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ANTH203 -Short Essay
Word length: 750 words (+ or – ten per cent of the word count is acceptable)
Due date: Friday April 6, 2019
Referencing: ‘In-text’ or Harvard style of referencing is recommended for all anthropology essays. Place a citation in brackets in the text of the essay, e.g. ‘Fox (1967, p.72) made the point that…’ or ‘Fox argues that incest is ‘not so much
prevented as avoided’ (1967, p.72)…’. This system, sometimes called the ‘Harvard’ system, is used in most anthropological publications and is the preferred style of referencing in the Department of Anthropology.
Arrange the entries in your bibliography alphabetically by author’s surname. The list should include all and only the references cited in the text. Underline or use italics for the titles of books and journals. This is a very short essay. We expect you to cite
between three and five references only.
Essay questions – select ONE to answer:
1. The anthropologist Maurice Bloch states, ‘In all societies, sharing food is a
way of establishing closeness, while, conversely, the refusal to share is one of
the clearest marks of distance and enmity.’ Provide some examples of the
way sharing food establishes and reproduces social relations.
2. Outline at least two anthropological theories of a food taboo. For example,
you might wish to compare Mary Douglas and Marvin Harris’s analysis of the
Old Testament’s prohibition on pork consumption.
3. Food, gender and power are intimately linked questions. Discuss.
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