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HLTH3101 Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity Assignment Answers

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Microbiota composition has significant implications that can not only eliminate the chances of disease but can also improve overall health. The gut immune system is affected by the numerous factors such as dietary components and through the commensal bacteria (Vieira, 2013). While the nutrients can also impact gut immunity and through the microbial composition, the healthy gut strategy can be achieved by restoring the gut.

Affirmative Points

1. Self-administration when needed – when food is not enough and when for maintaining regular levels of bacteria

At times, when the gut is found to be in an unhealthy state, the physician asserts to take probiotics or prebiotics (Gibson et al, 2017) As asserted by Davani-Davar et Ali (2019) probiotics are a natural ingredient in most of the dietary food products, to improve the guts and human health and are used during the stages to improve the absorption and overcome obstruction faced. As excess of everything is dampening for the health, so are the natural food and the prolonged use of the pre/probiotics – can lead to upsetting stomach, leading to the feeling of bloating, gas, and experiencing constipation and thirst ( Dore et al, 2019).

2. Boosting the immune system and increasing good gut health

The healthy gut microbiota produces specialized enzymes that reduce the host and dietary polysaccharides into the smaller units for energy within the immune system. Through the use of the probiotics and prebiotics has helped to improve the overall immunity during the stages of the postnatal period, as it modulates the microbiota (Boyle et al., 2008, p. 1885).In particular, one probiotic strain can have impacts, and even clinical effects in comparison to another probiotic strain.

3. Effects of Prebiotics & Probiotics on human health

A human gastrointestinal tract is an active place for the complex ecosystem microorganisms (Markowiak, 2017). The positive effects of probiotics, prebiotics, or symbiotic within the human diet are favorable to improve the intestinal microbiota. It can be consumed and found in raw vegetables, fruits, in the fermented pickles, or even in the dairy products. Prebiotics improves the immune system by stimulating the growth of different gut bacteria. Prebiotics has proven to improve the growth of gut microbiota, but it happens at an individual strain (Markowiak, 2017).

Rebuttal points

Topic 1

The contradictions in the research including the individualization of everyone’s gut and responses to pre and probiotics Many people are unaware of preserving the probiotics thrive – stored food within the fridge, taken with correct foods (Roberfroid, 2007). In some individuals, pre-biotics are unable to improve the gut due to an individual’s acidity levels in their stomachs – the quality of the product (Davani-Davari, 2019). Each pro/ prebiotic has to be tested for multiple factors to improve the strain and the human condition. As asserted by Roberfroid (2007) gastric acidity, and impacting with the, fermentation through the intestinal microflora and impacting growth and/or activity of intestinal bacteria. Combination of the medication or forms of protective enzymes can be used for multiple people but still, some can resist the probiotic and the prebiotic effect (Gibson et al, 2017).

Topic 2

Companies are capitalizing on people’s interest in diet and health

Research is expensive and not very profitable. The idea is to promote healthy eating instead of junk food. The education on marketing schemes of companies and to distinguish “good and bad” products. Educate people on probiotics/prebiotics so they know when buying food/drink such as kombucha if it really has many benefits relating to how much of the probiotics are still ‘living’

Topic 3: Other impacts on gut health-

It requires evidence based discussion and the assessment to check viability of prebiotics and probiotics for gut health, there are several other ways that can affect the microbiota, Over exercising could cause disturbance to homeostasis in the gut (Mailing, 2017). Some people with disabilities my struggle to exercise thus needing extra assistance with maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, thus use probiotics/prebiotics Exercise does not have the same volume, capacity amount or time frame as probiotics to get microbiota functioning at its correct levels

Literature Review

Vieira (2013) has mentioned the gut immune system is impacted by dietary components and through the commensal bacteria. Nutrients that are likely to impact the gut immunity and trick would be to restore the healthy gut microbial community by working over the microbial composition as they have the therapeutic approaches by overcoming the inflammatory diseases. Probiotics (live bacteria’s) along with the prebiotics (dietary components) have shown greater effects over the several diseases, as they have the proven molecular mechanisms that work that can work efficiently as a remedial therapy to overcome diseases. Davani-Davari (2007) has mentioned that firstly the effects of the prebiotics and probiotics, helps to strengthen the relationship of diet, the microbiota, and to improve the gut immune system. Markowiak (2017) has mentioned the prebiotic and the probiotic can help in the new dietary manipulation by using the nutrient products. Synbiotics also include the probiotic and prebiotic properties that can help to improve the proliferation through the bacterial strains. Bhadoria (2017) has mentioned the strains of Gram-positive bacteria also include from the yeast strains that belong to the are found within the probiotic products. Through aiding the healthy bacteria and improving the growth of microbiota inhabitants helps in improving the condition of the normal function of the organs. Dore (2019) asserts the positive effects of through the natural microbiota and works as the antibiotic therapy.


To conclude, the microbial composition is the new therapeutic approaches that could help to treat several inflammatory diseases. Through the use of prebiotics or probiotics to improve the guts during the self-administration need, to boost the immune system and increasing overall good gut health.


Bhadoria, P. B. S., & Mahapatra, S. C. (2011). Prospects, technological aspects and limitations of probiotics a worldwide review. European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety, 23-42. doi:

Davani-Davari, D., Negahdaripour, M., Karimzadeh, I., Seifan, M., Mohkam, M., Masoumi, S., Aydin, B., Ghasemi, Y. (2019). Prebiotics: Definition, types, sources, mechanisms, and clinical applications. Foods, 8(3), 92. doi:10.3390/foods8030092

Dore, M. P., Bibbò, S., Fresi, G., Bassotti, G., & Pes, G. M. (2019). Side effects associated with probiotic use in adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Nutrients, 11(12), 2913. doi:10.3390/nu11122913

Markowiak, P., & Śliżewska, K. (2017). Effects of Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics on Human Health. Nutrients9(9), 1021.

Mailing, L. J., Allen, J. M., Buford, T. W., Fields, C. J., & Woods, J. A. (2019). Exercise and the gut microbiome: a review of the evidence, potential mechanisms, and implications for human health. Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 47(2), 75-85. doi: 10.1249/JES.0000000000000183

Roberfroid, M. (2007). Prebiotics: The concept revisited. The Journal of Nutrition, 137(3), 830S-837S. doi:10.1093/jn/137.3.830s

Vieira, A. T., Teixeira, M. M., & Martins, F. D. S. (2013). The role of probiotics and prebiotics in inducing gut immunity. Frontiers in Immunology4, 445.

Zmora, N., Zilberman-Schapira, G., Suez, J., Mor, U., Dori-Bachash, M., Bashiardes, S., … & Federici, S. (2018). Personalized gut mucosal colonization resistance to empiric probiotics is associated with unique host and microbiome features. Cell, 174(6), 1388-1405. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.08.041

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