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Assessment Overview

For the assessment of MBA UNIT 6204, There are the four assessment tasks you have to fulfil in order to complete in MBA 6204 Unit. Details are given in Unit descriptor and also on “Studyboard@VIT”.

Assessment will be done with the following time table:


No. Assessment Name Date Open Date of Submission




Discussion Participation 20% weightage


No date,

will be evaluated at the end 5 weeks



Week 4, 6, 8, 10

Sunday by 11.55pm





Individual Report 40% weightage



Week 4


Week 8 Sunday by 11.55pm





Strategic Report: Group Project 40% weightage



Week 6


Week 14 Sunday by 11.55pm


Each week, you will be guided by our LMS on all the course requirements of our MBA unit including what to do in that particular week, and how to fulfi l task requirements. For each assessment, the “Studyboard@VIT” will provide details on the assessment task and guidelines including how you will be assessed on each assessment task, marking criteria and so on.

Some clarification on each assessment:

  1. Assessment 1: Discussion Participation

Discussion Participation: You will be assesses based on your accessible login on LMS, using the CHAT on the LMS. Also your interaction through email etc. with faculty and coordinators here in Australia. No assessment can be done by any other facilitator.

  1. Assessment 2: Individual Report

Individual Report on Quantitative Model Development: Students will develop a Quantitative model to analyse a specific managerial problem faced by their organization. Students will need to demonstrate their knowledge and ability to critically develop the model objectives, the decision variables and the organizational constraints. The students must prepare a brief report to demonstrate their ability using solver function to generate an optimal solution and assist their management in decision making.

  1. Assessment 3: Strategic Report

Quantitative support of decision making: Collaborative Group Project on Application of Quantitative techniques for managerial decision making. This is a group Assessment. Students will normally work in a group of 2 to 3 students. Students will build on a portfolio of specific strategic problems and develop a range of quantitative measures to resolve the strategic issue. They will also build a report to the strategic managers for optimal decision making.

MBA 6204 Assessment 1: Discussion Participation

› 1. In this class, online discussions will count towards your assignments grade in the course. The purpose of the discussion board is to frame and promote collaborative learning. Active and regular participa- tion is not only important for lecture to see, but also important for you in learning the course content and in developing your thoughts and positions on various topics.

› 2. You are expected to participate on at least 3 differ- ent forums. You should begin at least one thread and provide at least three posts in response to other particIpants’ threads. Posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for each post should be in the 100-200 words range.

› 3. While on discussion: you agree or disagree explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate.

› 4. While on discussion: Be organized in your thoughts and ideas. Incorporate correlations with the assig- ned readings or topics. Stay on topic. Provide evi- dence of critical and thoughtfulness in your re- sponses or interactions. Avoid summarizing.

› 5. During the discussion: Contribute to the learning community by being creative in your approaches to topics, being relevant in the presented viewpoints, and attempting to motivate the discussion.

› 6. In discussion: Be aware of grammar and sentence mechanics. Use proper etiquette.

› 7. Remember that being respectful is critical at all times in the classroom, online and during forum chat discussions.

The Assessor will assess you on the following:

Discussion and Participation:

  1. Are made in a timely fashion, giving others an opportunity to respond.
  2. Are thoughtful and analyse the content or question
  3. Pose new possibilities or opinions not previously
  4. Are Ideas expressed clearly and concisely. Uses appropriate Is attentive to spelling and grammar.
  5. Spend the time to construct creative, challenging and engaging discussion assignments, which promote participation.

Also Read: MBA 7101 Research Methods and Academic Skills Module Guide


MBA 6204 Assessment 2: Individual Report

This is an individual assessment and you must choose one of the managerial problem as listed below that relate to your organization or another organization of your choice. You need to research all the data that will support management in such a way that they will have sufficient data and information that they are able to make the decisions appropriately.

You also need to develop a quantitative model (linear programming) using the data, analyse and interpret the model using excel solver and report your findings. You need to identify an objective function clearly stating the purpose of the quantitative model. You should be able to define the variables under con- sideration for the quantitative model development.

Further, you should be to collect relevant information from stakeholders for developing the constraints. The report should outline the stakeholder’s analysis for data collection and developing constraints. The devel- oped model should be analysed using the Excel solver function to generate an optimal solution. The report should outline the step-by-step procedure of the solv- er function. The final output should be presented to management for decision analysis.

You are required to set up the MS Excel dashboard to assist any user to make decisions. You are to provide quantitative model for managerial decision making with optimal outcomes for the organization by using Excel solver tools and validate the importance of spe- cific analysis and interpretation for the management decisions.

Your submission will include two submissions:

Report (1500 words) + Excel work file

The managerial decisions you make in relation to this assessment must be made with regards to any one of the following:

› 1. Make or buy product or equipment

› 2. Financial decision making: Investment portfolio problem

› 3. Transportation/Assignment problem

› 4. Blending Problem/Marketing Mix problem

› 5. Production/Inventory Planning problem

› 6. Multiperiod Cashflow Problems

› 7. Process/Job Sequencing Problem

› 8. Other specific managerial problems…

You will be assessed as follows:

  1. Structure of the written report: Background infor- mation is relevant, issues are logically ordered, recommendations clearly relate to the managerial problem.
  2. Identify critical managerial problem: Formulate linear programming model using variables, objec- tives and constraints.
  3. Analyse and test the issues: Able to mathematically analyse and test using Excel solver.
  4. Implement the solution: Justify by providing alterna- tives that the solution generated is the optimal.
  5. Write clearly and concisely: Arguments are explicit and succinct, appropriate headings are used, grammar and spelling are accurate.

Submission formatting style guide For all major assignments, both formative and sum- mative, the preferred layout is in 12-point Calibri, with 1.5 line spacing, 2.5 centimetres left-hand margins and Bold headings. All assignments must be submitted with a completed and signed cover sheet. Whenever you use the ideas and arguments of other writers, you must make reference to the writers and their work. By acknowledging the work of others, you avoid plagia- rism. The APA style requires a reference list at the end of your assignment. It is arranged in alphabetical order by author surname.

Also Checkout: MBA 7069 Leadership and Management Module Guide for Students


 MBA 6204 Assessment 3: Strategic Report: Group Project

Assessment 3 you are to prepare a Collaborative report based on quantitative issues faced by the sev- eral functional departments (production, sales/mar- keting/finance/operations…) within an organisation (Choose a multinational organization). The group has to identify at least three unique functional areas for that organization where they are able to utilize three unique quantitative modelling techniques for support- ing decision making with a strong justification report for its implementation within the various functional areas of the organization.

A consultative report is to be developed for strategic management describing the implementation plan for introducing the quantitative modelling technique supporting quality decision making. This report shall highlight the importance of different spreadsheet modelling techniques for strategic decision making.

Your report needs to take into consideration the following aspects:

› 1. The Key Business initiative (Stated Target) of your organisation and its background

› 2. The key issues faced within the functional unit (Finance, Operations, HR, Marketing/sales) of the organisation.

› 3. Develop key Targets (goals and objectives) for the report in terms of maximizing/Minimizing costs/ revenues/improving ROI.

› 4. Developing case for selected functional units and using suitable quantitative model for supporting quality managerial decision making .

› 5. Stakeholder analysis for determining the strategic objectives, key constraints and selecting suitable measures of success in reaching the optimal solution.

› 6. Implementation Plan including Steps and Mile stones to reaching your Target for the next 12 months.

› 7. Some theoretical basis for your solutions and decisions.

› 8. The Report should be written in appropriate business language so that your analysis and discus- sion have an objective tone.

› 9. Your writing should be clear and concise and be in your own words.


› 10. Use headings and sub heading to guide the reader.

› 11. Use visual data representations to support your discussion.

› 12. Report Conclusion.

The Consultative Report (per team) must be in the range of 2,500 words in length excluding references. You must reference using the APA referencing style.

Reflective Piece: A further 400 – 500 words reflection

paper should be submitted per student.

Reflections based on your experience and learning in this exercise and how this may be applied in your own organisation.

Your submission will include two submissions:

Group Report + Individual Reflective Report

You will be assessed on the following:

  1. Research information: Appropriate sources are consulted, Sufficient sources are consulted, Sources are referenced.
  2. Organise information: Appropriate headings, write clearly and concisely using an integrated structure, arguments and conclusions match purpose.
  3. Develop and Explain: Case issues in depth and provide implementation plan for the organisation for improved decision making.
  4. Write clearly and concisely: Arguments are easy to understand and succinct.

Submission formatting style guide:

For all major assignments, both formative and sum- mative, the preferred layout is in 12-point Calibri, with 1.5 line spacing, 2.5 centimetres left-hand margins and Bold headings. All assignments must be submitted with a completed and signed cover sheet. Whenever you use the ideas and arguments of other writers, you must make reference to the writers and their work. By acknowledging the work of others, you avoid plagia- rism. The APA style requires a reference list at the end of your assignment. It is arranged in alphabetical order by author surname.

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