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CHCCCS025 Support Relationships with Carers and Families – Case Study Belinda

Belinda Case Study – CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support

No. of Words: 2500


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Mariana is seventy-eight-year-old women who has a heart condition that has recently been inserted with a pace maker. Since the surgery last month, Mariana has been very weak and tired which is considered normal for a few months. Mariana has a fifty-year-old daughter Victoria who provides her with some level of support. Victoria has four children of her own who are all under twelve years old and she has been having difficulties caring for her mother recently since the surgery because her support needs have increased. Mariana has three brothers none of whom are prepared to help with the care of her mother and she has suggested that her mother access home support at least while she is recovering from the surgery. Mariana won’t hear of it! She believes that it is her daughters’ responsibility to care for her and that Victoria should just accept this responsibility without complaining.

You work for an organisation that has been approached by Victoria to help access support for activities such as assisting Mariana with grocery shopping, some cooking and cleaning services.

The assessment criteria below are used to guide you with the assessment. Results will be entered into your Assessment feedback form.


Case study assessment criteria
The assessment must include the following:
1. Explain how you would involve Mariana and Victoria in the planning process?
2. Describe two (2) potential risks relating to Mariana’s recently care needs increase as an outcome of her surgery?



3. Imagine that Victoria complained to you about her mother’s stubbornness relating to care support services. Describe the confidentiality obligations you have towards Victoria in relation to this complaint?
4. Given Victoria’s family responsibilities relating to her own children, describe the potential emotional impact of Mariana’s care needs on Victoria?
5. What information might you provide Victoria to support her in this case scenario?



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