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BSBLDR502: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Task 2

Task 2: Policies and Procedure Development Project

Subject: For creating formal processes and systems for the organization

This has been generated to bring formal lines of controls throughout the organization. Attached with the email are documents concerning the complete Code of Conduct for Victoria Accountancy along with the policies and procedures regarding workplace communication and consulting process and the resolution of the conflicts and disputes among the employees in the organization.

The documents aim to present the scope and purpose of maintaining these formal systems in the organization along with the strategies and methods explaining its easy implementation.

Find the attached documents in the email and feel free to inquire for further information that is required regarding it. Your feedback will be awaited and appreciated.

Thank You.


Code of conduct

It is compulsory for the organization and the employees to comply with the code of conduct at all times.

The code of conduct has been formulated to bring ensure standardization in the operations the employees. It shall also act as an effective channel of communication which shall lead the employees to know what they are expected to do.

The activities that go against the policies and procedures prescribed in the code of conduct will be seen as a violation of the organization’s laws and regulations and will be responded by strict measures. In case of confusion regarding any part of the code of conduct, employees are advised to refer to their senior’s assistance on the matter. The organization’s code of conduct revolves around the general behavior of the employees in the organization and the prescribed way of dealing with external parties.

  • Unprofessional activities like drinking, fighting, using abusive language, gambling, and such unprofessional activities should not be practiced in the workplace.
  • Employees are requested to refrain themselves from misconducts like sexual discrimination or harassment in the organization. The organization strictly prohibits any sort of discrimination activities regarding religion, color, race, language, etc..
  • Standardization in the operations of the employees should be ensured. Work should be performed in the workplace in the best interest of the organization as a whole. Employees are discouraged from involving themselves in practices that are sought for personal advantage such as bribery, etc.
  • Whistle blowing: Employees should be alert in the workplace and immediately report to the authorities/ seniors regarding the instances of misconduct done by other employees in the organization.
  • Employees are entrusted with the responsibility of portraying good public of the organization on a community level.
  • Employees are advised to act wisely at instances when there is a conflict of interest, i.e. a personal obligation, distraction or interest of the employee that refrain them to post an independent judgment on the organization’s best interest.
  • Accepting personal gifts, favors or any sort of element from the clients or the external parties that can influence the employee’s business decision/ dealings are strictly discouraged.
  • Employees are required to refrain themselves from involving themselves in external activities or other jobs during their employment duration in the organization.
  • It’s crucial that the employees stay committed to their operations in the organization and avoid the usage of social media in the workplace, in order to acquire more benefits for the organization in the limited time.

Workplace Communication and Consultation Policy and Procedure

A proper line of communication and consultation is necessary to be established in an organization in order to ensure the effective transfer of information, the reliability of information, timely flow of the facts and acquisition of the prompt feedback for the queries. Effective communication is vital as it assists the administration of the operations of the organization and helps in whistle blowing for misconducts prevailing in the organization.

The code of workplace communication and consultation shall seek to formulate means of an effective flow of information by the identification of what should be communicated and how should be done.

Strategies for effective communication and consultation:

The flow of information can be orally and in written form. It is advised to the employees to refer to the written form of communication more for formal communication. This can be done via written reports, memos, applications, etc.

It’s vital that the information delivered is concise, reliable, and relevant and interprets its purpose clearly. Employees are advised to enhance the quality of the information communicated by posting dates, usage of organization’s lead head for standardization and formality and add signatures to attach responsibility of the document generated.

It’s important for the employees to know the lines communication in which they are operating. Communication and consultation should be done to their authorities/seniors in the workplace.

For effective communication in the workplace employees should keep the following points in mind:

  • The purpose of communication should be in the best interest of the organization and related to their operations therein. No unnecessary transfer of information that might create stress or unwanted influence in the working environment is required.
  • The frequency of communication or consultancy should be adequate at only be generated at a prescribed time by the seniors in order to refrain from creating disturbances for the authorities.

Certain workplace protocols have been maintained to ensure effective transfer of information:

  • Written communication is preferred for formal and important matters. This can be in the forms of letters, faxes, letters technical, whiteboards, pin-up boards, procedural manuals, etc. it should be concise, reliable, relevant and timely.
  • Orally communication should be less; it can be in the forms of telephone calls, meetings, etc., it should be friendly, professional, appropriate feedback should be provided.
  • Communication hierarchy chart will be posted/ pinned in the office to guide employees their line of communication.
  • Computer use should be made will keen consideration over the confidentially of the organization, employees, and clients.

For the organization’s benefit as a whole, the employees’ views and feedback is very important. For this reason, a formal channel of consultation has been formulated.

Employees will be encouraged to present their views regarding various matters of the organization through feedback forms, surveys, employees’ appraisal forms, whistle blowing applications, etc.

In addition to this, a suggestion box will be maintained in the workplace’s hallway, where employees are free to post their views and suggestions on any issue whenever they feel a need.

Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure

With employees working in the organization coming from diverse backgrounds, conflicts between them might occur. The policy for the dissolution of conflicts between employees to minimize the disruption in the operations of the organization has been developed.

The policy aims to resolve employee complaints and conflicts by informal and formal procedures involving hearing and then sorting out matters for them. It’s crucial for the organization to maintain a friendly and healthy working environment for attaining the business objectives of the organization.

Conflicts might occur between employees due to the differences in personalities, communication gaps, competition, diversity in values, etc.

It’s the responsibility of the seniors namely the HR department and the management to overlook the disputes between the employees. Following are several methods through which this can be done:

  • Formal complaints can be filed or submitted with the HR department regarding a dispute or conflict.
  • It’s the role of the HR department and the assigned managers/supervisors to act as mediators and guide the employees regarding the solution of the disputes.
  • In cases of urgency or the complex nature of the conflict, employees can even informally, i.e. orally communicate to the HR department. But it shall be mandatory for the HR personnel to maintain the written record of the complaint filed and actions done to encounter the matter.

The responsibility of the employees towards reducing the chances of conflicts and disputes in the workplace are:

  • To focus on their own tasks during their time in the workplace,
  • To refrain from talking about matters that might hurt others’ feelings or create stress
  • Religious, political, social and other such views should not be discussed widely with other employees.
  • In case an employee faces problems with their peers its vital for them to seek the advice of their seniors on the matter rather than agitating the issue making it a serious conflict.



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