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5HR02 CIPD: Talent Management and Workforce Planning Assignment

Assignment Detail:-

  • Number of Words: 3900

This unit focuses on the impact of effective workforce planning in considering the development of diverse talent pools and how to contract and onboard the workforce. It also includes analysis of the potential cost to the organisation if this is poorly managed and the tools and interventions required to mitigate this risk.

CIPD’s Insight

Workforce Planning (July 2023)

Workforce planning is a core business process which aligns changing organisation needs with people strategy. It can be the most effective activity an organisation can engage in. It doesn’t need to be complicated and can be adjusted to suit the size and maturity of any organisation. It can provide market and industry intelligence to help organisations focus on a range of challenges and issues, and prepare for initiatives to support longer term business goals.

Strategic Workforce Planning (May 2023)

This guide introduces you to workforce planning and provides you with an overview of how to do it. It examines the key stages involved in workforce planning and offers a practical structure for determining your strategy, with illustrative examples to guide practice.

We’ll show you how to develop a workforce plan by walking you through two methodologies for workforce planning: a six-stage planning framework and a seven ‘rights’ principle. The planning framework offers six stages for conducting workforce planning in the right order; the seven ‘rights’ principle lists seven areas of the business that you need to consider.

People practitioners can use this guide to structure their (strategic) workforce planning, to identify the workforce challenges they may face ahead of time, and to put in place the appropriate actions to ensure organisational readiness and success.

Please note that the purpose of this insight is to link you to CIPD’s research and evidence within the subject area, so that you can engage with the latest thinking. It is not provided to replace the study required as part of the learning or as formative assessment material.

Checkout Now: CIPD Level 3 Assignment Samples

Preparation for the Tasks:

  • At the start of your assessment, you are encouraged to plan your work with your assessor and where appropriate agree milestones so that they can help you monitor your progress.
  • Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support your evidence.
  • Pay attention to how your evidence is presented.
  • Ensure that the evidence generated for this assessment remains your own work.

You Will Also Benefit From:

  • Completing and acting on formative feedback from your assessor.
  • Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunities and continuous professional development.
  • Reading the CIPD Insight, Fact Sheets and related online material on these topics as well as key research authors on the subject.


ParcelCare is a long-established national parcel and package delivery service. ParcelCare is now finding it difficult to attract, recruit and retain staff throughout the organisation. You have just started in your new role of People Manager and have been asked to report to senior leaders on how these issues can be addressed. In preparation, you write answers to the 10 questions below.

To help the reader, please make use of headings and assessment criteria references to signpost the assessment criteria being addressed.

1. New entrants to the parcel delivery market and other labour market competitors have adversely affected ParcelCare’s ability to compete in labour markets. Explain how ParcelCare can strategically position themselves in competitive labour markets. (AC 1.1)

2. Explain the impact of changing labour market conditions on resourcing decisions at ParcelCare. (AC 1.2)

3. You are aware that workforce planning has not been carried out in the past and decide to persuade the senior leadership team that this activity is worth doing. Analyse the impact of effective workforce planning, making clear how ParcelCare could benefit from this activity. (AC 2.1)

4. To strengthen your argument to introduce workforce planning, evaluate techniques that can be used to support the process of workforce planning. (AC 2.2)

5. Currently, vacancies are advertised on ParcelCare’s website. Line managers then interview shortlisted applicants. You feel that these are suitable recruitment and selection methods to use but want to broaden the methods used. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of two different recruitment methods and two different selection methods. (AC 2.3)

6. On examining employee turnover rates, you feel the rate is higher than it should be, and higher than internal targets. To try to understand this further, discuss differences between avoidable and unavoidable turnover and differences between push and pull factors. (AC 3.1)

7. Retention of warehouse staff is an issue, as there are many labour market competitors. Compare the following retention approaches: realistic job previews; induction; job enrichment; and reward. (AC 3.2)

8. To influence the senior leadership team to accept that employee turnover should be addressed, explain the impact of dysfunctional employee turnover. (AC 3.3)

9. ParcelCare employs the majority of employees on permanent, full-time contracts. You feel these contracts have their place, but it is time to consider whether other types of contractual arrangements could be beneficial to the organisation, especially when demand for delivery services increases and decreases. Assess the suitability of permanent, full-time contracts for delivery drivers as well as two other types of contracts. (AC 4.1)

10. At present, an ad hoc approach is taken to onboarding and typically involves the line manager ensuring new starter forms are completed and health and safety training provided. You identify that onboarding can be improved but first need to convince others that investment in this area is worthwhile. Explain the benefits of effective onboarding. (AC 4.3)

Must Visit: CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management Assessment Help

Task – response to questions


AC Number Assessment Criteria Mark


1.1 Explain how organisations strategically position themselves in competitive labour markets.  
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable)


1.2 Explain the impact of changing labour market conditions on resourcing decisions.  
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable)


2.1 Analyse the impact of effective workforce planning.  
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable)


2.2 Evaluate the techniques used to support the process of workforce planning.  
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable)


2.3 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different methods of recruitment and selection to build effective workforces.  
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable)


3.1 Discuss factors that influence why people choose to leave or remain in organisations.  
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable)


3.2 Compare different approaches to retaining people.  
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable)


3.3 Explain the impact of dysfunctional employee turnover.  
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable)


4.1 Assess suitable types of contractual arrangements dependent on specific workforce need.  
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable)


4.2 Explain the benefits of effective onboarding.  
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable)


Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable)


Total marks for TASK


Total marks for TASK (resubmission 1 if applicable)


Total marks for TASK (resubmission 2 if applicable)




Total marks for UNIT


Total marks for UNIT (resubmission 1 if applicable)


  Grade (resubmission 1 if applicable)  
Total marks for UNIT (resubmission 2 if applicable)


  Grade (resubmission 2 if applicable)  
Assessor Feedback Summary

Please use this box to summarise your feedback on the assessment overall. This should highlight strengths and any areas for improvement, either referring to specific ACs or commenting more generally across the assessment. (Note: developmental feedback on any ACs awarded a mark of 1 should have already been provided in the relevant box of the assessment form above.

Please use a different font colour for any resubmission comments)



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I confirm that I am satisfied that to the best of my knowledge, the work produced is solely that of the learner.





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