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BSBLDR502: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Task 1: Written Questions

Task 1: Written Questions

Q1. Why Are Workplace Policies And Procedures Important? List Five Key Benefits?

Ans. (a) POLICY: A ‘Policy’ is a predetermined course of action, which is established to provide a guide toward accepted business strategies and objectives. In other words, it is a direct link between an organization’s ‘Vision ’and their day to day operations.

PROCEDURE: The ultimate goal of every ‘Procedure’ is to provide the reader with a clear and easily understood plan of action required to carry out or implement policy.

List of Five key benefits

  • With relation to the performance and behavior, the staff gets to know what is being expected from them.
  • For the day to day decision making, there are several sketched guidelines and rules formulated for the employees. This refrains them from asking the seniors again and again what needs to be done.
  • It brings consistency and responses that are clear across the organization regarding the employees’ behavior in various situations.
  • It gives an impression to employees that they shall be treated fairly and equally.
  • It also avoids favoritism among the employees and creates an expectation among them that how complaints and misunderstanding shall be dealt.

Q2. explains why it is important that workplace policies and procedures are provided and explained to staff?

Ans Policies are important in a workplace as it helps reinforce and clarify the standards expected of employers and help employers manage staff more effectively as it defines. Effective communication not solely makes positive that the policies area unit being communicated to the staff. However, a documented direction even ensures retention of them and makes it easier to implement

Q3. When should staff be provided with policies and procedures?

AnsIt is necessary that the policies and procedures of the geographical point are communicated on the most effective time so as to make sure their best implementation. When the employees ask for the policies and procedures regarding the workplace, when employees are confused on how to handle certain situations, it can be made clear to them that they can ask frequent questions regarding the policies whenever they feel necessary.

 Following are a couple of times mentioned once standards of policies and behavior are often introduced:

  • The employees should be acknowledged of the workplace norms at the time they are hired, to provide them with a smooth start with their operations. The workplace policies and procedures should be communicated during their orientation process.
  • At times when an employee breaks a rule, as an element of a discipline and counseling method, the seniors can make the employee understand what is being expected from the time
  • In the case of introducing changes in the policies and procedures of the is crucial that employees are informed formally via emails, bulletin boards, memo, etc. regarding the new code of conduct.

Q4. List three methods of informing staff about changes to policies and procedures.

Ans Changes to the workplace policies and procedures can be implemented through the following methods:

1 Be clear and honest about what’s changing and why.           

Any sort of spin, sugarcoating or jargon is going to look like you’re trying to hide something. You’ll gain employers’ trust if you use simple, straightforward language.

2 Tell employers what they need to do.

The infamous call to action .it’s critical to outline what needs to be done and when. This is what people are looking for the end of communication, so use bulleted lists, bold font, links to websites, etc.,

3 Target whenever you can.

Give careful thought to whether the change more effects specific audiences.

  1. What is the purpose of a workplace Code of Conduct?

Ans It’s important for an organization to establish its code of conduct as it ensures standardization in the operations of its employees. It also acts as an effective channel of communication which lets the employees know what they are expected to do. It makes it easier for the new entrants to fit in the organization’s environment well.

  1. List three behaviors that a workplace Code of Conduct can cover.

Ans Three behaviors:

  1. Accountability
  2. Commitment
  3. Teamwork
  4. List three benefits of networking.

Ans Following is the advantages of networking:

  • Sharing of knowledge: It assists in expanding one’s knowledge and helps in widening their perspective.
  • Opportunities: It helps in the acquisition of various opportunities.
  • Connections: It provides a person with exposure to various things resulting in strengthening their relationships.
  1. List two benefits to employers of a diverse workplace?

Ans In a diverse workplace, employees enjoy the following benefits:

  • Employees get to exchange their knowledge and their experience they have from the variety of background they come from. Everybody gets an opportunity to learn from others which helps them to tackle the fluctuating trends in the market place.
  • It creates a pool of a variety of viewpoints and ideas generated. With higher productivity employees are able to counter the needs of their customers well.
  1. Describe the main function of the Fair Work Act 2009?

Ans the Fair Work Act 2009 is responsible for setting out the system for the relations of employees and employers in a workplace. It seeks to provide a framework that is balanced and productive at the same time to promote the national economic prosperity along with social inclusion for the Australians. The framework also guarantees safety with reference to fair dealings and minimal enforceable conditions and terms through the National Employment Standards (NES), National Minimum Wage and Modern Awards.

  1. What is Equal Employment Opportunity?

Ans According to the Equal Employment Opportunity no person should be subjected to discrimination based on their sex, race, color, religion, etc. when applying for a job. Discriminating among job applicants shall be seen as illegal and the employer shall be charged with the offense leading to an investigation and lawsuit.

  1. Describe the main function of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

Ans, The main function of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, is to prohibit discrimination among people on the basis of their disabilities in education, employment, provision of goods and services, associations and clubs, etc.

  1. List the objectives of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.

Ans Racial discrimination has been set to protect a person from being treated fairly less because of their color, race, descent or ethnic origin. It advises people to treat everyone under the similar yardstick and refrain from changing their behavior towards others on the basis of their religion, race, color, language, etc.

  1. List the objectives of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984.

Ans, The main objectives of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, are to

  • Refrain people from discrimination between people with regard to their sex, relationship status, pregnancy, gender identity, etc.

The Act also seeks to remove discrimination linking to the dismissal of the employees with responsibilities of their families and to remove sexual harassment in public.


Task 2: Policies and Procedure Development Project

BSBLDR502: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Task 2

Task3: Networking Project

BSBLDR502: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Task 3: Networking Project

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