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Questions and Answers for Literature Review Help
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Define the issue you are reporting, including who this affects and how in Australia.
- What is the issue?
- Who are the major stakeholders?
- What is their role in this issue?
- Identify community members/groups impacted by this issue and describe how they are impacted. (10 Marks)
Discuss the larger social problems that lead to this issue e.g., structural inequality, a lack of social services, a lack of capacity building. (10 Marks)
- What societal factors have contributed to this issue?
- Are the risk factors for this issue based on the individual or are they contrived from broader, structural societal aspects?
- Assess if a power differential has led to marginalization.
Outline programs that seek to address the issue, as supported by literature.
(10 marks)
Analyse the impact and effectiveness of each program. (10 marks)
Compare recommended programs to the five principles below (10 marks)
Building connections – Building genuine connections with community organizations and the broader community.
Acting with humility – “Not superiority or inferiority”. To work collaboratively with community instead of ‘on’ or ‘for’ community. Minimizing power differential between givers and receivers. Recognizing the contribution those whom we work with bring with the relationship. Taking a non-judgmental, and non-moralistic approach honors the autonomy, and there the dignity of the organization.
- Developing understanding – True understanding of the people we work with. We must listen with our hearts and our intellect. Understanding that people’s beliefs, dispositions, needs, desires, and hopes are shared by their experiences and environment. Allows us to respond in a considered way.
- Affirming dignity – Building people’s capacity so that they can fully realise a sense of meaning, purpose, and self-worth. Supporting those most marginalised and disadvantaged by the structures and attitudes of contemporary society.
- Pursuing justice – Stand in solidarity with those most in need, wherever they may be, and to advance the common good of our societies. Working for the good for all, and for just and fair opportunities for participation in all aspects of society.
The literature review is formatted appropriately and presented at an appropriate level. Appropriate use of the Vancouver referencing style (10 marks)