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Assignment Solutions on BUS5AP Business Analysis and Visualization
Casestudyhelp.com guarantees to provide you with quality assignments and make sure to charge a reasonable rate. Avail of our Business Analysis Assignment Help for your BUS5AP Analytics in Practice Assignment. It is conducted and overseen by experts in case studies. They know all aspects of the Business Assignment, and they will ensure to give you the best with unique work and on-time delivery.
Task 1
From the figure in the assignment, yes it can be termed as “bad visualization” because nothing is clear from that picture. It is not communicating any clear message that what exactly it wants to depict from this picture. It is very difficult to understand message is conveys.
Bad Visualization and good Visualization
This picture could be shown with the help of bar chart, where out of total application which are 13, How many have been selected, how many are rejected can be shown to pass the message to the stakeholders expecting this report.
(DeBois, 2020), as per his article he has explained that good visualization has two important aspects as follow: –
- Illustrating connections in the data that are too complex to clarify with words.
- Make it easier for the audience to quickly comprehend the information presented and reflect on the outcome.
Task 2
From the data available it can be seen that per data different available contents are shown with the quantity available for these, out of all these ingredients the popular and important contents which generally are the criteria for a purchase of cereal by a customer are following
- Calorie
- Protein
- Fat
- Sugar content
- Vitamins and Minerals
Data presentation of Top 2 popular Brands which produces most of the flavors are Kellogg’s with 23 cereals and General Mill with 22 cereals. To compare these two manufacturing brands first the data has to be arranged in a required manner. Thing which are important and generally compared by the customers are to be analyzed further to see and help to draw any conclusion.
From above cereal data provided for different manufacturers and content in these cereals, it can be seen the Two of the Brands are the top brand i.e. General Mill and Kellogg. And if we further analyze these two with their cereals flavors it can seen from calorie point Muesli Crispy Blend is in top for Kellogg and same way for General Mill. Total Raisin Bran has top calorie level. So we can identify top three cereals from the options available e.g. in which are good both in calories and Vitamin and minerals both
General Mill
Cereal Name | Calories | Protein (g) | Fat (g) | Sugars (g) | Vitamins and minerals |
Total_Corn_Flakes | 110 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 100 |
Total_Raisin_Bran | 140 | 3 | 1 | 14 | 100 |
Total_Whole_Grain | 100 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 100 |
Just_Right_Crunchy__Nuggets | 110 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 100 | |
Just_Right_Fruit_&_Nut | 140 | 3 | 1 | 9 | 100 | |
Product_19 | 100 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 100 |
So Kellogg can promote these 3 cereals to compete with the competitor to and improve these to give better value to their customers.
Task 3
Concept: (Anon., n.d.) Visual communication refers to the practice of representing information graphically to efficiently, effectively create meaning. There are several kinds of content in the realm of visual communication, with examples including, interactive content, motion graphics, info graphics and more.
So concept is important and showing and communicating it with the help of Visuals is more interesting and approachable even the literate should be able to understand of course if talking about simple things. E.g. Do and Don’t can be shown through visuals very clearly e.g in COVID -19, it was very important to give the message to everyone about social distancing and visualization helped the campaign so me my concept will be “SAFE FROM CORONA” and to show it can be visualized as
From the above visual presentation, it is clear that how we can prevent, a big charter or document of precautions is not required only a visual like will attract and communicate and convey the whole message. It can be concluded if anyone wants their storey to tell as it is “Killer graphic” is surely an answer. Big data can be converted into small pictures to summarize it, to be impactful.
Task 4
Bad Visualization: – It is very obvious which is confusing, not conveying the right message is a bad visual presentation, Visualization just for the sake of presentation should be done. Sometime it may be very harmful. In visualization it is not important that how typical. Complex or beautiful it is but as per understanding of an analyst Key is that how easily it is able to pass on message with lesser words and lesser usage of brain. (Anon., n.d.)
Example of Bad Vs good visualization: – Pie chart, in this example it is very clear that choice of type of chart was important to convey the data (Krystian, 2018)
Though the colors are same and different pies can be seen but to understand numbers it is taking not only time but putting pressure, and a person may not be even interested to know highest number of lowest and comparison is really difficult. But in other Bar Chart picture it is crystal clear and comparison is also very easy and even the layman in the field can understand the what is communicated in the chart.
Anon., n.d. http://livingqlikview.com/the-9-worst-data-visualizations-ever-created/. [Online]
Available at: http://livingqlikview.com/the-9-worst-data-visualizations-ever-created/
Anon., n.d. https://killervisualstrategies.com/blog/category/visual-communication-2. [Online]
Available at: https://killervisualstrategies.com/blog/category/visual-communication-2
[Accessed 2020].
DeBois, P., 2020. what-makes-a-good-data-visualization. [Online]
Available at: https://www.cmswire.com/digital-marketing/what-makes-a-good-data-visualization
Krystian, M., 2018. do-this-not-that-data-visualization-before-and-after-examples. [Online]
Available at: https://infogram.com/blog/do-this-not-that-data-visualization-before-and-after-examples/
[Accessed September 2020].