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Course: Social Care Level 6
Assignment: Research Project Proposal
Weighting- 45 marks
Module: Disability Awareness
Assignment Description:
The learner is required to produce a detailed research proposal using the headings provided. This proposal will include a literature review covering a number of learning outcomes. The proposal wi ll
be professionally presented and with references and bibliography included. The proposal wiJl be handed in through ‘Tum It In ‘ via the college moodIe.
Brief/ task:
This project proposal is worth 45 marks of the overall total of the project. It is an in-depth account
of Disability in Ireland focussing on the historical development of services, key definitions, classifications, models and legislation. Approximately, 2000 words. { Font 12 (Arial I Times New),
1.5 line spacing }.
Headings for project proposal:
Give clear concise outline of the topic, identifying a specific type of disability and your chosen
organiasation’in which you hope to investigate. You should incIude a definition of Disability Awareness
Research Methodology:
Give clear concise outline of how you plan to undertake both primary and secondary research
Literature Review :
using seondary research methods ie. books. journals, websites, critically evaluate significant infromation (covering relevent learning outcomes listed below’) on Disability and your chosen area. As well as providing a description and summary of the literature , you should also evaluate the material and present it in an organised manner ( this can include the use of heading ).
• Definitions of disability
• Classifications of Disabilities
• Models of Disabilities
• Types of Disabilities .
• Key Legislation relating to equlaity, employment,education & public services
• Government departtnents & state agencies
• Grants & entitlements