CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management Assessment Help

CIPD Level 5HR01 Employment Relationship Management Assessment Example


Do Quest is a privately owned company that has accepted union recognition for its employees. It produces high-end adventure clothing and has seen a consistent growth increase during and after the pandemic. You have recently taken on the role of Employee Relations manager at Go Quest. At your first meeting with the Directors, they explained that they are keen to draw on your knowledge and experience of working in the public sector within employment relationship management, an area the company management seeks to improve. They have asked you to produce a report for senior and line managers that provides them with knowledge and understanding of approaches to employee voice and how these can be best used to foster engagement, performance and better working lives. Additionally, they need to understand the different forms of workplace conflict behaviour, disputes and sanctions, collective employment law's role and main provisions, third-party interventions, and managing discipline and grievance resolution.

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To complete both sections of the report, you should provide written responses to each of the 16 points below, making appropriate use of academic theory, case and statutory law, research and good practical examples to substantiate your response and illustrate key points.

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Section One

The report's first section should provide knowledge and awareness to Go Quest’s management on approaches that might be adopted to facilitate direct and indirect forms of employee decision-making processes and support engagement, performance and better working lives.

To assist the reader, please make use of headings and assessment criteria references to signpost the assessment criteria being addressed. The points that need to be addressed in the first section are:

Table Point -1: CIPD Level 5 Assignment Question

  • Review emerging developments to inform approaches to employee voice and engagement. (AC 1.1)
  • Differentiate between employee involvement and employee participation and how it builds relationships. (AC 1.2)
  • Assess three employee voice tools and two approaches that might be used to drive employee engagement. (AC 1.3)
  • Critically evaluate the interrelationships between employee voice and organisational performance. (AC 1.4)
  • Explain the concept of better working lives and how this can be designed. (AC 1.5)

Table Point -2: Tutor & Learner Guidance

This section has two parts:

  • Define employee voice and review at least one relevant emerging trend in employee voice.
  • Define employee engagement and review at least one relevant emerging trend in employee engagement.

This answer has two parts:

  • Give the differences between the concepts of EI and EP.
  • Explain how EI and EP can help build employer and employee relationships.

Tip: you can use a table to present the differences with clarity.

This answer has two parts:

  • Choose THREE employee voice tools, and for each one, assess when it would be appropriate to use that tool.
  • Choose TWO approaches that an organisation can use to drive employee engagement, and for each one, assess when it would be appropriate to use that approach.

There are two ways to answer this question, and you can choose either one:

Option 1: choose relevant academic sources to help you understand the interrelationship between voice and performance.

Then, critically evaluate the theories to comment on their validity, suitability and whether you agree with the theorists.

Option 2: you can provide arguments backed by academic research to show:

  • Positive links between voice and performance improvements.
  • Arguments that question whether voice leads to improved performance.
  • At the end, give your opinion and evaluation to explain your view on the link between voice and performance.

Tip: in both options, concluding the answer with your evaluation of the arguments is important.

There are two parts to this answer:

  • Explain the concept of better working lives. This can include a definition and reference to the CIPD’s purpose.
  • Give at least two specific ways an organisation can design better working lives.

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Table Point -3: Explanation of the command verb

Review: to research various developments in the topic area and provide a view on it

Differentiate: to mention the differences between EI and EP.

Assess: to explain how/ when different employee voice tools AND approaches for employee engagement can be used in line with the needs of the organisation.

Evaluate: give your own conclusion on the relationship between voice and performance. The conclusion is reached by evaluating the interconnectedness between the two concepts.

Explain: Write this in sufficient detail with descriptions. It is not a short bullet list.

Table Point -4: Indicative content provided by CIPD

Dimensions of engagement, for example, intellectual, affective and social engagement; drivers of engagement, for example, leadership, engaging managers, voice and integrity, role of social media in voice and engagement; use of engagement surveys; risk attached with over-engagement and burnout; relationship between voice, engagement and wellbeing; shift from indirect to direct voice; voice for gig economy workers and contractors; importance of ‘speak-up’ methods; legal frameworks for voice; role of voice and engagement in job quality; impact of voice and engagement on psychological contract.

Employee involvement and employee participation: definitions of involvement and participation; differences in decision making; differences in depth, form, scope and methods; links to unitarian and pluralism; theories of job design and links to motivation.

Employee voice tools and approaches: surveys, suggestion schemes, team meetings, town hall meetings, collective bargaining, joint negotiating committees, joint consultative committees, works councils, employee forums, the role of social media, etc.

Engagement: dimensions of engagement such as intellectual, affective and social engagement; drivers of engagement such as leadership, engaging managers, voice and integrity, reward, recognition, perceptions, and organisational culture.

The interrelationship between employee voice and organisation performance: arguments that support a link, for example high- performance work practice research, arguments that question whether voice leads to improved organisational performance, for example, difficulties in measuring performance, variations in methods of voice in practice, the impact of other variables.

Better working lives: the concept of good work, definitions of good work; fair and decent work; job quality: terms of employment, pay and benefits, health, safety and psychosocial wellbeing, job design and nature of work, social support and cohesion; flexibility; responsiveness to personal issues; metrics used to assess job quality and good work; how to design good work: so that it promotes good physical and mental health.

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Section Two

This section of the report needs to explain to Go Quest’s managers the different forms of conflict behaviour and dispute resolution and how to legally manage performance, disciplinary and grievance matters. You need to:

Table Point -1: Assignment Question

  • Distinguish between organisational conflict and misbehaviour and between informal and formal conflict. (AC 2.1)
  • Distinguish between official and unofficial employee action. (AC 2.2)
  • Assess emerging trends in the types of conflict and industrial sanctions. (AC 2.3)
  • Distinguish between third-party conciliation, mediation and arbitration. (AC 2.4)
  • Explain the principles of legislation relating to unfair dismissal in respect of capability and misconduct issues. (AC 3.1)
  • Analyse key causes of employee grievances. (AC 3.2)
  • Explain the skills required for effective grievance and discipline-handling procedures. (AC 3.3)
  • Advise on the importance of handling grievances effectively. (AC 3.4)
  • Explain the main provisions of collective employment law. (AC 4.1)
  • Compare the types of employee bodies, union and non-union forms of employee representation. (AC 4.2)
  • Evaluate the purpose of collective bargaining and how it works. (AC 4.3)

Table Point -2: Tutor & Learner Guidance

There are two parts to this answer:

  1. Explain the differences between conflict and misbehaviour.
  2. Explain the differences between formal and informal conflict.

Tip: you can present this answer in a table to clarify the differences.

Explain the differences between official and unofficial employee action.

Tip: you can use a table to present the differences with clarity.

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This section has two parts:

  1. Research and review two new and emerging trends in conflicts.
  2. Research and review two new and emerging trends in industrial sanctions.

You can mention two trends for each.

Explain the differences between conciliation, mediation and arbitration.

Tip: you can use a table to present the differences with clarity.

This answer should include a reference to the relevant legislation.

You can refer to UK (Acas) law or the GCC law related to unfair dismissal.

The answer should include principles related to BOTH:

  1. Dismissal because of capability
  2. Dismissals because of misconduct.

Using a case organisation (your workplace or the assignment case study):

Discuss the main causes of employee grievances.

Tip: don’t give a list of causes but choose a few and explain in some detail.

Explain at least 3 skills required for effectively handling grievances and disciplinaries.

Tip: don’t give a list of skills, instead choose three and explain in some detail.

Give at least two reasons/ benefits explaining the importance of effectively handling grievances.

This answer should refer to the relevant legislation.

As GCC labour laws do not cover collective elements, you need to focus on UK law.

You need to give the main points highlighted in the employment law specifically related to collective employment.

This means laws related to the unions, their recognition, their operations, ways of working, etc.

Give the similarities and differences between different types of union and non-union employee representation bodies.

There are three parts to this answer:

  1. Explain the purpose of collective bargaining
  2. Describe the benefits and challenges of collective bargaining
  3. Explain how collective bargaining works by describing the key stages of the process briefly.

Table Point -3: Explanation of the command verb

  • Distinguish: to differentiate between the terms based on certain criteria of comparison.
  • Distinguish: to differentiate between the terms based on certain criteria of comparison.
  • Assess: to understand the various trends impacting conflict and sanctions and comment on when/ how an organisation might use it.
  • Distinguish: to differentiate between all three terms based on certain criteria of comparison.
  • Explain: Write this in sufficient detail with descriptions. It is not a short bullet list.
  • Analyse: to investigate the causes of grievance from a given scenario or a situation.
  • Explain: Write this in sufficient detail with descriptions. It is not a short bullet list.
  • Advise: give suggestions or recommendations on the importance of handling grievances effectively.
  • Explain: Write this in sufficient detail with descriptions. It is not a short bullet list.
  • Compare: The similarities and differences between the two approaches.
  • Evaluate: give your own conclusion on the purpose of collective bargaining.

The conclusion is reached by evaluating the benefits and challenges associated with collective bargaining.

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Table Point -4: Indicative content provided by CIPD

Organisational conflict and misbehaviour: forms of employee-organised conflict such as strikes, work-to-rule, go-slow, overtime bans, protests and deliberate negative or disruptive behaviour; forms of unorganised 28 CIPD Associate Diploma in People Management conflict, also known as misbehaviour, such as sabotage, fraud, absenteeism, walking out. Informal and formal conflict: informal conflict: spontaneous arguments, disagreements, cultural issues of differing opinions, models of conflict style. Formal conflict: leadership styles, encouraging debate and differing perspectives. Recognition that conflict can be both positive as well as negative.

Official action: criteria for action to be classified as official such as, in furtherance of a trade dispute, balloting requirements; supported/authorised/sanctioned by a trade union; relevant legislation and legal protection. Unofficial action: any conflict or disruptive action that does not fall within the definition of formal action, for example lack of trade union or official authorisation, may be spontaneous, lack of legal protection for those involved.

Shift from long strikes to shorter strategically planned strikes; trends in the number of strikes, working days lost, number of workers involved; increasing use of injunctions by organisations; individualisation of workplace conflict. Nature of sanctions possible and currently being applied, for example internal/external policies and principles, legislation and how applied.

Definitions of third party; conciliation, mediation and arbitration; uses in individual and collective disputes; the role of conciliation in settlement of employment tribunal claims, the role of mediation in restoring and maintaining employment relationship, role of conciliator and mediator in helping parties resolve their dispute; role of arbitrator in making a binding decision in a dispute; managing potential conflict situations to achieve consensus legally and ethically.

Unfair dismissal law: the principles of unfair dismissal law; relevant legislation; relevant codes of practice. Capability and misconduct issues: definitions of capability and misconduct; fair and unfair reasons for dismissal; the importance of acting fairly and reasonably; formal hearings and warnings; differences between ordinary and gross misconduct; record keeping; right to be accompanied to disciplinary hearings.

Definitions of grievance; causes individual and collective grievances; poor management, lack of flexibility, inequality in treatment, unfair rules, workload, working conditions, grading issues, interpretation of an existing collective agreement, bullying and harassment.

Active listening, questioning, investigation, interviewing, note-taking, and meditating. Being objective, acknowledging and minimising bias

To avoid legal claims, the organisation's and individual's reputation; impact on the individual and team; address issues that may cause employee frustration, poor morale, absence, withdrawal of goodwill, resistance to change, resignation, and psychological impact.

Statutory recognition procedures, official and unofficial action; disclosure of information for collective bargaining; picketing; legal enforceability of collective agreements.

Joint negotiation committees, employee forums, staff councils, works councils, and differences in the power of employee bodies.

Joint determination of rules; industrial governance; negotiation, constructive compromise and purposeful persuasion; substantive and procedural agreements; use of industrial action to achieve bargaining aims.

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