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IT for Business Writing Help

Assignment for IT for Business: instructions

  • minimum 1500 words
  • harvard style referencing(8-10)
  • find a company or business organization (real one from anywhere),which got benefited by implementing INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY and relate those 7 question with company with reference.
  • Each of question must be separated and total 7 parts
  • Format:1.introduction 2.body (report format, 7 separate part for the 7 questions.3.conclusion (summarise)
  • there are some hints below those assignment’s questions, that might help you

Assignment question:

Individual Assignment Requirements


You are to research an actual business examples and the impact of IT on that business. 

Important points

1) Does business need IT?

2) Why IT is important for business survival?

3) What is required to apply IT into business? (Cost, planning, designing, equipment, installation, training, etc…)

4) How does business use IT? (internally such as staff, employees, and externally such as customers, suppliers)

5) What benefits and advantages does IT bring to business? (Revenue, flexibility, reduces cost, etc….)

6) What type of risk does IT bring to business? (security, privacy, confidentiality)

7) How can business maintain and monitor IT?


Your report will be judged on the quality of your research and report presentation. Your report is to be in the style of a business report. There is a limit of ten pages excluding appendices.



 IT in healthcare IT in food processing IT in library IT in transport
IT in airlines IT in printing and publishing IT in fishing industry IT in forestry industry
IT in media IT in mail and parcels Computer games IT in Tourism

Table: 1


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