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Assignment Answers on Case Study of Corporate Governance and Ethics
Assignment Brief of Corporate Governance and Ethics
- No. of Words: 3750
- Assignment Type: Individual Assignment
- Module: Corporate Governance and Ethics
- Referencing Style: As per Required
- Deadline: As per Required
- University: London School of Business & Finance
Goal of Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Policies and Processes
This Assignment Paper discusses Corporate Governance and Ethics Evaluation of Real-World Ethical Problems. According to our Business & Finance expert, Corporate Governance and Ethics is the term used to refer to the policies and processes that a company. We at Case Study Help is built teams of consultants, Who write your assignment? Get Assignment Answers on Corporate Governance and Ethics, Finance Assignment and Business Case Study at best price.
Grading Criteria
Postgraduate Grading Criteria for this assignment is available at the end of this document.
Case Study on Corporate Governance and Ethics
The module coursework is focused on applying learning and theory to a real-world ethical business problem.
John, Jacob, and Joshua met as undergraduates in university. All three of them were students in the same university but were part of different departments. John was an artist and had a creative mind. He was a top student of the Creative Graphics and Animation department. Jacob, always business-minded, was registered in the business department, where he won a prize for best innovative business strategy. Lastly, Joshua is a computer programmer and started developing gaming applications when he was still in high school. All three of them became good friends and decided that they would pool their talents after graduating to start a business.
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Intent on forming the business, the three of them met a week after graduation to develop a business proposal for the formation of a company that creates, develops, and sells gaming applications on mobile devices.
Each of them would be in charge of their respective fields of expertise. Joshua would create the software and program the application, John would design and develop the creative graphics, and Jacob would be the head of business development and marketing, including the financials.
They polished the proposal, named the company ‘J Games’, and sent it to various angel investors or investment groups. One investment group, SharePlay Inc., was interested and set a meeting with the team. After their excellent presentation, SharePlay Inc. agreed to invest 3 million US dollars to fund the start-up J Games.
Elated with this development, the owners met and decided that all three of them would be co-presidents, with Jacob acting as the Chief Executive Officer. The CEO, however, could not make major decisions about the business without the agreement of the other two members of the Executive Committee. They also agreed to start the company by hiring their team members. They planned to initially hire 60 team members. They agreed that 30 of these 60 persons would be hired by the owners by consensus. The other half would be hired by each owner, in equal number, for his department without having to ask for approval from the other two owners. The owners agreed that this company would be like a family and would work together harmoniously. This was the company culture that they tried to instil, and the employees followed suit, as they all became close friends and even knew each other’s families.
Having settled and hired the employees, J Games got to work and developed, initially, three new games for mobile devices. Two of the three games became instant hits and brought a substantial amount of revenue for them. Everyone was happy with this progress, including the investors.
Given this success, they started the next round of game upgrades and development.
Jacob, who also started studying the creative and programming parts of the business, proposed a concept for a game to his partners. Joshua had concerns about the concept, but John privately spoke to him to agree to Jacob’s proposal. Joshua reluctantly agreed and started to develop the game. They eventually launched three new games. Only one of these games, however, became successful. None of the games was as successful as any of the three games first launched. SharePlay Inc. became concerned and instructed the owners to recoup the losses.
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The owners of J Games met to discuss the issues. The meeting was a heated one. Joshua blamed Jacob for proposing a game that was not conceptually good and enticing and for meddling in his department. Jacob, on the other hand, stated that the two other games were not successful either and Joshua was responsible for those. They began a lengthy exchange on who made the company successful, with Joshua emphasising that he was instrumental in securing the investment. John interjected that all three of them contributed equally, and during the meeting John kept playing the role of mediator. The owners held two more meetings that week, but they were unable to resolve their differences.
The day after the second meeting, Joshua met the ten people he had hired and asked for their opinion on whether he should leave the company and form his own. He also implied that they should join his new company, considering that he was the one who hired them. Most of these team members agreed to join him, but some were concerned and did not want to cause discord in the company, considering that they had all grown together and considered themselves a family. Joshua acknowledged the concern but insisted on his plan. He also instructed the team to encrypt all the programs and make sure that they could not be changed or altered without the code that only Joshua and his team knew.
Jacob, for his part, immediately spoke to his team and told them that he planned to form his own company and the team should speak to as many employees as they could to convince them to join his company. He also privately met with SharePlay Inc. executives to pitch his new proposal for his own company and tried to convince them to divest from J Games and invest in Jacob’s company.
John, for his part, was still optimistic about J Games when he spoke to his team. He told them that they should all stay with J Games but that he would not hold it against them if they joined the other two prospective companies. However, John also tried to protect J Games by registering the intellectual property rights over all the games and designs they have developed so far under the name of J Games. He also barred access from any of their personnel files so that no other owner could take them from J Games.
Nervous that its investment would be gravely affected by the conflicts in J Games, SharePlay Inc. executives threatened to pull out of the investment if these issues were not settled. The investor also advised them that any issues of mismanagement of the investment would be reported to the government authorities for investigation unless this was resolved internally. Thus, the three owners were forced to meet. They rehashed the same arguments they used before but also agreed not to split up and to fix their internal differences. Their first decision was to hire an external expert. John recommended your name, and the owners of J Games agreed to hire you.
Your Task
As you will submit a report to the owners of J Games, your task is to address the following issues raised during their meeting with you. Before the report, however, you resolved to do a preliminary written assessment to guide your in-depth investigation. Your task now is to write an essay following the guidelines below.
- Identify the ethical issues presented in this case. The ethical issues may not necessarily be legal issues, although they may overlap. Briefly explain how the identified ethical issues came about. (20 marks)
- Critique the governance styles of Joshua, Jacob, and John and the company. Identify the governance failures and gaps. (20 marks)
- Choose ONE strategic framework or one of the key theories discussed in the module (including feminism, CRT, CLS, utilitarianism, categorical imperative, Drucker, or organisational behaviour). This essay, which should be brief, must include the following components:
- A description of the organisation culture and a definition of the company framework and its objectives (5 marks)
- The definition of the key theoretical and philosophical ideas and tasks which should be measured, with priorities (10 marks)
- Specific issues that the executives and accounting teams at the organisation need to take into account (10 marks)
- An analysis of current trends and objectives in the literature (5 marks)
- A proposal for the business in the case study based on the strategic framework (10 marks)
- Strategic recommendations to the business for improving its culture and structure based on the three questions above (10 marks)
- A rationale for your decisions using academic research (5 marks)
- Identification of key current business issues that can be monitored and addressed with a clear rationale for why this should be undertaken (5 marks)
Further Notes
- You should make intensive use of academic texts, journal articles, case studies, and peer-reviewed academic source materials. This is a research
- You are expected to use the basic functions and outputs of the philosophical framework you choose to work
- Use exhibits and appendices to provide succinct, relevant and clear information. Focus on the critical issues and the holistic framework rather than minor
Assessment Criteria
The value of your work will be ultimately assessed on its practical usefulness and relevance to the business, and the demonstration of critical understanding of ethical theories. The specific assessment criteria are:
- Demonstrated competence, critical understanding and practical business application
- Demonstrated identification, evaluation and interpretation of appropriate ethical techniques
- Ability to analyse a range of complex scenarios and data for decision making
- Ability to determine and evaluate appropriate planning methods and techniques
- Formulation of coherent strategies that are holistic in nature and internally congruent in terms of the conceptual and operational requirements
- Understanding of development, management and tracking of effective organisational behaviour and management concepts (10 marks)
- Evidence of relevant background research, supported by examples, citation and a bibliography in Harvard format
Your assignment should be submitted in the format of a report on A4 paper and include:
- A cover page
- Table of contents
- Body of the assignment including tables/figures/graphs
- References/bibliography in Harvard format
- Use 12pt font size Times New Roman and double-space the
NB: Marks will be awarded for proper referencing and originality of work. Also note that plagiarism is a serious offence and your submission may be electronically checked.
Your report must be handed in electronic form only to the submission box no later than agreed date of submission.
All materials must be properly referenced. A concise and professional style of work that is well focused and clear in the points being made will gain credit. Originality, quality of argument and good structure will be rewarded.
Further Guidelines
Please read all questions and information provided carefully. Answers should be an appropriate length, keeping in mind the question requirements and total word count allowance.
In addition, your assignment should demonstrate the following qualities:
A critical appreciation of relevant literature and its use to support your argument, substantiate calculations, and address other aspects of the assignment.
Taking ownership of the content, being prepared to debate and argue a personal position, and providing evidence of evaluative skills. A submission made up of extracts from published sources which is descriptive or simply theoretical regurgitation is not acceptable. Your submission must have interpretation and consideration of the challenges and issues of applying theory to practice.
Logical flow of ideas and treatment; appropriate selection of real-world factors related to the companies under scrutiny.
Evidence of additional personal research, and the ability to analyse material from a variety of appropriate, relevant perspectives.
Presentation, structure, appropriateness of methodology, breaking into section headings/subheadings, tidiness.
Marks will be awarded for proper referencing and originality of work. Also note that plagiarism is a serious offence and your submission will be electronically checked.
Your report must be handed in electronically no later than the given date of submission.
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