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Business Analysis
You are an IT Director of a large healthcare system and your employer made a decision to build a new hospital within 15 miles of your current location. Your main data center will remain in the same location, and all your clinical applications will be made available to the new hospital. However, you need to plan a network infrastructure to extend access to all clinical applications at the new location. You are expected to: 1. Identify all critical elements and technologies necessary to achieve stated goals of your project (3 points).
2. Describe the resources you will require to achieve your project goals (3 points).
3. Architect, at a high level, your proposed solution and draw a diagram in a software application of your choice, typically Power Point or Visio (5 points).
4. List and describe clinical applications that will run on your proposed infrastructure (3 points).
5. Identify benefits and risks to business operations and patient care environment, resulting from your proposed solution (3 points).
6. Briefly describe to senior management why your solution is a good fit and how you will address the risks identified above (3 points). Your paper will be 8+ double-spaced pages in length, written in APA style. This includes 5 pages of content + title page + abstract + references. You must maintain the minimum requirements for length of the paper. There is no maximum requirement, but you do need to adhere to the topics requested above in order to present a cohesive paper that is readable and not overcrowded with unnecessary details. Do not attempt to boil the ocean… Please remember to use APA style and reputable sources for your case. Faculty members have multiple tools available to them to check for authenticity of your work, as well as to identify potential sources of plagiarism. The best way for students to avoid losing points and having academic disciplinary actions taken against them for plagiarism is to not plagiarize.
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