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IFN712 Research in Information Technology Practice Assessment Answers

IFN712 Assessment Task on Research in IT Practice

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Assignment Details:-

  • Course Code: IFN712
  • Course Title: Research in IT practice
  • Referencing Styles: APA
  • Words: 3000
  • University: Queensland University of Technology
  • Country: AU




In this assignment, you will write a complete research paper that contains the key elements as the real-world research paper submitted to a peer-reviewed journal in the relevant field. The paper must be formatted as per the template provided and must be compiled as a single pdf file. The pdf format ensures that your document formatting is preserved. Papers are to be submitted in soft-copy through QUT Turnitin on Blackboard before the submission deadline, and also to be emailed to your supervisor.


Relationship To The Assessment Item 2

In Assessment 2, you have developed many of the individual components needed for conducting your research. However, completing this assignment successfully does not necessarily involve assembling these pieces. You must write up the research paper according to the required structure and contents.

Specific requirements

Your submission paper to include the following major sections and include the elements listed.

  1. Title
  • Provide a project title which gives the reader a clear indication of the nature of the research to be conducted. This title can be modified from the project title used in assessment 2. The title is incorrect English – in terms of syntax, vocabulary, spelling, and capitalization. It should be understandable, and appropriately specific, and a reflection of the content of your paper
  • Provide your name as the author and keep the rest of the affiliation information in the template (Student ID should not be included).


Review of the Literature or Related work

This section is dedicated to reviewing literatures or related work. Your literature review should generally answer the following questions and use the answers to these questions to structure your Literature Review.

  • What are the original works on your topic?
  • What progress has been made since these original works?
  • What are the most relevant recent works to your research problems and questions?
  • What are the accomplishments and limitations of these recent works?
  • What gap do these limitations reveal?
  • How does your work intend to fill this gap?



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