 2015 & Above
  • From Q1 or Q2 Journals ‘Attached the papers to use for Literature Review’
  • Harvard Reference Style like (Kumar et. al, 2017)


Choose the Best Dissertation Literature Review Papers Topics for Masters  & PhD

Dissertation Papers for Literature Review

  1. Dissertation for Literature Review: An empirical study of factors influencing cloud adoption among private sector 2018 Q1
  2. Dissertation for Literature Review: Cloud computing A value creation model 2015 Q1
  3. Dissertation for Literature Review: Cloud Computing Adoption Intention by MSMEs in the Philippines 2019 Q2
  5. Dissertation for Literature Review: Determinants of cloud computing adoption by SMEs 2016 Q2
  6. Dissertation for Literature Review: Developing a Cloud-Computing Adoption Framework 2015 Q2
  7. Dissertation for Literature Review: Digital Innovation Dynamics Influence on Organisational Adoption The Case of Cloud Computing Services 2019 Q1
  8. Dissertation for Literature Review: Factors affecting cloud ERP adoption in Saudi Arabia An empirical study 2017 Q2
  9. Dissertation for Literature Review: Factors affecting the adoption of cloud services in enterprises 2015 Q2
  10. Dissertation for Literature Review: Factors influencing the organizational adoption of cloud computing a survey among cloud workers 2018 Q2
  11. Dissertation for Literature Review: Factors That Influence Adoption of Cloud Computing An Empirical Study of Australian SMEs 2018 Q2
  12. Dissertation for Literature Review: Technological, organisational and environmental factors influencing managers’ decision to adopt cloud computing in the UK 2015 Q1
  13. Dissertation for Literature Review: The adoption of software-as-a-service (SaaS) ranking the determinants 2015 Q1
  14. Dissertation for Literature Review: To investigate the determinants of cloud computing adoption in the manufacturing micro, small and medium enterprises A DEMATEL-based approach 2019 Q2
  15. Dissertation for Literature Review: Understanding and predicting the determinants of cloud computing adoption A two staged hybrid SEM-Neural Networks approach 2017 Q1
  16. Dissertation for Literature Review: Understanding determinants of cloud computing adoption using an integrated TAM-TOE model 2015 Q1
  17. Dissertation for Literature Review: Understanding the impact of cloud-based services adoption on organizational flexibility 2016 Q1


Choose the Best Dissertation for Papers to build the Model for Masters  & PhD


Dissertation for Papers to build the Model

  1. Dissertation for Papers to build the Model: A study on the adoption of IoT smart home service using Value-based Adoption Model 2017, Q1
  2. Dissertation for Papers to build the Model: Adoption of in-store mobile payment Are perceived risk and convenience the only drivers 2016, Q1
  3. Dissertation for Papers to build the Model: An empirical investigation of mobile data service continuance Incorporating the theory of planned behavior into the expectation confirmation model ECM 2010 Q1
  4. Dissertation for Papers to build the Model: An expectation-confirmation model of continuance intention to use mobile instant messaging ECM 2016 Q1
  5. Dissertation for Papers to build the Model: Application of Value-based Adoption Model to Analyze SaaS Adoption Behavior in Korean B2B Cloud Market 2013
  6. Dissertation for Papers to build the Model: Determining the factors that influence college students' adoption of smartphones 2014 Q1
  7. Dissertation for Papers to build the Model: Explaining and predicting the adoption intention of mobile data services A value-based approach 2014 Q1
  8. Dissertation for Papers to build the Model: Explaining and predicting users’ continuance intention toward e-learning An extension of the expectation–confirmation model ECM 2010 Q1
  9. Dissertation for Papers to build the Model: Exploring Factors Affecting the Adoption of Internet of Things Services 2016, Q1
  10. Dissertation for Papers to build the Model: Modeling Consumer Adoption of Mobile Shopping for Fashion Products in Korea 2009, Q1
  11. The effects of post-adoption beliefs on the expectation-confirmation model for information technology continuance 2006, Q1
  12. The integration of value-based adoption and expectation–confirmation models An example of IPTV continuance intention 2012, Q1
  13. Value-based Adoption of Mobile Internet An empirical investigation 2005, Q1
  14. What drives purchase intention for paid mobile apps An expectation confirmation model with perceived value ECM 2015 Q1

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