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Wound Care Patient Case Study Scenario and Instruction Assessment 1 Answers

Assessment 1 – Wound Clinical Care Case Study Scenario and Instruction

Postgraduate Studies in Wound Care: Looking for Wound Care Patient Case Study Scenario and Instruction Assessment 1 Answers? Get Answers Case Study on Assessment 1- Wound Scenario and Instruction. We Provide Nursing Assignment Help AnswersNursing Case Study SamplesBest Resources for Nursing Assignment Writing from Masters and PhD Expert at affordable price? Acquire HD Quality research work with 100% Plagiarism free content.



Assessment Details:

  • Topic: wound case study
  • Document Type: Assignment help (any type)
  • Subject: Medical & Nursing
  • Deadline :*: As Per Required
  • Number of Words: 1500
  • Citation/Referencing Style: 7th APA


Wound Clinical Care Case Study Instruction


Complete the case study under the section headings provided.

Section 1: Patient Assessment

  1. Describe your initial assessment of the patient, Mrs Brinley.
  2. Identify the physical and psychosocial factors that may have/had impact on Mrs Brinley’s wound, the breakdown and her ability for healing.

Section 2: Wound Assessment

  1. Discuss the wound, using the elements of T.I.M.E to describe the features/qualities
  2. Document your assessment findings on the wound management chart
  3. Identify the type of wound, providing rationales

Section 3: Management plan elements

Discuss the following factors related to the management required for this wound:

  1. Patient-centred approach: physical and psychosocial elements that need to be addressed
  2. Equipment, support (do not include wound products) or referrals that may be needed for management of the wound in hospital and later at home
  3. Wound products: complete the information required for the wound products table
Wound products table
Wound product 1.      Type of product2.      Mode of action 3.    Rationale for use (or not) in this wound
Tegaderm film
Intrasite gel
Aquacel Ag


  • Word count: 1500 words

This assignment seeks to identify your understanding of wounds and wound management and does not require essay format: do not include introduction or conclusion. You should use headings, dot points or tables under the relevant sections.

Note that appropriate grammar, spelling and sentence structure remains important to promote clarity of your work. You must provide rationales and references for your responses.


  • Word doc only
  • Use headings and dot points
  • Double-spaced with 2.5cm margins


  • References using current literature should be incorporated into all elements except completion of wound chart
  • A minimum of 10 quality references is required
  • Wikipedia references are not accepted

Mr. B is an 86-year-old pensioner who lives at home with his daughter who is his primary, full-time care.

He has a medical history of:-

  • Cerebrovascular accident (CVA – stroke) in 2012
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) in 2015
  • Atrial fibrillation (AF – irregular heart rate) and
  • Hypertension (HT)
  • No known allergies
  • Previous smoker of 20 cigs/day.
  • Stopped in 2012 after the first

His current medications include:

  • Clopidogrel (antiplatelet medication)
  • Apixaban (anticoagulant medication)
  • Atorvastatin (medication to lower cholesterol)
  • Irbesartan (antihypertensive)
  • Donepezil (for his Alzheimer’s disease)

Mr. B became bed fast post his right sided stroke in 2018 leaving him with right sided paralysis and difficulty with swallowing, especially thin liquids. His speech was impaired after his stroke and is high level nursing care. No Services are currently involved the current routine during the day is:

  • Hoist transfer from bed to commode; sitting on the commode for long periods during toileting and showering, which the daughter likes to attend to each day.
  • Post hygiene he is again transferred to his favorite lounge chair, which he has had for 20 years. Then he returns to bed after lunch.
  • Over the past six months, Mr. B’s nutritional intake has decreased, and a noticeable weight loss has occurred.
  • B is incontinent of urine and faeces and his daughter currently purchases pads from the supermarket, but often finds that they are inadequate. This is also placing a strain on their finances as Mr. B is a pensioner and his daughter receives a carer’s pension.
  • B’s daughter noticed a smell when she showered her father two weeks ago and on inspection found a wound on his sacrum. She has requested assistance with general and wound care on the admission visit the daughter appeared stressed and was teary prior to nursing service being involved the daughter was attending care with products provided from the chemist mainly using a low absorbent dressing.

The wound itself has a low-moderate, thick, yellow exudate.

low-moderate, thick, yellow exudate

Wound chart available as a separate document.

Assessment 1 – Wound case study

Assignment Instructions

Section 1: Patient assessment (20 marks)

Describe your initial assessment of Mr B. identifying the physical and psychosocial factors that may have or have had an impact on his wound, the tissue breakdown, and his ability for healing. Identify and utilise any risk assessment tools that are appropriate for Mr. B. You are expected to support your discussion with evidence from the literature.

Section 2: Wound assessment (20 marks)

Utilising the elements of T.I.M.E.S., identify the characteristics of the wound supporting your discussion with evidence from the literature. Document your findings on the wound management chart. (16 marks)

From your assessment, identify the type of wound providing rationales to support your decision. (4 marks)

Section 3: Management plan (40 marks)

Discuss the following factors related to the management required for the patient and his wound:

  • Physical and psychosocial elements that need to be addressed using a patient-centred approach (Use the information you have gathered from your assessment to inform this plan). You are required to provide rationale to justify your discussion based on evidence from the literature.
  • Equipment, supports or referral/s to other practitioners that may be needed for management of the wound and support for the patient at home. Do not include wound products in this section.
  • Utilising the following criteria, identify two primary and two secondary products that would be appropriate for use on this wound. You must provide rationale to justify your choice and support with evidence from the literature. You may use a table for this section. – goal – e.g. absorbency, moisture, donation, debridement, moisture management or protection. – size – type of wound – location of wound – cost – what is available – wear time.

Presentation & Referencing (20 marks – 10 presentation and 10 referencing)

  • Do not use essay format or provide introduction or conclusion.
  • Please use a third person perspective in your discussion.
  • Please double or one and a half space your work with 2.5cm margins.
  • Please use the section headings to guide your work
  • You must use the wound assessment chart provided for section 2
  • The file must be uploaded as a word doc file
  • File name for submission – AT1 – Student ID number
  • Referencing – current (5-7 years, 2014 2020)  minimum of 10 relevant references from credible (peer reviewed or text book) sources APA 7th edition referencing style
  • Use a marking rubric to guide your responses.


Note the referencing is not always corrected to APA


Nutrition in Wound Care Management: A Comprehensive Overview

Angela M. Quain, Nancy M. Khardori 2015; Wounds;27(12):327-335


Characteristics of the Aging Skin

Miranda A. Farage, Kenneth W. Miller, Peter Elsner, Howard I. Maibach  2013

Advances in Wound Care, volume 2, number 1 DOI: 10.1089/wound.2011.0356

WoundSource:  web site

Aclinically reviewed guide to wound care products and supplies for clinicians, nurses and health care professionals.


It is not diabetic foot: it is my foot.

Meriç et al. (2019). JWC, 28(1); 30-37.


Implementing TIMERS: the race against hard-to-heal wounds.

Atkin L, Bućko Z, Conde Montero E, Cutting K, Moffatt C, Probst A, Romanelli M, Schultz GS, Tettelbach W. (2019). J Wound

Care 2019; 28(3 Suppl 3):S1–S49


Effect of Obesity on Outcomes of Forefoot Surgery

Matthew S. Stewart, Clayton C. Bettin, Matthew T. Ramsey, Susan N. Ishikawa, G. Andrew Murphy,  David R. Richardson, Elizabeth A. Tolley. 2016

Foot & Ankle International, 1–5DOI: 10.1177/1071100715624209


Ulcer dressings and management

Sussman, Geoff 2014 Australian Family Physician Volume 43 Issue 9


Strategies for improving outcomes in venous leg ulcer care

Tracy Cowan

Journal of Wound Care | Vol. 27 | No. 7 | pp 456–457


Patient-centred care: a call to action for wound management

E. Lindsay, R. Renyi, P. Wilkie,  F. ValleDNP, W. White,  V. Maida,  H. Edwards,  D. Foster. 2017


Early identification of wound infection: understanding wound odour

K Ousey, D Roberts, AGefen

Journal of Wound Care | Vol. 26 | No. 10 | pp 577–582


Socio-economic impact on wound management—A pilot study at a Tertiary care Indian Hospital

Maneesh Paul-Satyaseela, AlthafChinna Hussain, Varghese Philip 2013

Wound Medicine Volumes 2–3, Pages 3-5


TIME CDST: an updated tool to address the current challenges in wound care.

Moore, Z, et al. (2019). Journal of Wound Care, 28(3); 14-161.


AAWC, AWMA, EWMA Position Paper: Managing Wounds as a Team.

Moore, Z., Butcher, G., Corbett, L. Q., et al. (2014).

J Wound Care 2014; 23 (5 Suppl.): S1–S38.Journal of Wound Care, 23(5Suppl.); S1-S38.


Wound assessment

Milne, J. (2015). Wound-bed preparation: the importance of rapid and effective desloughing to promote healing. British Journal of Nursing, 24(Suppl 20): S52-8. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2015.24.Sup20.S52.

Schultz GS, Gibson DJ, Lantis J & Nakagami G. (2016). Biofilm update. Wound Practice and Research, 24(4); 258-261.

Malone, M., & Walsh, A. (2016). Chronic wound infection for the 21st century: perspective review. Wound Practice and Research, 24(4); 200-207.

Haesler, E., &Ousey, K. (2018). Evolution of the wound infection continuum. Wounds International, 9(4).

Wound Source (2019). Why Won’t This Wound Heal? Addressing Common Factors That Impact Wound Healing. Wound Source & Kestrel Health Information, Inc.

Wound products

Morgan, N. (2014). Wound dressings: What you need to know about transparent film dressings.Wound Care Advisor, 3(4);  20-21.

Bradley, B.H. (2014). Strategies for the effective management of challenges associated with negative pressure wound therapy.

Carver, C. (2018). Wound infection diagnosis and management. An overview of topical therapies. Kestrel Health Information Inc.


Kirkland-Kyhn, H., Generao, S.A., Teleten, O., & Young, H.M. (2018). Teaching Wound Care to Family Caregivers. An overview of methods to use to promote wound healing. American Journal of Nursing, 118(3); 63-67.

Wounds International. (2016). International Best Practice Statement: Optimising patient involvement in wound management.


LeBlanc, K., et al. (2018). Best practice recommendations for the prevention and management of skin tears in aged skin. Wounds International 2018.

Wound Source (2017). Clinical guide to pressure injury risk assessment & prevention

Kestrel Health Information, Inc.


More Potential articles

Johnson S. Five steps to successful wound healing in the community. J Community Nurs. 2015;29(4):30–9. Available at:….

Gould L, Abadir P, Brem H, et al. Chronic wound repair and healing in older adults: current status and future research. Wound Repair Regen. 2015;23(1):1–13. doi: 10.1111/wrr.12245. Available at:

Dangwal S, Stratmann B, Bang C, et al D. Impairment of wound healing in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus influences circulating micro RNA patterns via inflammatory cytokines.ArteriosclerThrombVasc Biol. 2015;35(6):1480–8. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.114.305048. Available at:….

Ligi D, Croce L, Mosti G, Raffetto JD, Mannello F. Chronic venous insufficiency: transforming growth factor-β isoforms and soluble endoglin concentration in different states of wound healing.Int J Mol Sci. 2017;18(10):1–11. doi:10.3390/ijms18102206. Available at:

Raffetto JD. Pathophysiology of chronic venous disease and venous ulcers.SurgClin North Am. 2018;98(2):337–47. doi: 10.1016/j.suc.2017.11.002. Available at:

Federman DG, Ladiiznski B, Dardik A, et al. Wound Healing Society 2014 update on guidelines for arterial ulcers. Wound Repair Regen. 2016;24:127–136. doi:10.1111.12395. Available at:

Advanced Tissue. Immune system and wound healing. 2018. Available at:

WoundSource. The Kestrel Wound Product Sourcebook (WoundSource). Kestrel Health Information, Inc.; 2018. Available at:

Byrne J, Nichols P, Sroczynski M, et al. Prophylactic Sacral Dressing for Pressure Ulcer Prevention in High-Risk Patients. Am J Crit Care. 2016 May;25(3):228-34. doi: 10.4037/ajcc2016979


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