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Ethical and Legal Framework Decision Making in Nursing Assignment Australia

Looking for ethics law and health care nursing case study examples in australia ?

The student very well know about the Nursing Case Study is an in-depth study of a patient. That’s why student needs Assignment Writing Service for this. This is essential learning experiences because the student can apply theoretical learning to an actual situation and perhaps make some conclusions and recommendations.- Get Expert help with 100% plagiarism free Assignments with us.

Nursing Case  Study Topic: Ethical and Legal Framework Decision Making in Nurses Practice and Research

Please see the marking rubric and case study. 1800 words and 19 references. When I have to pay after assignment finish? And how much? This assignment covers 50% and how much % you guarantee? The format should be according to Chas guide and referencing style is APA 6th edition referencing style. This below detail was on my module for this assignment.

Ethical and Legal Framework Decision Making in Nursing

Your essential text will be a useful place to start for this assignment.

Staunton, P. & Chiarella, M. (2017). Law for nurses and midwives (8th Ed.). Chatswood, N.S.W: Elsevier, Australia. (Chapter 2).

You can also refer to Module 1 – Nursing, Law and Regulation and Module 2 – Ethics and Nursing, which provide important information regarding Law and Ethics.

It is expected that you will conduct further research in preparation for this assignment. The essential text may be used as a reference for the final assignment, but wider sources should also be used and show broader reading.

The purpose of this assessment is to identify the principles of professional nursing practice, outline the ethical and legal frameworks for professional practice and apply them to a complex scenario in order to establish an ethically and legally sound decision.

Law, Ethics and Regulation Program for Nursing Assignment Questions

Consider the scenario,


I (Identify)

This is RN Fiona handing over to morning shift. I have been caring for Fred, 73-year-old male, on the night shift.

S (Situation)

Fred had a laparotomy for acute bowel obstruction yesterday. His recovery has been uneventful and vital signs within normal limits. Slept well during the night and hasn’t complained of pain. This morning he has become confused and disorientated. He has now soiled the bed and smeared faeces in his hair and over his abdominal wound. He became aggressive when I tried to attend to his hygiene needs and stated he’s “conducting a scientific experiment”. I tried to explain that his wound could get infected if we didn’t clean it, but he was more abusive and pulled out his intravenous cannula.

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B (Background)

He was alert and oriented yesterday evening. He is a retired barrister.

A (Agree a Plan)

We need to provide Fred with safe and respectful care.

R (Recommendation)

I’m not sure how we can resolve this situation?  You will need to go in there and sort him out.

Using the framework below work through this problem, consider the legal, ethical and professional issues and decide the best course of action to resolve this situation.

Ethical Decision Making Rubric for Nursing Case Study Practice and Research

  • Clearly, describe the purpose of the paper
  • Introduce the structure of the essay

Legal, Ethical, Medical, Social

  • DO NOT summarise the case study
  • Separate and identify the main medical, social, legal and ethical issues relevant to this case study
  • Does the patient have decision-making capacity?
  • Define and apply the legal issue of consent
  • What are the legal issues raised by this situation?
  • Identify, describe and apply the legal issues and specific legislation that relates to this case
  • What are the ethical issues raised by this situation?

Beneficence, Non-malfeasance, Autonomy, Justice, Veracity, Confidentiality.

  • Describe and apply the 6 fundamental ethical principles.
  • Identify 2 sets of conflicts between the ethical principles.
  • What are the professional issues raised by this situation?

Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, RN Standards for Practice and NSQHS Standards.

  • Identify, describe and apply specific elements of each of the standards to this situation.
  • Identify the importance of documentation and evaluation.
  • In view of the legal, ethical and professional issues, what do you feel would be the best course of action to resolve this situation?
  • Clearly, state what action the student nurse should take.
  • Justify the proposed course of action using law, ethics and professional standards.

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