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This is an individual report. You are to complete the tasks below depending on your choice of grade.
Important note:
- To achieve a PASS grade, you will need to do all the specified tasks in the Pass Grade Criteria
- To achieve a MERIT grade, you will need to do all the specified tasks in the Merit Grade Criteria
- To achieve a DISTINCTION grade, you will need to do all the specified tasks in the Distinction Grade Criteria
Please make sure that you read ALL the information carefully and fully understand what you have to do and make sure that you are fulfilling ALL the task requirements.
This report requires you to perform an analysis of the strategic situation of a firm, details of which are provided below. You are expected to undertake mostly INDEPENDENT research, study and analysis to supplement the information gathered and preferably to bring it up to date (approximately the recent 3 years) when you are referring to the sources.
Perform the tasks below by selecting a firm (preferably SMEs) of your choice within your local neighbourhood. You are required to collect all relevant evidences and documentation (for examples, business card, photos, organizational chart, etc.) as supplements and attach to your appendices.
You may however, choose to visit the firm in group of 2 members. There should be NO two groups visiting the similar firm. You should confirm and inform your lecturer of which firm you are visiting THREE (3) days after you receiving this assignment question in the first week itself.
Be creative in producing your final report. Please make sure that your report makes sense as a stand-alone document. Charts, diagrams, matrices, and graphs, all are allowed. If you use a figure or a chart, make sure that its message is clear – or add some narrative to bring out the points.
You are required to follow and submit the documentation according to the below arrangement.
1. This Assignment Brief (Assignment Question)
2. Executive Summary
- A summary of the overall report, not more than TWO (2)
3. Table of Content
4. Introduction
- Introduce and write the firm’s background or business nature.
- Identify and describe its strategic intent, architecture and control (for examples, visions and missions, goals and objectives, core competencies, etc).
- Identify and describe its strategic issues – impact on managers; targets; when to plan; who should be involved; role of planning;
- Identify and describe the strategic planning techniques and methods used by this firm.
(Your research should be factual, based on the investigated firm.)
5. Tasks
PASS Grade Criteria
P1) Analyse the impact and influence of the macro environment on the organisation using appropriate frameworks.
(Where applicable, you may use various tools like PESTLE model, stakeholder mapping, Ansoff’s growth vector matrix, etc. You are suggested to finally provide the External Factor Analysis Matrix of the Weighted Score Method to identify the opportunities and threats of the organisation.)
P2) Analyse the internal environment and capabilities of the organisation using appropriate frameworks.
(Where applicable, you may use various tools like McKinsey’s 7S Model, Resource- based View model, VRIO/VRIN framework, Benchmarking Indicators, Value Chain Analysis, Cost-Benefit analysis, etc. You are suggested to finally provide the Internal Factor Analysis Matrix of the Weighted Score Method to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation.)
P3) Apply Porter’s Five Forces model to evaluate the competitive forces of the market sector for this organisation.
(Where applicable, you may use the following tools and models to support – The Balanced Scorecard, Stakeholder Analysis, and the Ansoff Matrix.)
P4) Apply a range of models, theories and concepts, interpret and devise the strategic planning for this organisation.
(You are suggested to use the following THREE models – the extended SWOT matrix model, SPACE matrix, and Blue Ocean Strategy to illustrate the final findings.)
MERIT Grade Criteria
M1) Analyse the impact and influence of the macro environment on the organisation using appropriate frameworks, and critically analyse the macro environment to determine and inform strategic management decisions. List, condense and finalise the strategies.
(Where applicable, you may use various tools like PESTLE model, stakeholder mapping, Ansoff’s growth vector matrix, etc. You are suggested to finally provide the External Factor Analysis Matrix of the Weighted Score Method to identify the opportunities and threats of the organisation.)
M2) Analyse the internal environment and capabilities of the organisation using appropriate frameworks, and critically evaluate the internal environment to assess strengths and weaknesses of an organisation’s internal capabilities, structure and skill set. List, condense and finalise the strategies.
(Where applicable, you may use various tools like McKinsey’s 7S Model, Resource- based View model, VRIO/VRIN framework, Benchmarking Indicators, Value Chain Analysis, Cost-Benefit analysis, etc. You are suggested to finally provide the Internal Factor Analysis Matrix of the Weighted Score Method to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation.)
M3) Related to M1 and M2, devise appropriate strategies to improve competitive advantage edge and market position based on the outcomes. Group the related strategies, condense the many strategies, and prioritise the finalised strategies.
M4) Produce a strategic management plan that has tangible and tactical strategic priorities and objectives.
DISTINCTION Grade Criteria
D1) Analyse the impact and influence of the macro environment on the organisation using appropriate frameworks, and critically analyse the macro environment to determine and inform strategic management decisions. List, condense and finalise the strategies.
(Where applicable, you may use various tools like PESTLE model, stakeholder mapping, Ansoff’s growth vector matrix, etc. You are suggested to finally provide the External Factor Analysis Matrix of the Weighted Score Method to identify the opportunities and threats of the organisation.)
D2) Analyse the internal environment and capabilities of the organisation using appropriate frameworks, and critically evaluate the internal environment to assess strengths and weaknesses of an organisation’s internal capabilities, structure and skill set. List, condense and finalise the strategies.
(Where applicable, you may use various tools like McKinsey’s 7S Model, Resource- based View model, VRIO/VRIN framework, Benchmarking Indicators, Value Chain Analysis, Cost-Benefit analysis, etc. You are suggested to finally provide the Internal Factor Analysis Matrix of the Weighted Score Method to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation.)
D3) Related to D1 and D2, devise appropriate strategies to improve competitive advantage edge and market position based on the outcomes. Group the related strategies, condense the many strategies, and prioritise the finalised strategies.
D4) Produce a strategic management plan that has tangible and tactical strategic priorities and objectives.
D5) Critique and interpret the data and information applying environmental and competitive analysis to produce a set of valid strategic directions, objectives and tactical actions.
6. Conclusions and Recommendations
- Summarise the argument of the findings in terms of what you attempted to find out and what you accomplished, and then, for each of the conclusions, suggest your recommendations.
7. References
- Produce a list of references following Harvard Referencing
8. Appendices
- Attach the presentation slides
- Attach any supportive documentation here, for example, photos/pictures, diagrams/tables/charts, statistics, letters, specifications, etc.,
- Attach the plagiarism report
(End of tasks)
Your written assignment will be assessed against the following criteria. You will find here the assessment rubrics, presentation rubrics, Higher National Diploma Pass Grade Descriptors and Higher National Diploma Higher Grade Descriptors for various assessment purposes.
Written Assignment Rubrics
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