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Project 2: Content Analysis of CSR real life practices
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Assignment Detail
- Word: 4000
Project 2: Content Analysis of CSR real life practices. SABIC, SAVOLA, STC, NCB (SNB) Items to look for in the annual and sustainability reports:
- CSR practices: what initiatives, practices, or projects a company engage in as part of its CSR? what did they do?
- CSR Logics: how do companies explain their CSR?
- Social Responsibility: that rationalizes CSR through corporate role in contributing positively to the objectives and values of the society.
- Corporate responsiveness, that rationalizes CSR through the need for corporate reaction to social pressure, or to achieve what is generally expected by society.
- Stakeholder management, that rationalizes CSR through the pressure of primary and secondary stakeholders who have various claims on business.
- Business ethics that rationalizes CSR from a normative perspective that argue for the need of corporate behavior that addresses what is right and justice.
- Corporate citizenship, that rationalizes CSR through the need for corporations that are welfare creators and enablers for social and civil rights>
- Sustainability, that rationalize CSR through the need for futuristic social practices that can last for future generations.
- What drives CSR? Why do companies engage in CSR? (Look pressures).
Also Read: The DISNEY: Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment Question
Organization of the project: Company name.
Source of any information: (name of the report, year, and the page where did you get the information from).
Never mix two or more years.
Write the findings in a historical approach (what happened first then next. ).
After finishing each company, write a summary that explain what did you find in general. It is so important
to highlight the improvements (they used to do this and then they moved to that).