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ABS–BBA Negotiation Skills Case Study Assignment Example

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Assignment Details:-

  • Topic: Negotiations Skills
  • Document Type: Assignment Help (any type)
  • Number of Words: 4500

Part A (Case Based)

Case Study

You are the HR Director of English First, a private English language teaching company based in the GCC.

Until now you have taken a traditional approach to the recruitment and selection of teachers. However, you have been noticing modern trends around the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for recruitment and selection, and you think there is a lot of value in adopting this technology.

Your CEO, Mr. Dan Pearce, is skeptical of modern technology and will need convincing to adopt AI for recruitment and selection. It should also be noted that Mr. Pearce does not like communicating via complicated language, and he is more easily persuaded when proposals are communicated in plain English.

Write a proposal report communicated in plain English, making the case as to why English First should start to invest in the HireVue AI technology. Use the language of counter- argument and argument to ensure you communicate persuasively. Refer to any published evidence to help support your proposal.

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Part B (Case Based)

Case Study

You are the new Global HR Director for TEFORS, a company which makes luxury, leather backpacks that can be used for travel and work.

TEFORS is headquartered in the UK, but it has subsidiaries in the GCC, including your country, e.g. Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc…

You have been asked to train a team of sales representatives from your country, so they can adapt to doing business in the UK. The team of sales representatives will work as expatriates in the UK for one year, learning more about the company culture and doing business in the UK.

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Prepare a PowerPoint to help prepare the expatriates for their cross-cultural experience in The UK. Use the following prompts to help structure your presentation.

  • Briefly summarise the key information from the text: Negotiating International Business – United Kingdom by Lothar
  • What cultural similarities and differences (see for example, Hofstede Insights Country Comparison Tool) are there between UK culture and your culture? How might this information affect the way the expatriate negotiates with stakeholders from The UK? What are the strengths and weaknesses of Hofstede’s research?
  • Are there are any real-life examples/case studies that the expatriate can learn from to improve their cross-cultural communication? If yes, what lessons can be learned?
  • Develop a checklist for successful negotiations using essentials points from Opresnik’s The Hidden Rules of Successful Negotiation and Communication Getting to Yes! Fisher & Ury’s The Principled Negotiation; and Caldini’s Interpersonal Principles of Influence.

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