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BSBWHS403: Contribute To Implementing and Maintaining WHS Consultation and Participation Processes Assessment Answers

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BSBWHS403 Assessment Answers

Before undertaking training and assessment, participants should review the listed tasks, skills and knowledge to determine whether they have current knowledge and skills in these areas.

If participants believe they can demonstrate the skills and knowledge required they should discuss the possibility of credit with the trainer/ assessor.

Skill and knowledge self-assessment
Is the participant able to: Comments/ evidence Yes/ No
Apply knowledge of health and safety legislation, policies, and procedures to identify people with consultation and participation roles, duties, rights, and responsibilities
Identify and communicate consultation and participation roles, duties, rights, and responsibilities
Identify roles, duties, rights, and responsibilities as applied to own job and work area
Identify health and safety consultation and participation processes
Contribute to establishing and running consultation and participation process in relation to own job role and work area
Implement, communicate, and support participation in consultation and participation processes
Identify processes for sharing health and safety information and data
Contribute in processes for sharing health and safety information in relation to own job role
Identify training requirements for effective health and safety consultation and participation
Contribute to the delivery of consultation and participation training
Is the participant able to: Comments/ evidence Yes/ No
Contribute to identifying barriers to effective consultation and participation
Contribute to the development and implementation of measures to remove barriers to consultation and participation
Communicate with people from a range of backgrounds and abilities
Use a range of software and communication media
Establish and build relationships
Interpret Acts, regulations, codes of practice, policies and procedures
Communicate verbally and in writing with a range of people
Sequence tasks, meet timelines and run efficient and effective meetings
Conduct research to obtain internal and external health and safety information and data
Points for discussion:
Participant name Participant signature
Student identifier Date
Trainer/ assessor name Trainer/ assessor signature



Reference ID: #getanswers19120036

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