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MDP Final Case Study

Who are you? You are a successful fast food burger chain called “Juicy Burger” spread across the Middle East region with a headquarters in Riyadh under the Independent Food Group (IFG). As a dominant force in the fast-food market for the past 15 years, Juicy Burger’s strategy is now growth and expansion. The company is solid with high turnover and has high liquidity to invest in new ventures. Your culture is reflected by the way you do business as it is fast-paced and competitive, and your people operate with a high sense of urgency.

The information came in about an opportunity to buy one of the most attractive healthy food and diet center operations “Healthy Corner” (one entity) in the UAE based in Dubai just materialized. The IFG management immediately called for a meeting and assigned a specialized team to lead the project as they’re aware of the rising need to have a share in the healthy food market too.

You are the assigned squad for this mission as its new leadership team.

Background on “Healthy Corner” The owners of the healthy food operation are an older retiring couple. They decided to leave the business world behind and sell their restaurant for a good deal. Their values are reflective of the company culture of their business, which makes it family-like and easy-going.

Their philosophy is “don’t touch what isn’t broken” which means they deliberately like to leave things unchanged unless they are obliged. (Staff, service, ambiance, menu, etc.) The family is keen to preserve the core of their staff that has been with them for many years. They don’t want to leave their people without jobs and will object anyone to fire them. They also want to protect their menu as they believe it’s their signature and an essential ingredient to success. In the meantime, Juicy Burger contradicts this approach and enjoys the opposite through automation.

Part 1


Market Research


Your first task is to conduct marketing research to know if this acquisition is worth it in terms of market, competition, and clientele.

Finding 1

Develop a competitor study for “Healthy Corner” taking into consideration the real UAE market. Use social media and delivery apps to help do this study.

Finding 2

Define your target audience – their demographics, behavior, interests, and social status.


Elaborate on both parts.

Part 2


Financial Analysis


 It is common to have access to the company’s “books” before making a purchase. The goal is to be able to sit down and look at the sales and expenditures of the business. This information will provide a wealth of insight into the state of the current business. You have received Healthy Corner’s Income Statements for the last three years.

Finding 1

Please analyze then and find at least 3 issues in Healthy Corner’s operation. Explain your rationale.

Part 3




IFG is totally convinced to move forward with this acquisition.

Finding 1

State below the concerns derived from Part 1 (Market Research)

Finding 2

and Part 2 (Financial Analysis)


and match them with the most suitable negotiation techniques that you would implement to win this deal (Use the learnings from your MDP Negotiation course with Emile Strunc).

Part 4




Congratulations, your negotiations have led to the purchase of Healthy Corner. For the past 3 months, you’ve observed the operation at Healthy Corner and came up with those realizations: The motivation levels of the staff at Healthy Corner are varying. Some are excited about this new merger, and some are resistant to this new change. Here’s a description of the current state of the main players at Healthy Corner. The Head Chef is the woman behind the concept and its menu. She has been there since day 1 and is really excited about the acquisition. She believes that she will impact more lives through healthy eating.

The Floor Manager has been with Healthy Corner for several years. Customer service is an old hat for him, and Mystery Shopper results are always excellent. However, his performance is fluctuating, and he has his high and low days. You assume that he lost his personal relationship with the owners and now must deal with a hierarchal system. The Assistant Floor Manager was recently transferred from Juicy Burger and was given the promotion into this new role. He is very energetic and is looking to make an impact, however, he’s new to the ways of operating at Healthy Corner. You noticed that he has done a couple of mistakes in his new role. The Delivery Manager was hired a year ago when Healthy Corner started delivering. She gained some skills in delivery management and customer service. Her motivation has dropped due to the increased pressure resulting from the growth in the delivery operation. Customer complaints are on the rise, and they did not receive the needed support for the increased pressure.

Finding 1

Analyze the different situations of your key players in Healthy Corner.


Please use your knowledge of Situational Leadership and apply the best suitable style to each Manager to achieve better performance and satisfaction from them.

Part 5


Planning & Organizing


One of your observations is that the manager in Healthy Corner is incompetent in planning and prioritizing which is causing operation inefficiencies in the delivery operation. You’ve decided to provide the Delivery Manager with the Eisenhower Planning & Prioritizing Matrix to help them perform better.

Finding 1

Please explain the four quadrants and identify possible areas to fit under each quadrant


(related to delivery operations in the food industry, which requires research).

Part 6


Team Dynamics


Six months into the merger, you’ve realized that the plans discussed in your weekly and monthly meetings are not coming to fruition. Although many great ideas were discussed, debates were inexistent in the meetings, and managers prefer to go on side talks expressing their concerns about the ideas brought forward. Even though you’ve been trying to maintain an open-door policy, no one on the team is coming up with new ideas or showing the extra mile. You call for a meeting with all the concerned managers to address the lack of trust and absence of accountability.

Finding 1

From your knowledge of the pyramid of dysfunctional teams, how would you address each of the layers? Put an overall action plan.

Part 7


Social Awareness and Skills


The extensive exercise done in Part 6, encouraged you to do a 360-degree feedback survey. It turns out to be a great idea, as it increased openness and collaboration. You have received feedback about your areas to improve which include poor listening, lack of empathy, and sometimes inconsiderate. You saw lots of sense in the feedback received and agreed to set a personal development.

Finding 1

Describe how you will go about this development plan, and what skills you aspire to gain. Set them as SMART objectives.

Part 8


Problem Solving


A year into the operation, you decided to hop onto the “vegan” food hype train, so you launched a special “vegan” menu and marketed it successfully. The first 2 months exceeded expectations and the vegan menu became your most selling category. Suddenly in the 3rd month, a huge drop occurred and only a few orders targeted the new additions. You started looking for the problem and based on customer feedback you concluded that the vegan items’ taste changed and are not appealing to people anymore. Something went wrong in the kitchen! You didn’t change your staff nor the ingredients, the only thing that was altered was the addition of a brand-new cooking machine for your kitchen.

Finding 1

You are tasked to investigate the problem and solve it using the Root Cause Analysis: Fish Bone technique by applying the “5 Whys” and 3 levels of Corrective Actions. Choose 4 of the following main areas to investigate: People – Equipment – Method – Material – Process – Management


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