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MGT 551 Behavior and Organization Individual Assignment Questions

MGT 551 Behavior and Organization Individual Assignment Solutions


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  • Number of Words: 5000


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Individual Assignment: Case Reflective Paper



In order to promote meaningful input and in-depth reflection on leadership as both a concept and practice, the following questions have been developed to stimulate your thinking and springboard inner dialogue. You are encouraged to develop individual perspectives and insights in response to issues related to organizational behavior based on a given case.

The aim of the paper is threefold:

  • Introduce participants to a business case in order to understand organizational dynamics.
  • Develop critical thinking skills by questioning the underlying dynamics of an organization.
  • Identify real organizational issues confronting leaders today.
  • Provide the context for deeper reflection on current leadership issues and trends based on individual perspectives and experiences.


  1. Travis has asked for random but specific feedback from his employees about his leadership style so he could improve himself. Assuming you work at Uber and were asked to attend a one-on-one feedback session with him. What would you ask and tell him, and why? How do you see Travis Kalanick as a leader at Uber?


  1. Imagine you were an organizational consultant or advisor brought in by Uber to perform an analysis of the company’s culture with the aim of taking it to the next You had conducted some preliminary investigation about the company and were ready to meet with their senior management. What questions would you ask and which aspects of the company culture would you bring to the table for discussion, and why?


  1. When you reflect on the case, what have you learned about organizational behavior? How has the case helped you to understand the dynamics of organizations in terms of individuals, teams, and organizational systems? You may answer this question as freely as you want.


Individual Paper: Case Analysis



  • Develop analytical skills by identifying complex organizational dynamics and issues
  • Apply relevant conceptual perspectives to the understanding of the business case
  • Apply relevant practical insights by relating the case to your own sphere of influence to recommend plausible solutions


  • Read the short case titled “Google’s Chief Executive: In Need of a Change of Leadership Style”.
  • Answer all three Each question carries 10 marks.
  • Use the given case as the basis for answering the questions.
  • Use relevant concepts, perspectives, and/or frameworks you are familiar with or have learned in this course to answer the questions.
  • Use relevant citations and references for concepts drawn from the literature – e.g. course textbook, articles, and websites – in support of your answers.

Assignment Questions:

  1. Analyze the leadership style of Sundar Pichai, CEO at Google and Alphabet. Would you consider him an effective leader? Justify your answer.


  1. Sundar Pichai made a number of critical decisions that determined the fate of Google and Alphabet during his leadership. To what extent was his decision-making process flawed? Justify your answer.


  1. Fast-moving companies are pressurized to innovate and ensure business continuity in a post-pandemic world. How can leaders focus on both innovation and business survival in times of uncertainty? Use the case as a building block to frame your answer.


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