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Case Study on Tesco Organizational Change and Development

Case Study Solutions on Tesco Organizational Change and Development

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  • Words: 1500

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Learning outcomes applied in this assessment

LO1: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the way organizations work and change based on their internal and external interactions and circumstances (EID, SID, PID, CID);

LO2: Show the ability to analyze organizational processes and reported challenges (EID, SID, PID, CID);

LO3: Evidence the ability to perform organizational screening based on various explorative methods and set developmental priorities (IC, EID, SID, PID, CID, CC);

LO4: Engage confidently in academic and professional communication, including professional report writing as well as presenting and disseminating technical information to a wide audience (DP, IC, EID, SID, PID, CID, CC).

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Assessment guidelines

Produce a 1500-word individual PowerPoint presentation (+/- 10%) – 20 slides (excluding the list of references) which offer students the ability to demonstrate their developing knowledge and application of the teaching and learning material covered in weeks 1 to 5. It also encourages students to develop their thoughts and perspectives on theories and concepts.

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For this task, you are required to select Tesco as the organization under investigation. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (with notes for each slide helping to understand the flow of your thought) based on the relevant topics covered in the module (Week 1-5) and refer to significant internal and/or external factors and/or even workplace design and other relevant circumstances that affect Tesco’s productivity, performance and effectiveness in various ways. You are requested to indicate through your slides the main challenge (based on your own assumptions) and propose solutions for the specific challenge. Students are expected to not only apply their theoretical knowledge in the presentation but also to critically analyse their solutions in terms of the appropriateness, limitations, practicality and other aspects as this is what is mostly expected from Level 7.

Your work should include and cover the following sections/aspects and content (as shown and stated in the table below). The specific percentage marks allocated to each section/aspect of your work is stated below. Please also note that the Level 7 marking criteria (located towards the end of this assessment brief) will also be used to reflect this overall grade. Please remember that the achievement and demonstration of all four learning outcomes are being assessed in this assessment.

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