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SWN018 Theories and Frameworks for Social Work Practice Assignment Questions and Answers

SWN018 Theories and frameworks for Social Work Practice

Task Sheet for Assignment 2                   Revised June 2019


This second assignment is an intervention report. It is worth 60%. Up to 2500 words (exclusive of references)

Please select ONE of the following 6 options (news report/audio/videorecording) to write your intervention report on:

  1. Devoted father David Conway fights for life after Varsity Lakes fall as family fly from Ireland by Nicholas McElroy, Gold Coast Bulletin, 19/7/2017, 58 seconds


  1. Refugee Story, On Editors Choice with James O’Brien, (audio-recording) 6mins


  1. My Car, My Castle: A Homeless Artist and Her Holden, Vice Video, Series 1, Episode 3, 4mins 39


  1. Two gay dads redefining the meaning of family through foster care, 19/9/2017, 29mins


5.    Bullying of teenagers leads to depression, suicide: SBS Reporter Patrick Abboud special investigation, 2mins 44

  1. I, Daniel Blake. 1hr 40 mins. Transmission Films.

Free download via QUT Library access to Kanopy.

Questions and steps to help you think through the issues:

  1. View the options (identified above) and select one that you would like to write about.
  2. Next identify whether you are going to approach the intervention report from the perspective of a direct social worker, who works with people directly through casework, groupwork and/or counselling/therapy, OR from the perspective of a community worker, social policy maker or researcher (sometimes described as indirect practice).
  3. Decide on whose situation you will examine and consider their membership to a particular population (eg refugee or older homeless women or racialized young people in state care]. For some of the options this is easy, as there is only one character. For others, such as the Gay dads story, there are foster carers and young people to choose from. You may consider all the characters if you wish or concentrate on either the adults or the young people, or just one person, such as Musu.
  4. Now think about your first reactions to the recordings. Why did you choose that particular story to analyse through the lens of social work interventions?
  5. What are the main presenting issues or problems that you have observed? For whom are these problems a problem? Are there any problems likely to be ignored? If so, what are they?
  6. What are the underlying issues/causes of the problems? Is there any dispute about how these problems might be understood? If so, by whom?
  7. What theoretical ideas and/or professional frameworks are you using to make sense of the chosen scenario? How are these ideas being applied?
  8. Are there any other sources of information that you might need on which to base a preliminary assessment? How might you help the clients or population group acquire/obtain any other information you might need?
  9. In terms of injustice, unfairness, marginalisation and/or stigma, what do you see? How might your mode of practice (case work, counselling, group work, social policy, research or community work) be used to address the issues or practices of injustice that you see? Are there any links you make to human rights and/or social movements/campaigns (eg against homelessness or anti-bullying)
  10. How might you express empathy and develop rapport with the main characters in the documentaries? If you are working indirectly, such as in social policy or research, how might you present the ‘human face’ of the social problems in question?
  11. How might you develop a working alliance with the people you have chosen to focus on?
  12. What resources are available in the situation and what resources are needed? Eg. Services, benefits, programs but also relevant policies, research, community campaigns. [Not all need to be covered!]
  13. What strengths are evident in the stories you have viewed?
  14. What other forms of support (emotional/psychological/practical/therapeutic etc) are needed to maintain/sustain/extend these strengths?
  15. Are there any creative ways that you think you could engage with the issues and/or affected populations? If so, what are they? [If you have chosen research or social policy then you might want to think about creative ways to engage research participants or to disseminate the findings].
  16. What personal/professional challenges might you face trying to work with this population, in your chosen mode of practice?
  17. Any other thoughts or reflections, including those about the politics and/or culture of organisations or the wider world related to the issues in your chosen scenario?


Please note that you do NOT have to address all the questions above, nor are you limited to only discussing questions identified above. These questions are designed to get you thinking. Similarly, you may submit in a range of formats, it will depend on your interests, interpretation, focus and personal preferences. Whatever you decide you need to reflect on the content of the CRA to ensure that your work meets the parameters of the Unit.

Potential format for your assignment

  1. Introduction and overview
  2. Profile of main character/s
  3. Identification of mode of practice to be applied to chosen scenario
  4. Theoretical ideas/approach/frameworks
  5. Main issues/problems to work on
  6. Engagement/motivation and/or working alliance building strategies
  7. Resources available and required for future interventions
  8. Strengths and (potential) barriers to wellbeing
  9. Challenges and opportunities to addressing/resolving the problem/s
  10. Possible future directions for the work
  11. Conclusion/Summary
  12. References


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